Heritage of Abu Hanifah: Islamic Economic Perspectives in Responding to Global Challenges

  • Helda Rostiani
  • Nasrullah Bin Sapa Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Mukhtar Lutfi Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
Keywords: Economic Thought; Imam Abu Hanifah; Contracts in Muamalah; Salam Contract; Hawalah Contract; Zakat on Honey


Islamic economics has been practiced since the time of the Prophet Muhammad, but at that time until the next few centuries there was no special disciplinary classification for economics, causing some Muslim works to be lost by western historians. Therefore, it is necessary to study classical Islamic economic thought. This paper aims to review Abu Hanifah's economic thoughts by comparing them with the opinions of several scholars and matching whether Abu Hanifah's thoughts can be used today. The method used is library research, reviewing various literatures of fiqh books, articles, scientific works and documentaries to collect data. The result of this research is that Abu Hanifah does not have specific ideas in economics but has specific views in every fiqh muamalat contract such as salam, honey zakat, and hawalah. Some of Abu Hanifah's opinions differ from other imams, causing a Muslim today to have to sort things out in order to get out of khilafiyah.


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