The Relationship Between Trust, Mobile Banking Service Quality, and Customer Loyalty in Sharia Banks: A Study Among Islamic Economics and Business Students at Alauddin State Islamic University

  • Fauzi Frendsky Ferry universitas islam negeri alauddin makassar
  • Asyraf Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
Keywords: Islamic Banking, Mobile Banking, Customer Trust, Customer Loyalty, Services Quality, Shariah-Compliant, digital crime, Perbankan Islam, Mobile Banking, Kepercayaan pelanggan, Loyalitas pelanggan, Kualitas layanan, Kepatuhan syariah, Kejahatan digital


The rapid growth of Islamic banking in Indonesia has presented significant opportunities and challenges, particularly in the realm of mobile banking services. This study investigates the influence of trust and service quality on customer loyalty among students from the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business who are active users of Sharia Mobile Banking. Employing a quantitative research method, data was collected through questionnaires distributed to 123 respondents in January 2024. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was utilized to analyze the relationships between the variables. The results indicate that trust has a strong positive effect on loyalty, with a path coefficient of 0.494 (p<0.001). Service quality also significantly influences loyalty, albeit to a lesser extent, with a path coefficient of 0.307 (p=0.008). The combined effect of trust and service quality explains 55.6% of the variance in customer loyalty. These findings underscore the importance of cultivating trust and delivering high-quality services to foster long-term customer relationships in the competitive Islamic banking sector. As digital threats continue to evolve, Islamic banks must prioritize trust-building initiatives and enhance service quality to maintain customer loyalty. The insights derived from this study contribute to the understanding of the factors driving customer retention in Islamic mobile banking and provide valuable guidance for banks seeking to improve their market position.


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