Pengujian Kualitas Air di Desa Tanete Kecamatan Bontomatene Kabupaten Selayar

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Ummi Zahra
Arfiani Nur


This study aimed to assess the water quality in Tanete Village, Bontomatene District, Selayar Regency, through simple physical, chemical, and biological testing. Samples were collected from five main water sources, including natural springs and bore wells. The physical tests revealed that all water samples were odorless, colorless, tasteless, and clear, meeting the standard for clean water quality. Chemical tests indicated that the pH levels ranged between 6.6 and 7.5, aligning with the standards outlined in Indonesia's Minister of Health Regulation No. 2 of 2023. The chemical analysis also detected an oil layer on the surface of tea-infused water samples, indicating reactions between minerals and other compounds. Biological testing identified a thin white layer in sample containers, suggesting the presence of microorganisms. Based on the findings, the water in Tanete Village is deemed suitable for daily activities such as bathing and washing but is not recommended for direct consumption without prior treatment, such as heating or ultraviolet sterilization. This study underscores the need for enhanced water quality management to ensure safe and sustainable water use in the region.

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