• Nur Afni Mahiya Usemahu UIN Antasari Banjarmasin
  • Yulia Fernandita UIN Antasari Banjarmasin


This study investigates teachers’ competencies in the implementation of facilities, principles, educators’ roles, and interactions in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Using explanatory sequential mixed method, it aims to examine whether all those competencies such as learning system tools and resources, technology quality, and workload management are considered throughout the learning process. In total, 102 students from the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training at Antasari State Islamic University were involved in the survey. Fourteen of them, as well as three lecturers, were then interviewed. The results indicate that despite students’ limited access to the internet, lecturers attempt to provide all students’ facilities. However, in some departments, various learning activities, monitoring, and feedback still need to be improved. The lecturers generally execute the principle of the virtual learning environment. The students mostly believe that lecturers are aware of their roles, and manage their interactions well. In conclusion, the study suggests teachers’ competencies in the virtual learning environment and calls for further studies in this subject.



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Author Biography

Nur Afni Mahiya Usemahu, UIN Antasari Banjarmasin
English Education Department student who gets interested in English Language Teaching and linguistic researches.


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How to Cite
Usemahu, N. A. M., & Fernandita, Y. (2021). ADMINISTERING CLASSES IN VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: FACILITATIONS, PRINCIPLES, EDUCATORS’ ROLES AND INTERACTIONS. ETERNAL (English, Teaching, Learning, and Research Journal), 7(1), 180-200.
Volume 7, Number 01, June 2021
Abstract viewed = 144 times