Pelatihan Pembuatan Sabun Herbal dari Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera L.) di Desa Pa’bundukang Kabupaten Gowa

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Aisyah Aisyah
Asriani Ilyas
Ummi Zahra
arfiani nur
nuraini nuraini



Pa'bundukang Village is one of the villages supported by the Uin Alauddin Makassar Chemistry Study Program which has the potential for one of the natural resources in the agricultural sector, namely the Moringa plant. In general, Moringa plants in this region are mostly cultivated as a source of vegetable food. This service aims to introduce the Pa'bundukang village community to the other potential of the Moringa plant as a base ingredient for natural soap which is prospective as a household scale business. This natural solid soap is made using the Cold Process. A  batch of soap sample  was successfully made with the workshop participants. The soap is stated to have the distinctive aroma of Moringa leaves mixed with the aroma of essential oils, medium density. The community enthusiastically participated in the outreach and the workshop sessions.

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