Jurnal Iqtisaduna https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna <div id="journalDescription">The Iqtisaduna Journal is a scientific journal managed by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) UIN Alauddin Makassar. This journal is published in 2 (two) editions every year, namely in June and December. The Iqtisaduna journal consists of scientific articles containing studies of research results and thoughts on Islamic economic studies and general economics that are integrated with Islamic studies.</div> Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar en-US Jurnal Iqtisaduna 2460-805X SWOT Analysis and Marketing Strategy for Health Talangan Products at KSPPS BMT Aman Utama Jepara https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/48747 <p><em><span lang="EN-US">The purpose of this study was to identify effective marketing strategies for Health Talangan products at KSPPS BMT Aman Utama Jepara using SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). Health development in Indonesia is a collective effort to achieve optimal public health, which requires cross-sector collaboration and continuity from previous efforts. Despite increasing life expectancy, health challenges remain, especially with high rates of disease and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data from the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) is used to form the Community Health Development Index, which assesses the health of each region. Jepara district, which has a low GPA in Central Java, faces challenges in improving health services. The Health Talangan product innovation by KSPPS BMT Aman Utama Jepara aims to reduce health costs for its members. This study aims to determine the right marketing strategy for the product by analyzing the existing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Combined with the calculation of IFAS (Internal Factors Analysis Summary) and EFAS weight values (External Factors Analysis Summary). This method also includes interviews, observations, and documentation. From the calculation with IFAS and EFAS approach, the marketing strategy of health food products is at the coordinate point of Quadrant I, which is entering into the classification of growth strategies</span></em><em><span lang="EN-US">.</span></em></p> Diva Mustamar Sadid Miswan Ansori Copyright (c) 2024 Diva Mustamar Sadid, Miswan Ansori (Author) 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 10 2 221 235 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.48747 Strategi Implementasi Manajemen Risiko Pembiayaan Pada KSPPS KSA “Kedung Salman Alfarizy” Jepara https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/47896 <p><em><span lang="EN-US">This research aims to explain the financing risk management strategy implemented by KSPPS KSA "Kedung Salman Alfarizy" Jepara. &nbsp;Sharia financing is increasingly in demand by various levels of society. This is in line with Sharia Microfinance Institutions (LKMS) which aim to provide financial services by Sharia principles to the public. Sharia Financing Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSPPS) is one of the institutions that offer financing on a micro-scale, providing financial support to individuals and businesses without violating Sharia principles. This research uses a qualitative approach from primary and secondary data with qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. This research concludes that preventive financing analysis steps are implemented based on the 5C principles: Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, and Economic Conditions. Apart from that, KSPPS KSA "Kedung Salman Alfarizy" Jepara implemented curative strategies such as monitoring, rescheduling, reconditioning, and restructuring to overcome problematic financing. To reduce the negative impact of problematic financing, it is important to empower the institution internally and provide education to members of KSPPS KSA "Kedung Salman Alfarizy" Jepara in maintaining a healthy organizational and financial balance.</span></em></p> Nadia Silfana Faiqul Hazmi Copyright (c) 2024 Nadia Silfana, Faiqul Hazmi (Author) 2024-08-14 2024-08-14 10 2 236 248 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.47896 Apakah Kegiatan Sosial Bank Syariah Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat? https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/49361 <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This study was conducted to describe the implementation of social activities of Islamic banks and to describe the impact of social activities on community welfare in Padangsidimpuan City. The phenomenon that made the author interested in studying this problem is the low number of implementations of social products in Islamic banks. This can be seen from the number of fund distributions using the Qardh contract which is less when compared to other contracts. This will certainly have an impact on the welfare of the community around the operational area of </em><em>​​</em><em>the Islamic bank. The author uses field research, qualitative methods with descriptive analysis. The implementation of social activities by Islamic banks in Padangsidimpuan City shows a strong commitment to community welfare, with various programs such as collecting and distributing zakat funds, qardhul hasan, educational scholarships, and responding to natural disasters. These activities have a positive impact in reducing economic pressure on the community and creating a sense of solidarity. However, these positive impacts tend to be temporary, and there are challenges faced in the management and distribution of aid. Limited authority in distributing social funds, strict aid requirements, and lack of effective communication are obstacles that must be overcome to increase the effectiveness of social activities. From the research results, it is seen that although Islamic banks are trying to carry out their social functions well, they need to pay attention to and overcome existing challenges so that these programs can provide more sustainable benefits to the community. This includes developing strategies that are more inclusive and responsive to community needs. Increasing transparency in the aid distribution process and active community participation are also very important to create trust and reduce dissatisfaction.</em></p> Nofinawati Nofinawati Sri Sudiarti Marliyah Marliyah Adanan Murroh Nasution Copyright (c) 2024 Nofinawati Seima, Sri Sudiarti, Marliyah Marliyah, Adanan Murroh Nasution (Author) 2024-08-21 2024-08-21 10 2 249 265 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.49361 Analisis Ekonomi Syariah Terhadap Hubungan Patron-Klien Pada Jual Beli Gabah di Kabupaten Pinrang https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/50490 <p><em><span lang="IN">This study aims to determine the analysis of Islamic economics on patron-client relationships in the sale and purchase of rice in Pinrang. This study is qualitative. Researchers conducted observations and interviews according to the main problem. The results of the study showed that the terms of sale and purchase had yet to be fully implemented in the transaction. The price used was based on the market price by the intermediaries. The scale deduction was reduced by 5-10 kg/sack according to the rice problem. The intermediaries imposed deferred payments. This happened because of the involvement of the patron-client relationship between farmers and intermediaries. As a result of the dependence between the two, they had a long-lasting and lasting relationship; farmers had an attitude of dependence, accepted low prices, and were easily exploited by intermediaries. Thus, the analysis of Islamic economics on the patron-client relationship in the sale and purchase of rice in Pinrang Regency is not in accordance with the provisions of Islamic economics because there is still injustice.</span></em></p> Riska Jamal Andi Bahri S Mahsyar Mahsyar Copyright (c) 2024 Riska Jamal, Andi Bahri S, Mahsyar Mahsyar (Author) 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 10 2 266 285 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.50490 Understanding Compliance With Paying Zakat: Insights From Recent Literature https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/50453 <p><span lang="EN-US">This study aims to understand zakat compliance through the latest literature review from 2020-2024. The method used is a literature study by collecting and analyzing data from relevant scientific articles. Data analysis uses content analysis to identify and categorize the main themes that emerge from the analyzed literature, as well as thematic analysis to identify recurring patterns or themes in the data. While the analysis tools use the Vosviewr application, Microsoft Excel and Mendeley. The results of the study show that the latest literature insights from 2020-2024 have 15 variables with the most appearances in publications on zakat, including attitudes 78 occurrences, knowledge 63 occurrences, zakat institutions 62 occurrences, income 55 occurrences, compliance behavior 52 occurrences, influence 52 occurrences, religiosity 52 occurrences, income zakat 43 occurrences, subjective norms 43 occurrences, trust 41 occurrences, awareness 34 occurrences, professional zakat 18 occurrences, self-efficacy 18 occurrences, BAZNAS 14 occurrences, and accountability 13 occurrences. By understanding the variables that influence the fulfillment of zakat, it is hoped that the level of fulfillment can increase, so that zakat collection will also increase. This will support the redistribution of wealth and facilitate poverty alleviation efforts.</span></p> Saipul Azis Hulwati Hulwati Aidil Novia Copyright (c) 2024 Saipul Azis, Hulwati Hulwati, Aidil Novia (Author) 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 10 2 286 300 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.50453 Loyalitas Nasabah Pada Bank Syariah Indonesia: Peran Kualitas Pelayanan, Atribut Produk Islami, dan Citra Perusahaan https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/51358 <p><em><span lang="EN">This study aims to determine the effect of service quality, Islamic product attributes, and corporate image on customer loyalty with the aim of continuous improvement and customer balance at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). The data type used in the study is quantitative, with primary data. </span><span lang="IN">The population used in this research were all Bank Syariah Indonesia customers in Surakarta</span><span lang="EN">. </span><span lang="IN">They were collected using questionnaires physically and online to Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) customers</span><span lang="EN">. The questionnaires collected were 138 respondents to be used as samples and then analyzed using SPSS 23</span><span lang="IN">. The analysis method used was multiple linear regression analysis. The research results showed: that (1) service quality has no effect on customer loyalty, (2) </span><span lang="EN">Islamic product attributes </span><span lang="IN">have an effect on customer loyalty, and (3) company image has an effect on customer loyalty.</span></em></p> Andhira Juanita Pasya Meilana Widyaningsih Copyright (c) 2024 Andhira Juanita Pasya, Meilana Widyaningsih (Author) 2024-11-03 2024-11-03 10 2 301 319 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.51358 Analysis of Public Understanding of the Halal Products of Bank Syariah Indonesia, Sungai Penuh City Branch https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/50889 <p><em>The development of Indonesian Sharia Bank (BSI) is currently developing in Indonesia. Sharia banking provides benefits for the people of Sungai Penuh City, especially for those who are Muslim. The aim of using field research (empirical) like this is to assess the level of understanding of customers using BSI products at the Sungai Penuh City Branch using interview and observation methods. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The subjects used were customers of the BSI Sungai Penuh City Branch. The results of this research show that BSI customers' understanding of the Sungai Penuh branch regarding the halal and halal nature of BSI products is not yet fully understood, customers still think that BSI products are not much different from conventional banks. However, customers already understand about BSI products which are related to the element of usury.</em></p> Adrian Pratama Elex Sarmigi Copyright (c) 2024 Adrian Pratama, Elex Sarmigi (Author) 2024-11-04 2024-11-04 10 2 320 333 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.50889 Fenomena Praktek Ba’I An-Najasy di E-Commerce Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/51757 <p><em><span lang="EN-US">This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the phenomenon of ba'i an-najasy on e-commere , namely comments that praise goods, even though they are not appropriate at the time of receipt of goods, this is done to increase sales. This type of research is qualitative, namely research based on descriptions of words and sentences that are carefully and methodically arranged, from data collection to interpretation and reporting of research findings. data collection using field research methods with interviews and participatory observation, where researchers are involved in the daily activities of the people observed. Thetype of data is primary data with data sources, namely information collected directly from the field, namely consumers who have made purchase transactions on e-commerce in Kerinci Regency and actively participate in buying and selling on e-commerce. The sample was determined using the snowball sampling method, the data was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that33 out of 40 consumers felt market engineering and although 7 people did not feel the same way, the problem of the phenomenon of ba'i an-najasy practice still often occurs among e-commerce users in the community in Kerinci Regency.</span></em></p> Denta Safitri Alim Erdiansah Juli Darma Yanti Rozalinda Copyright (c) 2024 Denta Safitri, Alim Erdiansah, Juli Darma Yanti, Rozalinda (Author) 2024-11-09 2024-11-09 10 2 334 348 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.51757 The Analysis of Macroeconomic Factors in The Sharia Stock Index Performance: Comparison Between Indonesia and Malaysia https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/51468 <p><em><span lang="EN">This study aims to determine the effect of macroeconomic factors on the performance of the Sharia stock index in Indonesia and Malaysia during 2013-2018. The data source for this study is secondary. The data was collected using documentation and analysed using several linear regressions with the EVIEWS 8 program. The results of this study are that the exchange rate does not affect the performance of the Sharia stock index in Indonesia. In contrast, the exchange rate harms the performance of the Sharia stock index in Malaysia, meaning that the negative effect is supported when the currency depreciates, so that it will increase exports carried out by exporting companies. Inflation does not affect the performance of the Sharia stock index in Indonesia. However, in Malaysia, inflation positively affects the performance of the Sharia stock index, meaning that increasing inflation will increase the stock price index. Interest rates and production indexes do not affect the performance of the Sharia stock index in Indonesia and Malaysia.</span></em></p> Mar'atus Sholikah Anni Safitri Copyright (c) 2024 Anni Safitri, Mar'atus Sholikah (Author) 2024-11-13 2024-11-13 10 2 349 365 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.51468 Peran Modal Intelektual dalam Keunggulan Bank Syariah di Indonesia https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/51359 <p><em><span lang="EN">This study aims to determine the influence of Intellectual Capital on Profitability in Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia. The population used in this research is the annual financial reports of Islamic banks registered with Sharia Commercial Banks (BUS) for 2019-2023. The number of samples used in this research was 11 samples. The type of data used in this research is quantitative research, using secondary data with financial reports. The analysis tool used is SPSS 23.0. The data analysis used is in the form of classical assumption tests and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this test show that simultaneously Intellectual Capital (VACA, VAHU, and STVA) has an effect on profitability (ROA) of 72.1%. Partially, it indicates that VACA and VAHU have a significant impact on bank profitability (ROA), because the significant value of these two variables is &lt;0.05. Meanwhile, STVA does not have a significant effect on profitability (ROA), this is because the significant value of STVA is &gt; 0.05.</span></em></p> Annisa Rahmadhani Meilana Widyaningsih Copyright (c) 2024 Annisa Rahmadhani, Meilana Widyaningsih (Author) 2024-11-28 2024-11-28 10 2 366 383 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.51359 Boikot Produk Unilever: Adakah Dampaknya Terhadap Return Saham PT Unilever Indonesia? https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/52474 <p><span lang="EN-US">The boycott campaign, actively promoted by the predominantly Muslim population in Indonesia, is seen as a form of solidarity with the Palestinian people and a response to the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Fatwa Number 83 of 2023. This campaign has led to a decline in stock prices and returns for the targeted companies. This article aims to examine the impact of the boycott campaign against Unilever products on the stock returns of PT Unilever Indonesia before and after the issuance of MUI Fatwa Nmber 83 on November 8, 2023, which serves as the event date (t-0). A quantitative comparative approach was employed using time series data and probability sampling methods, specifically systematic sampling. The sample consists of weekly closing stock prices from observation windows ranging from t-30 to t+30, t-20 to t+20, and t-10 to t+10 around the event date. Data analysis was conducted using statistical tests, including normality tests, paired sample t-tests, and wilcoxon signed-rank tests. The results indicate no significant differences during the analyzed periods, suggesting that the boycott campaign had no substantial effect on stock returns before and after the issuance of MUI Fatwa Number 83 of 2023. This reflects the strength of brand loyalty, the stability of the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry, and market perception that remains unaffected by the negative signals from the boycott.</span></p> Fitriza Rahma Azwar Anwar Nurafni Oktaviyah Copyright (c) 2024 Fitriza Rahma, Azwar Anwar, Nurafni Oktaviyah (Author) 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 10 2 384 395 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.52474 Keputusan Pembelian Air Mineral Dalam Kemasan Di Kabupaten Jepara https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/52350 <p><em><span lang="EN">The purpose of this study was to examine how product knowledge, price, religiosity, and halal labeling influence consumers' decision to purchase bottled mineral water in 16 sub-districts located in Jepara Regency, Indonesia. Quantitative research methodology was applied to a population of individuals who have used bottled mineral water. The research sample amounted to 100 respondents obtained from the Lemeshow formula. Data were collected through questionnaires and used analytical techniques of validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. The findings of the analysis show that although product knowledge, price, and halal label significantly influence consumers' decision to buy bottled mineral water, religiosity has no significant impact on the decision, indicating that consumers prioritize functional and practical factors over aspects of religiosity, among these variables, the halal label has the greatest influence on purchasing decisions. The results of this study provide valuable information for manufacturers and marketers to create more successful marketing strategies by considering the elements that influence consumer preferences.</span></em></p> Melisa Damayanti Musyafa' Musyafa' Copyright (c) 2024 Melisa Damayanti, Musyafa' Musyafa' (Author) 2024-12-12 2024-12-12 10 2 396 414 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.52350 Pengaruh Persepsi Terhadap Minat Menabung Pada Produk Simpanan Wadiah (Studi Masyarakat Desa Lepang Besar Lampung Utara) https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/52196 <p><em><span lang="EN-US">The purpose of this study was to see the effect of perceptions of the people of lepang besar village, North Lampung, on interest in saving on Islamic banking products, namely wadiah deposits. The approach in this study uses quantitative using data collection methods through distributing questionnaires with Likert scale instruments and supporting data collected through documentation techniques. Respondents in this study were 90 people from Lepang Besar Village, North Lampung. This study uses validity test analysis techniques, reliability tests, normality tests, heteroscedasticity tests, simple regression analysis, hypothesis testing using partial T tests and the Coefficient of Determination (R2). The results of this study indicate that the Perception variable (X) has a positive and significant effect on Interest in Saving (Y) with a significance value of 0.000 (&lt;0.05) and a calculated t value of 11.464 (&gt; 1.662). Based on the results of the Coefficient of Determination (R2) test, it is known that the effect of perception on saving interest is 59.9%. The results showed that perception has a positive and significant effect on interest in saving. Which means that people's perceptions of Islamic banks affect people's interest in saving at Islamic banks.</span></em></p> Putri Tiara Sari Muhammad Ryan Fahlevi Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Tiara Sari, Muhammad Ryan Fahlevi (Author) 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 10 2 415 430 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.52196 Efficiency Analysis of Sharia Go Public Companies in The Consumer Services Sector During The Covid-19 https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/52358 <p><em><span lang="EN-US">This research aims to analyze the efficiency level in the sharia-go public industry in the consumer service sector during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a quantitative data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach. Secondary data is obtained through financial reports, which will then be measured by several variables in this research, namely total assets, operational expenses, Inventory, business income, and total asset turnover (TATO) with Maxdea Basic 8 software. The DEA model used is Variable Return to Scale (VRS). The results showed that the companies that efficiently obtained a score of 100% during 2020–2022 were PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PJAA) and PT Fast Food Indonesia (FAST). Both companies operating in the tourism and restaurant sectors were able to maintain optimal performance during Covid-19. Strengthening Muslim-friendly services can be used as a strategy to restore the tourism, hotel, and restaurant business sector after the COVID-19 pandemic.</span></em></p> Anggita Nurcahyani Efi Syarifudin Muhamad Irpan Nurhab Copyright (c) 2024 Anggita Nurcahyani, Efi Syarifudin , Muhamad Irpan Nurhab (Author) 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 10 2 431 446 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.52358 Transformasi Pasar Modal Syariah Indonesia: Menavigasi Tantangan Digitalisasi dan Inklusi Keuangan di Era 5.0 https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/52677 <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The research aims to explore the development of the Indonesian Islamic capital market in the 5.0 era, explore the transformation, advantages and challenges faced by the Indonesian Islamic capital market, and formulate development strategies that can be applied in an effort to create a more modern, inclusive, transparent Islamic capital market structure, and still adhere to sharia principles. The research uses a qualitative method with an analytical literature approach. The findings of the research reveal that there are significant changes taking place in Indonesia's Islamic capital market. These transformations include the role of digitalization in promoting financial inclusion, the adoption of blockchain technology and digital security systems, the implementation of Islamic fintech, and the optimization of Islamic financial literacy. The research also highlights a series of strategic advantages for the development of Indonesia's Islamic capital market, including the synergy between the world's largest Muslim population and demographic bonus, increasing global demand for sustainable finance, and rapidly growing digital connectivity. The findings confirm a number of crucial challenges faced such as limited technological infrastructure, suboptimal regulatory harmonization, low levels of literacy, public perception and trust in Islamic capital markets, high competition with conventional capital markets, limited product variety, and risk management and security of digital transactions.</em></p> Nora Maulana Mukhtasar Mukhtasar Muhammad Ghafur Wibowo Razali Razali Safwan Safwan Copyright (c) 2024 Nora Maulana, Mukhtasar Mukhtasar, Muhammad Ghafur Wibowo, Razali Razali, Safwan Safwan (Author) 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 10 2 447 469 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.52677 Larangan Riba dalam Hadits di Era Digital https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/52720 <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This study discusses the relevance of the prohibition of usury in the hadith in the digital era, focusing on the application of sharia principles in modern financial technologies such as fintech, cryptocurrency, and online lending. The purpose of the study is to explore the concept of usury in the hadith and identify its implications for the contemporary digital financial system. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive-analytical approach. Data collection was conducted through library research, using primary sources in the form of relevant hadith texts and secondary sources such as journal articles and books. The data were analyzed using a thematic approach to identify the relevance of the prohibition of usury in digital financial transactions. The results show that although digital financial technology offers wider financial inclusion, some financial products still have the potential to involve usury practices. The implications of this study include the need for stricter regulations, development of sharia-based fintech products, and improvement of public financial literacy. Thus, the prohibition of usury in the hadith remains relevant as a guide in facing the challenges of modern financial technology in order to achieve economic justice in accordance with sharia principles.</em></p> Hafidza Sanshia Arum Amrul Muzan Copyright (c) 2024 Hafidza Sanshia Arum, Amrul Muzan (Author) 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 10 2 470 479 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.52720 Implementasi Konsep Qardh dalam Penggunaan Kartu Kredit Syariah https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/53235 <p><em>Islamic financial practices continue to be adapted to meet the challenges of the modern world. One modernization of the qardh principle can be seen in the application of the use of Islamic credit cards. Islamic credit cards are designed to avoid the element of usury in the financing structure. The purpose of this study is to examine more deeply about how the concept of qardh, social and moral implications in an increasingly complex global financial system. This qualitative research uses a secondary review approach that focuses on the theoretical-normative study of the concept of qardh in modern Islamic credit card practices. The results of this study conclude that the concept of qardh in Islamic credit card practices has important relevance in the aspects of helping, justice, financial education and user responsibility, increasing accessibility and social justice, innovation in Islamic financing, maintaining economic stability, and building solidarity and social responsibility.</em></p> Rodyah Awallul Rohmah Khusnudin Khusnudin Copyright (c) 2024 Rodyah Awallul Rohmah, Khusnudin Khusnudin (Author) 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 10 2 480 495 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.53235 Penerapan Analisis Kelayakan Pembiayaan 5C+1S untuk Meminimalisir Pembiayaan Bermasalah pada Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/52828 <p>Pembiayaan Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) tidak luput dari pembiayaan bermasalah. Pembiayaan bermasalah menimbulkan kerugian bagi pihak bank ataupun pihak lain yang berkepentingan. Untuk menanggulangi dampak tersebut, maka Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) perlu melakukan tindakan preventif salah satunya dengan menerapkan analisis <span style="text-decoration: underline;">kelayakan</span> pembiayaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti penerapan analisis kelayakan pembiayaan 5C+1S untuk meminimalisir pembiayaan bermasalah pada Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan aspek 5C+1S yang mencakup Character (karakter), Capacity (kapasitas), Capital (modal), Collateral (jaminan), Condition (kondisi), dan Sharia (syariah) dapat meminimalisir pembiayaan bermasalah di Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh penurunan rasio NPF dari 2,93% pada 2021 menjadi 2,08% pada 2023, yang mencerminkan keberhasilan meminimalisir pembiayaan bermasalah sekaligus meningkatkan kinerja bank secara keseluruhan.&nbsp;</p> Hasna Aulia Rahmawati Hafiza Zaidatur Rohmah Clarisa Devi Marsheila Binti Nur Asiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Hasna Aulia Rahmawati, Hafiza Zaidatur Rohmah, Clarisa Devi Marsheila, Binti Nur Asiyah (Author) 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 10 2 510 523 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.52828 Evolusi Mata Uang Logam, Fiat Money hingga Uang Elektronik: Manakah yang Lebih Unggul? https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/52699 <p><em>This study aims to analyze the evolution of metal currencies in dinars and dirhams, fiat money to electronic currencies, namely e-money, and compare currencies superior to the three currencies and see people's preferences for currencies. Qualitative research with a literature study approach. The result is to find out the evolution of metal currencies in the form of dinars and dirhams, banknotes, and electronic money see the preferences of the Indonesian people towards the currencies used, and see the impact of using e-money. These results will show the public how the currency is superior in terms of intrinsic value, and socio-economic, and technological developments so that later the public will know which currency is good to use in transactions. </em></p> Dewi Roichatul Ummah Khusnudin Khusnudin Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Ummah, Khusnudin (Author) 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 10 2 524 536 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.52699 Analisis Pembiayaan Perumahan Syariah pada Perumahan Balad Residence Property https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/51866 <p><em>This study aims to analyze the Islamic housing financing scheme of Balad Residence Property, focusing on the contract, process, marketing strategies, and risk management from an Islamic perspective. The study is motivated by the increasing demand from Indonesia's Muslim community for interest-free housing financing, as conventional mortgage schemes contain interest elements that conflict with Islamic principles. The Sharia mortgage scheme has emerged as a solution to address this demand. This research employs a descriptive qualitative method, collecting primary data through field observations and interviews with developers, employees, and consumers. The findings reveal that the financing scheme uses an istisna’ contract (a sales contract based on orders), where consumers make payments directly to the developer without involving a third-party bank. Although this scheme aligns with Islamic principles, its risk management remains insufficient, leading to challenges for both developers and consumers. This study provides valuable insights for developers to improve the Islamic housing financing scheme and offers considerations for consumers when making decisions. </em></p> Nafis Ali Muhammad Arfah Copyright (c) 2024 Nafis Ali Muhammad Arfah (Author) 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 10 2 537 552 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.51866 Model Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat Melalui Aset Wakaf Masjid Besar Darul Muttaqin Kecamatan Alang Alang Lebar Palembang https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/52837 <p><em>This research aims to describe the model of economic empowerment of the people through the waqf assets of the Darul Muttaqin Grand Mosque. The research problem is to find out the description of the model, analysis and transformation of economic empowerment of the people through waqf assets at the Darul Muttaqin Grand Mosque, Alang Alang Lebar District. The research method the author uses is qualitative. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it is known that the description of the economic empowerment model for the people is a consumptive model and a productive model which is useful in assisting in poverty alleviation programs and leading to a prosperous society by empowering an independent community economy. Useful for increasing economic welfare, helping to increase community income, economic independence and reducing poverty, and for economic empowerment of the people based on sharia values in congregation, carried out based on cooperation and based on the spirit of helping each other in goodness, and can be transformed into the community or congregation appropriate and in accordance with Islamic law. </em></p> Syukriah Syukriah Rina Antasari Peny Cahaya Azwari Copyright (c) 2024 Syukriah Syukriah, Rina Antasari, Peny Cahaya Azwari (Author) 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 10 2 553 568 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.52837 Maqashid Syariah dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Lokal di Kawasan Destinasi Wisata Sungai Kapuas https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/52744 <p><em>Tourism development is considered necessary to realize the welfare of the community, especially community, this welfare is not only seen from income alone but also Maqashid sharia. This research aims to see how the fulfillment of the needs if local communities aroud the Kapuas River tourist area seen from Maqashid Sharia. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and documentation. Data were obtained from informants, such as Pontianak City Tourism Office, local community leaders and local communities. Based on the data collection and processing techniques above, the conclusions of this study are; The existence of the Kapuas River Tourism Area with existing tourism carrying capacity is able to improve the economy of the surrounding community. Judging from the increase in efforts to fulfill the needs of hajiyah and tahsiniyah needs. While in Maqashid sharia, this tourist area provides the potential to fulfill the needs for Hifsz al-Din (Maintenance of Religion), Hifdz al-Nafs (Maintenance of Life), Hifdz al-Aql (Maintenance of Intellect), Hifdz al-Nasl (Maintenance of Descent), Hifdz al-Mal (Maintenance of Property).</em></p> Laila Safira Luqman Hakim Rahmah Yulisa Kalbarini Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmah Yulisa Kalbarini (Author) 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 10 2 569 582 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.52744 Pandangan Ekonomi Syariah terhadap Praktik Gesek Tunai Pay Later pada GoPay Later https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/51859 <p><em>Technological advances have made it easier to make transactions, one of which is through paylater payment systems, such as GoPay Later. However, this convenience provides a gap for abuse, especially through the disbursement of paylater limits that are not in accordance with company regulations, known as cash swipe. In this practice, the Gopay Later limit owner uses the services of a third party to disburse the limit through fictitious transactions. This research reviews the concept of an ijarah contract, which means that transactions must not be tied to certain conditions and must be based on the benefits obtained. This research aims to provide further understanding to readers about the importance of conducting transactions according to sharia principles. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with primary data obtained through interviews with service owners. The results show that ijarah contracts in the practice of cash swipe services are allowed if both parties agree and understand the agreement. However, this cash swipe transaction has risks that need to be considered by both parties.</em></p> Silvia Anggraeny Sri Wulandari Siti Kalimah Copyright (c) 2024 Silvia Anggraeny, Siti Kalimah (Author) 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 10 2 583 596 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.51859 Implementasi Etika Bisnis Islam Pada Aspek Produksi dan Sistem Marketing Bisnis Skincare Ratu Glow https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/Iqtisaduna/article/view/45730 <p><em>The main problem of this research is how to apply Islamic business ethics in an effort to increase consumer confidence in the Ratu Glow skincare business. This type of research is a qualitative field study, with the research approach used being a normative theological and phenomenological approach. Then the primary data source for this research comes from Ratu Glow management and consumers who have used Ratu Glow skincare. The data collection methods used were observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this research reveal that the Ratu Glow skincare business has implemented Islamic business ethics in its business operations, both in the production aspect and in the marketing aspect. The forms of Islamic business ethics that have been applied to the production aspect of Ratu Glow's skincare business include the principle of monotheism, the principle of justice, the principle of freedom, the principle of responsibility and the principle of Ihsan. Meanwhile, the business ethics applied to the marketing aspect are honesty, trust, fathana, tabliq and tolerance.</em></p> Syaharuddin Syaharuddin Fitriani Irfan Awaluddin Awaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 Fitriani Irfan (Author) 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 10 2 10.24252/iqtisaduna.v10i2.45730