Shaut al Arabiyyah
<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/public/site/images/abu_dzar16/cover.jpg"></p> <p><strong><strong>Jurnal <strong>Shaut Al-'Arabiyah</strong></strong> published twice a year since 2013 (June and December), is a multilingual (Bahasa, Arabic, and English), peer-reviewed journal, and specializes in Arabic Education, Hadits, and Other Arabic Studies. This journal is published by the <strong>Arabic Education Department</strong>, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar.</strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN Printed: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2354-564X</a></strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN Electronic: <a href="">2550-0317</a></strong></p> <p><strong>The journal has been accredited by Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional <a title="Arjuna" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">(ARJUNA</a>) officially Managed by Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia<strong> </strong>with the<strong> </strong><strong><a title="Sinta" href="" target="_self">SINTA 4</a> </strong>.</strong></p>Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Araben-USShaut al Arabiyyah2354-564XEfektivitas Metode Reward (hadiah) dalam Peningkatan Minat Belajar Bahasa Arab Peserta Didik
<p>Metode penelitian ini yaitu penelitian pra-eksperimental dengan menggunakan desain <em>Intact-Group Comparison. </em>Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII MTs As’Adiyah Banua Baru Polman yang jumlahnya 102 siswa yang terbagi dalam 4 kelas. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil secara <em>purposive sampling</em> dimana kelas yang terpilih merupakan kelompok kelas dengan pertimbangan-pertimbangan tertentu, sehingga peneliti mengambil dua kelas sebagai sampling yaitu kelas VIII.C sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIII.A sebagai kelas kontrol dengan jumlah siswa kelas VIII.C 23 orang dan siswa kelas VIII.A adalah 23 orang. Untuk memperoleh tujuan penelitian, peneliti menggunakan instrument angket minat belajar siswa. Dalam pengelolaan data digunakan analisis data deskriptif serta analisis data inferensial. Hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif untuk minat belajar siswa yang tidak diterapkan metode <em>reward</em> tergolong tinggi. Hal tersebut didasarkan pada presentase nilai terbesar ditunjukkan pada kategori tinggi yaitu yaitu 90,30% dengan nilai rata-rata 60,35. Sedangkan untuk minat belajar siswa yang menerapkan metode <em>reward</em> tergolong tinggi dengan presentase terbesar pada kategori tinggi yaitu 100% dengan rata-rata sebesar 66,09. Melalui uji hipotesis dengan uji <strong>t </strong>diperoleh nilai t<sub>hitung</sub> > t<sub>tabel </sub>= 3,831 > 2,01. Berdasarkan hasil ini dapat diketahui bahwa metode <em>reward</em> efektif dalam meningkatkan minat belajar siswa.</p>MunawarahLukman
Copyright (c) 2025 Munawarah, Lukman
2025-02-092025-02-0913112010.24252/saa.v13i1.55316Evaluation Media Design Of Maharah Kitabah Learning Through "Sekolahku" Web At Al Hikmah Boarding School High School Batu
<p><em>The absence of students during the evaluation period is due to various factors and reasons such as going to Umrah worship with family, returning home due to illness (skorsing), suspension due to violations, etc. while students must still get learning facilities even though they are not in the school environment. This study aims to determine the Web used as a medium for evaluating maharah kitabah learning at Al Hikmah Boarding School High School Batu. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with the Miles and Huberman model, and the data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. For data validity, researchers use the data source triangulation method. The results showed that the Web used as a medium for evaluating maharah kitabah learning at Al Hikmah Boarding School High School Batu was the "Sekolahku" web as a solution to solve the problem of student absenteeism during the learning evaluation.</em></p>Abdul MuhithHarits IbadurrahmanNur Hasaniyah
Copyright (c) 2025 Abdul Muhith, Harits Ibadurrahman, Nur Hasaniyah
2025-02-092025-02-09131213210.24252/saa.v13i1.55317 في المدرسة الثنوية الحكومية ۲ ديلي سردانغ (DBL) تطبيق تعليم اللغة العربية من خلال التعليم القائم على التمايز
<p><em>Differentiated based learning is an effective learning process that considers the differences of each student in increasing their potential according to their readiness, interest and learning profile. The purpose of this research is to find out how the implementation of learning in Arabic language teaching at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Deli Serdang through the Differentiated Based Learning (DBL) approach. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research which involves observation of Arabic language teaching at Madrasah aliyah Negeri 2 Deli Serdang, and responses from teachers and students to the approach. The findings show that Arabic language learning is an important aspect of the educational curriculum in many countries, especially for educational institutions that have an Islamic religious base. In the midst of increasingly advanced educational developments, innovative learning approaches are the main focus for educators to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Arabic language learning. Where teachers are able to adapt learning to students' individual learning styles, needs and interests by improving students' understanding of Arabic by providing variety in teaching and meeting individual learning needs. This research makes an important contribution to the development of Arabic language teaching approaches at the secondary level.</em></p>Nahwa SyaputriZulheddi Zulheddi
Copyright (c) 2025 Nahwa Syaputri, Zulheddi Zulheddi
2025-02-142025-02-14131334610.24252/saa.v13i1.55344Integrasi Artificial Inteligence (AI) Sebagai Alat Bantu Dalam Penerjemahan Bahasa Arab – Indonesia
<p><strong><em>: </em></strong><em>This research aims to integrate AI as an assistive tool in Arabic translation. The difficulty in translation arises because it requires a deep understanding of various linguistic aspects in both the source and target languages. However, the advent of technology, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), has provided significant ease, particularly in translating Arabic. This tool has increasingly been utilized by language learners as a translation instrument, but its results remain a subject of debate. Issues such as accuracy arise, where the message from the source language may not be fully conveyed to the target language. Conventional translation also cannot be completed quickly because it requires mastery of various subfields of linguistics, such as syntax, lexicology, morphology, semantics, and others. From these challenges, integrating AI as a translation tool presents a potential solution. This study employs a descriptive qualitative method with a literature review approach, focusing on analyzing the translation outputs of AI and professional translators, which are then described. The findings indicate that AI translation demonstrates high accuracy, although some errors persist. However, these errors can be mitigated with professional translation expertise. Thus, it can be concluded that using AI as a translation tool requires prior mastery of translation skills, with AI serving solely as an auxiliary tool that facilitates the translator's work</em></p>Ibtisyamah HizamYek Amin Aziz Ahmad Sirojul Hakiki
Copyright (c) 2025 Ibtisyamah Hizam, Yek Amin Aziz , Ahmad Sirojul Hakiki