The Urgency of Imam Malik's Islamic Economic Thought on Syirkah (Partnership Contracts) in Modern Economic Systems

  • Rahmaniar Rahmaniar Universitas Islam Negeri Alaudin Makassar
  • Muhlis Muhlis Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Awaluddin Awaluddin Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
Keywords: Ekonomi Islam, Pemikiran Imam Malik, Syirkah, Economic Thought; Imam Malik; Contracts in Muamalah; Syirkah Contract


In this research the author discusses Imam Malik's thoughts on syirkah. According to Imam Malik, syirkah is the ability (or permission) to exchange tasharruf for several parties who give permission to parties to dispose of their assets. The method used is the literature review method. The results of the study in this research contribute to showing Imam Malik's thoughts about syirkah, several parties use syirkah as a form of property distribution contract. According to Imam Malik, the contracts that may be used are the syirkah inan, syirkah abdan and syirkah mufawadhah contracts, while syirkah wujuh is not permitted. On the other hand, referring to the statement from the National Sharia Council (DSN), Syirkah Wujuh is currently no longer implemented.


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