Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility (ICSR) di Jakarta Islamic Index (JII): Analisis Mediasi dan Moderasi


Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) emerges as a unique index in the Indonesian capital market with emphasize on the islamic values of the issuers. Consequentially, this ideological movement gives rise to the need of Islamic corporate social responsibility. This article investigates the determinants of this construct by quantitative measurement of the panel data from 2016-2018 forming a mediation, and moderation analysis in the Smartpls software. The results indicate the significant result between the Islamic board and the ICSR, but not toward the profitability—as how it affects ICSR. The mediation result does not get support from the finding. The moderating analysis implies that the larger the firm size, the more reduced the role of the Islamic board upon affecting the ICSR.


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Author Biography

Alim Syariati, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar



  • University of Hasanuddin Makassar, Indonesia

Doctorate Program in Economics, Major in Strategic Management. March 2017.


  • Strategic Management of Service Firms (Strategic Entrepreneurship, Work Engagement, and Service Climate)
  • Entrepreneurship (SME, Youth, Religiosity and Gender Perspectives)
  • Financial Behavior (Religiosity Perspective)
  • Ethical Business


  • Master degree scholarship grant by the Government of Indonesia, BPPS DIKTI, 2008-2010;
  • Doctoral degree scholarship grant by the government of Indonesia, BPPS DIKTI, 2012-2016;
  • Knowledge Integration grant by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Indonesia 2017-2018;
  • Departmental Development grant by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Indonesia 2017-2018;
  • Departmental Development grant by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Indonesia 2018-2019;
  • Departmental Development grant by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Indonesia 2019-2020


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  • Islamic Bank as Bank of Ethics.” Journal of Research in Business and Management. Volume 3, Issue 12 (2016) PP: 01-07. Volume 4, Issue 4 (2016) pp: 01-04;
  •  Enhancing the Strategic Service Competitiveness and Firm Performance through Competitive Forces, Service-Based Resources, and Strategic Entrepreneurship. Volume 4, Issue 6 (2016) pp: 01-08;   
  • Amar, M. Y., Syariati, A., & Rahim, F. R. (2019). Enhancing Hotel Industry Performance through Service Based Resources and Strategic Entrepreneurship (Case Study At Hotel Industries In Indonesia). Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal. Scopus Q3;
  • ‘Regional Economic Growth in Indonesia, Information and Communication Technology Perspectives, Ridwan, Nurwiyanta, and Alim Syariati, Scietepress;
  • Determinants of Fear Of Demographic Changes And The Tendency To Spread Viral News Among Millenials, Atlantis Press. 


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How to Cite
Syariati, A. (2022). Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility (ICSR) di Jakarta Islamic Index (JII): Analisis Mediasi dan Moderasi. Jurnal Iqtisaduna, 8(2), 166-180.
Volume 8 Nomor 2 (2022)
Abstract viewed = 267 times