Netflix as a Digital EFL Learning Aid for Vocabulary Improvement: College Students’ Perspective

  • Ivana Jane Damanik Faculty of Teachers Training and Educational Sciences, Universitas Advent Indonesia
  • Caroline Victorine Katemba Universitas Advent Indonesia


In the digital era, people use technology to expand the source of learning and teaching. To comprehend a general discussion at a native speaker level, one needs a vocabulary of thousands of words. This research seeks to find out college students' perception about English movies/series in Netflix contribution as digital EFL learning aid on vocabulary improvement. The research questions of this study are: (1). What is the perspective between private university students and state university students towards Netflix as digital EFL learning? (2). Is there any significant difference between female and male students' perspectives toward Netflix as digital EFL learning? (3). Are there any differences in the perspective about Netflix as a digital EFL learning based on their age? This study employed a qualitative method by giving an online questionnaire on Google Form. The questionnaire is distributed to students in various universities. The subject of this research is college students who are taking English classes. The findings of this study indicate that watching English movies/series on Netflix can help students improve their vocabulary. 


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Author Biography

Caroline Victorine Katemba, Universitas Advent Indonesia

Caroline Victorine Katemba, MA. TESL. PhD. is an associate professor at Universitas Advent Indonesia in the Education department. A Certified Indonesian National Research Reviewer granted by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Indonesia. She has been in the field of TEFL for more than 26 years and has published several research papers at ORCID  She is also a presenter at National and International conferences. She authored several books: Speak Out !, English for Business, Speak English in 5 minutes, English for Nurses. A Scholarship Recipient from: GLoCALL Conference 2018- Suzhou, BSLN RISTEKDIKTI- 2018- China, BSLN RISTEKDIKTI 2012- Singapore, GC- Atlanta 2010- the USA, GC-Silver Spring, Maryland- 2005, 2006,2007, GC- Manila-2008, UNAI Scholarship 2000-20004- Manila. Scopus ID: 57207466743,


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How to Cite
Damanik, I. J., & Katemba, C. V. (2021). Netflix as a Digital EFL Learning Aid for Vocabulary Improvement: College Students’ Perspective. ETERNAL (English, Teaching, Learning, and Research Journal), 7(2), 442-455.
Volume 7, Number 02, December 2021
Abstract viewed = 1846 times