Alauddin Journal of Mathematics Education 2024-06-02T12:08:49+00:00 Nursalam [email protected] Open Journal Systems <div align="center"><hr align="center" size="1" width="100%"></div> <p><strong>Alauddin Journal of Mathematics Education</strong></p> <div align="center"><hr align="center" size="1" width="100%"></div> <p>Journal title:&nbsp;<strong>Alauddin Journal of Mathematics Education</strong><br>Frequency:&nbsp;<strong>2 issues per year (May and November)</strong><br>DOI Journal:&nbsp;<strong>10.24252/ajme</strong><br>Print ISSN: <a title="Print ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2716-4497</a> |<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Online ISSN: <a title="Online ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2721-1738</a></p> <div align="center"><hr align="center" size="1" width="100%"></div> <p><br><strong>Alauddin Journal of Mathematics Education (AJME),</strong>&nbsp;p-ISSN:&nbsp;<a title="Print ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2716-4497</a> and e-ISSN: <a title="Online ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2721-1738</a>, is a peer-reviewed open access journal published by Department of Mathematics Education Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar In collaboration with&nbsp;Asosiasi Dosen Matematika dan Pendidikan/Tadris Matematika PTKIN (Ad-mapeta). We publish research issues on mathematics education.</p> <p><strong>Alauddin Journal of Mathematics Education (AJME)</strong>&nbsp;welcomes research articles from academics, educators, teachers, trainers and other practitioners on all topics related to mathematics education to publish high quality papers. Papers for publication in this journal are selected through precise peer-review to ensure quality, originality, appropriateness, significance, and readability.</p> <p><strong>OAI Address</strong><strong><br></strong><strong>Alauddin Journal of Mathematics Education (AJME)</strong> has OAI address:&nbsp;<a href="/index.php/Mapan/oai"></a></p> <p><strong>Before Submission,</strong><strong><br></strong>You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the&nbsp;<strong><a title="AJME Template" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">AJME template</a>, has been carefully proofread and polished, and conformed to the&nbsp;<a href="/index.php/ajme/about/submissions#authorGuidelines" target="_blank" rel="noopener">author guidelines</a></strong>. Every manuscript sent to the editorial office of AJME ought to follow the writing guidelines. If the manuscript does not meet the author guidelines or written in a different format, the article will&nbsp;<strong>BE REJECTED</strong>. Only submitted&nbsp;<strong>manuscript that meets AJME format will be processed further.</strong></p> <p><strong>Online Submissions</strong><strong><br></strong>1. Already have a Username/Password for Alauddin Journal of Mathematics Education (AJME)?&nbsp;<strong><a href="/index.php/ajme/login">GO TO LOGIN</a></strong><br>2. Need a Username/Password?&nbsp;<a href="/index.php/ajme/user/register"><strong>GO TO REGISTRATION</strong></a></p> <p>Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.</p> <div align="center"><hr align="center" size="1" width="100%"></div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Development of A Diagnostic Test in The Form of A Three Tier Essay Test to Identify Understanding of Mathematical Concepts on The Material of The System of Linear Equations of Three Variables 2024-05-31T09:36:56+00:00 Nur Azma [email protected] Sitti Mania [email protected] Baharuddin [email protected] <p><em>This study aims to develop and produce a three tier essay test instrument to identify understanding of mathematical concepts on the material of the system of linear equations of three variables (SPLTV). This research is categorized as development research with the Formative Research development model (Tessmer) through the stages of (1) preliminary, (2) self evaluation, (3) prototyping, and (4) field test. The test subjects in this study were students of class X.2 MAN 1 Soppeng. This development research produces (1) a diagnostic test instrument in the form of a three tier essay test which is used to identify students' understanding of mathematical concepts on SPLTV material; (2) the three tier essay test developed meets the valid criteria because the average score on the CVR and CVI is 1 with a very suitable category, the average results of the one to one stage student response questionnaire trial of 77.78% with a positive category and at the small group stage of 85.19% with a very positive response category, the average result of the analysis of the difficulty level of the question is 0, 54 with a moderate category, the average result of the differentiator analysis of 0.33 with a sufficient category, and the reliability test result of 0.963 with a very high interpretation (reliable), and the results of data analysis of the results of the three tier essay test at the field test stage obtained the average ability to understand the mathematical concepts of class X students. 2 MAN 1 Soppeng in Tier I, which is 46.45%, is in the sufficient category. The results of categorizing the ability to understand the mathematical concepts of students obtained as many as 23.27% have scientific knowledge, 19.81% have misconceptions, 0% have no confidence, and as many as 56.92% lack understanding; (3) students experience errors in understanding the concept of SPLTV material, transformation errors, errors in understanding the problem, and errors in the calculation process. This is because students are less careful in reading and understanding the meaning of the problems they do.</em></p> 2024-05-31T08:08:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Azma, Sitti Mania, Baharuddin Descriptive Analysis of Questions in the 2013 Curriculum Textbook (2018 Revised Edition) for Grade IX SMP/MTs Mathematics Lessons in Terms of the 2019 TIMSS Cognitive Domain 2024-05-31T09:36:57+00:00 Qualan Ma’ruf Lira [email protected] Thamrin Tayeb [email protected] Ridwan Idris [email protected] Andi Halimah [email protected] Nursalam [email protected] <p>This study aims to determine the proportion of questions in the 2013 curriculum student book for Mathematics grade IX SMP/MTs that are categorized in the TIMSS cognitive domains compared to the proportion of TIMSS 2019 standards. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research. The research instrument used was the assessment framework guidelines that have been provided in the TIMSS 2019 book. The research process began with an analysis of the questions contained in the Mathematics student book for grade IX SMP/MTs which was conducted independently by the researcher. The results showed that from 344 valid items contained in the Mathematics student book for grade IX SMP/MTs, the percentage of “knowing” cognitive domain in the book was 37.68%, compared to the standard set by the TIMSS 2019 assessment criteria of 35%. Then, the percentage of “applying” cognitive domain in the book is 52.21%, compared to the standard set by TIMSS 2019 assessment criteria of 40%. Meanwhile, the percentage of “reasoning” cognitive domain in the book was 10.11%, compared to the standard set by the TIMSS 2019 assessment criteria of 25%.</p> 2024-05-31T09:33:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Qualan Ma’ruf Lira, Thamrin Tayeb, Ridwan Idris, Andi Halimah, Nursalam Development of Open Ended Based Mathematics Teaching Materials on Grade X Quadratic Equations and Functions to Facilitate Mathematics Learning Outcomes 2024-06-02T12:08:49+00:00 Sumarni [email protected] Fitriani Nur [email protected] Andi Ika Prasasti Abrar [email protected] Lisnasari Andi Mattoliang [email protected] Ahmad Farham Majid [email protected] <p>The purpose of this study was to identify the process of developing teaching materials (modules) as well as the degree of validity, practicality, and effectiveness of teaching materials (modules) based on open-ended on equations and quadratic functions of class X at SMAN 8 Bone. This research is classified as development research (Research and Development) and follows the 4D development approach (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). The validation sheet, teacher and student response questionnaire, student activity observation sheet, teacher ability to manage learning observation sheet, and learning outcome test were used in this study. The process of making teaching materials (modules) is divided into four stages, namely the definition stage, design stage, development stage, and distribution stage. Data were collected from product trials to determine whether the product met the criteria of a good product or not. After assessment and development, the quality of the teaching materials (modules) produced is considered very valid with an average validator answer of 4.4. While the teacher response questionnaire shows the practicality of teaching materials (modules) with an average of 92.5% and the competence of instructors to manage learning with an average of 3.8 in the good category. The questionnaire can also be used to assess the effectiveness of teaching materials (modules). The positive student response was 83%, student activity was 81% with a very good category, and the results of the analysis of the learning outcomes test obtained a percentage of student learning completeness of 90.3% and a percentage of completeness of 90.3%. 9,7%. The results of these measurements indicate that the teaching materials have met the standards, so they can be used.</p> 2024-05-31T09:34:41+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sumarni, Fitriani Nur, Andi Ika Prasasti Abrar, Lisnasari Andi Mattoliang, Ahmad Farham Majid Development of Teaching Modules Based on Guided Problem Based Learning to Improve Students' Mathematical Spatial Ability 2024-05-31T13:26:32+00:00 Muhammad Amirul Haq Burhany [email protected] Nur Yuliany [email protected] Sri Sulasteri [email protected] <p><em>This study aims to determine the quality and characteristics of Guided Problem Based Learning (PBL) based modules to improve students' mathematical spatial abilities. This research uses the ADDIE model modified by Sugiyono. The steps taken in this research consist of (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, and (5) Evaluation. The research instruments used were validation sheets, observation sheets of learning implementation using modules, student activity observation sheets, teacher and student response questionnaires, and mathematical spatial ability tests. The validity of the developed module obtained a score of 3.79 (valid). Practicality with the implementation of learning using the module amounted to 1.81 (fully implemented) and the teacher's response was very positive with an average percentage of 89.29% of both analysis results, so the module met the practical criteria. While the effectiveness criteria are obtained from the analysis of student activity observations of 70.19% in the good category, student responses to the module provide a positive response with a percentage of 80.77%, and the results of the math spatial ability test show a percentage of 77.77% so that the effectiveness criteria are met.</em></p> 2024-05-31T13:26:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Amirul Haq Burhany, Nur Yuliany, Sri Sulasteri Exploration of Ethnomathematics in Mandar Lipa’ Sa'be Patterns as a Learning Resource 2024-05-31T14:46:12+00:00 Kiky Nakesya A.S [email protected] Rusnah [email protected] Adi Sulaiman M.Siddiq [email protected] Andi Dian Angriani [email protected] Alimuddin Tampa [email protected] <p>This study aims to explore the relationship between mathematics and culture contained in the Lipa' Sa'be Mandar style as a student learning resource. The type of research used is qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The subject of this research is Mandar people coinciding in Suruang Village, Campalagian District, Polewali Mandar Regency. The instrument used is the researcher himself and also supporting instruments such as interview guides but the possibility of interview questions developing according to the needs of the researcher. Data collection techniques consist of observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the research results obtained that part of the pattern on Lipa' Sa'be Mandar is essentially related to the geometric shapes of flat shapes, especially in the motif called sure' and also part of the flower motif that displays elements of flat geometry. The patterns of Lipa' Sa'be in which there is a mathematical concept of flat geometry are the patterns of &nbsp;Lipa’ Sa’be Sure’ Padhadha, Sure’ Mara’ Dia, Sure’ Padada Saripa, Sure’ Bunga, serta Sure’ Batu Dadzima with a square shape while there are some variants of Mandar Lipa' Sa'be in which there are patterns with rectangular shapes, circular, triangles, and rhombuses.</p> 2024-05-31T13:39:48+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kiky Nakesya A.S, Rusnah, Adi Sulaiman M.Siddiq, Andi Dian Angriani, Alimuddin Analysis of Student Errors in Solving Square Equation Questions Based on Polya Theory 2024-05-31T15:54:42+00:00 Husnul [email protected] Rayhana [email protected] A. Sriyanti [email protected] Suharti [email protected] <p><em>This study aims to describe student errors and analyze the factors causing student errors in solving quadratic equation problems. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects used in this study were class IX A consisting of 16 students, then 3 students were selected based on their high, medium, and low category abilities obtained after being given test questions. The instrument used was a test instrument in the form of two questions that met the Polya theory indicators. The results of this study indicate that there are four errors in solving quadratic equation problems: (1) errors in understanding the problem, namely not being able to write down information related to the problem that is known in the problem; (2) errors in making plans, namely not being able to change the problem sentence into a mathematical model and errors in choosing the steps for solving, (3) errors in implementing the plan, namely errors in writing the final answer, (4) not mastering the concept of arithmetic operations and rechecking the answers. Factors causing student errors in understanding are students' lack of understanding of the concept, difficulty in mathematical modeling, and students' lack of thoroughness in arithmetic skills.</em></p> 2024-05-31T15:54:41+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Husnul, Rayhana, A. Sriyanti, Suharti Ethnomathematical Exploration Of Somba Opu Fort In Gowa, South Sulawesi 2024-05-31T16:34:45+00:00 Andi Kusumayanti [email protected] Sitti Nur Alisyah Saputri [email protected] Sri Zuhrianugrah [email protected] Andi Alfian Syarifuddin [email protected] Andi Eritme Yustika Abrar [email protected] <p><em>Somba Opu Fortress, located in Gowa, South Sulawesi, is a historical site with a significant role in the history of the Gowa-Tallo Kingdom. The construction and architectural design of this structure reflect geometric elements, providing an opportunity to explore the concept of ethnomathematics. This research aims to delve into ethnomathematical concepts at Somba Opu Fortress and understand their connection to mathematics learning, particularly in the field of geometry.The research employs an ethnographic approach with qualitative descriptive research. The study is conducted at Somba Opu Fortress in Gowa, South Sulawesi. Data is collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results indicate that the fortress exhibits striking geometric structures, including elements such as squares, triangles, circles, and parallelograms. The roofs of the buildings resemble triangles and rectangular pyramids, while the fortress walls contain geometric elements with variations in materials. The study highlights the rich ethnomathematical aspects of Somba Opu Fortress and their relevance to the broader context of mathematics education, specifically within the realm of geometry.</em></p> 2024-05-31T16:34:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Kusumayanti, Sitti Nur Alisyah Saputri, Sri Zuhrianugrah, Andi Alfian Syarifuddin, Andi Eritme Yustika Abrar