Al-Hikmah 2024-06-30T08:51:38+00:00 Barsihannor [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Al-Hikmah" is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on Islamic studies. The journal is published twice a year, in June and December, with the aim of providing a platform for researchers, academics, and practitioners in Islamic studies to share knowledge, perspectives, and the latest research in various aspects of Islam. This journal incorporates a multidisciplinary approach, allowing readers to gain deep insights into religious, cultural, social, and political issues within the context of Islam. "Al-Hikmah" serves as a valuable source of information for those interested in understanding and contributing to the development of inclusive and high-quality Islamic thought.</p> Al-Fi’il al-Ṡulāṡī al-Muta’addī Fī Film Kartūn “al-Qiṭ al-Ḍāi’” 2024-06-30T08:14:55+00:00 Laely Yuliani Said [email protected] Marwah Limpo [email protected] Fitriani [email protected] Zaenal Abidin [email protected] <p><strong>Abstract </strong></p> <p>This study discusses about <em>fi'il ṡulāṡī muta'addī</em> (transitive verb) used in the cartoon film <em>"al-Qiṭ al-Ḍāi'".</em> The aim is to find out the division and i'rāb of the transitive verb (consisting of three letters) used in the film.</p> <p>The research method used by researchers in this study is a descriptive qualitative method by looking at various books and articles related to this study. The primary sources used are the cartoon <em>film "al-Qiṭ al-Ḍāi'"</em>, and the secondary sources used are references derived from nahwu and sharf books, articles, and others.</p> <p>The study found that the <em>fi'il ṡulāṡī muta'addī</em> used in the cartoon film <em>"al-Qiṭ al-Ḍāi'"</em> totaled 128 verbs consisting of two types of verbs, namely <em>fi'il mujarrad</em> (verbs composed of the original three letters) and <em>fi'il mazīd</em> (verbs with additional letters entered). There are 73 fi'il mujarrad and 55 <em>fi'il mazīd</em>. Both types of verbs are <em>muta'addi</em> by themselves, and some need <em>harf al-jar</em> in order to add <em>maf'ūl</em> (object).</p> <p>This research is expected to deepen insight and knowledge about <em>fi'il ṡulāṡī muta'addī</em> (transitive verb) analysis of literary works, especially for researchers and readers in general<strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Transitive Verb, The Cartoon Film, al-Qiṭ al-Ḍāi'</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Laely Yuliani Said, Marwah Limpo, Fitriani Pinisi Maritime Traditions in The Bonto Bahari Community of Bulukumba 2024-06-30T08:37:40+00:00 Lisnayanti Lisnayanti [email protected] Rahmat [email protected] Mastanning [email protected] <p>This research aims to examine the elements of Islamic culture in the pinisi maritime tradition of the Bonto Bahari Bulukumba community. Pinisi boat, which originated from the Sawerigading story, is a traditional boat from South Sulawesi, precisely Bulukumba, known as Butta Panrita Lopi. Pinisi in its manufacture is still thick with the culture of the local community. In its development, the pinisi boat has been recognized as a humanitarian heritage for intangible culture authorized by UNESCO. This research is a cultural research using qualitative data obtained from field study data and literature data. The data collection methods used are interviews, observations, and through written documents. The results of this study show that in the tradition of pinisi maritime there are several rituals performed, namely, annakbang kalabiseang (keel cutting), annattara (keel connection), <em>appasili</em> (rejecting bad luck), ammossi (cutting the navel), and <em>annyorong lopi</em> (boat launching). The elements of Islamic culture contained in these rituals are religious system and religious ceremonies, community organization system, and livelihood system.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lisnayanti Lisnayanti, Rahmat, Mastanning Developing Cultural Reserve Awareness for Guppi Samata Islamic Boarding School Students in Gowa District (Based on Asset Potential) 2024-06-30T08:51:38+00:00 Syamzan Syukur [email protected] Nur Aksan Syakur [email protected] Muhammad Idris [email protected] Muh. Kaswin [email protected] <p>Cultural Heritage is one of the legacies left by ancestors in the form of objects or buildings that hold significant value for history, culture, and science. The Cultural Heritage Law No. 11 of 2010 provides protection for cultural heritage sites. However, there are still instances of large-scale and intentional exploitation or destruction of some cultural heritage sites. Therefore, strategic steps are needed for their preservation, including involving various community layers in preserving cultural heritage. Several approaches in preserving cultural heritage include raising awareness among students at Guppi Islamic Boarding School, who represent the millennial community or young generation. This approach also offers an opportunity for various community layers to become crucial agents in cultural heritage preservation. The methods used for raising awareness at Guppi Islamic Boarding School are: 1) Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD); this approach emphasizes utilizing the assets of the assisted community (students of Guppi Islamic Boarding School). Generally, this community has a close affinity with science and technology and tends to have high curiosity, which can be managed effectively. 2) Community-Based Research (CBR); this research model involves the target community as active participants. The awareness-building model at Guppi Islamic Boarding School includes two stages: theoretical stage through briefing and socialization of Law No. 11 of 2010 and practical stage, such as heritage tourism. The awareness-building activities benefit the institution and the assisted community, particularly in increasing knowledge and building awareness among Guppi Islamic Boarding School students.<br><br></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syamzan Syukur Tomb Site of The Kings of Gowa at The Tomb Complex of Sultan Hasanuddin 2024-06-30T08:43:56+00:00 Nuraeni S [email protected] Jusmiati [email protected] <p><em>In Gowa Regency there is a historical site as a material cultural heritage, namely the Grave Site of the Kings of Gowa which contains historical, cultural value and has meaning in the shape of the tomb. This tomb is located on Jalan Palantikang, Katangka Village, Somba Opu District, precisely on Tamalate Hill (Sultan Hasanuddin Tomb Complex). This research aims, firstly, to describe the history of the Tomb Site of the Kings of Gowa, secondly to describe the structure of the building form of the Tomb of the Kings of Gowa, and thirdly to describe the existence of the Tomb of the Kings of Gowa. Using types of field research with historical, archaeological, anthropological and religious approaches. Data collection methods are observation, interviews and documentation. Data processing and analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of this research are first, the tomb site is a relic of the Gowa Kingdom which once ruled South Sulawesi. Second, the structure of the Gowa Kings Tomb building consists of four types of tombs, namely, the stepped punde cupola tomb type, the dome cupola tomb type, the stone coffin tomb type, and the stone pile (earthen mound) tomb type. Third, the Gowa Kings' Grave Site still exists today and is used as a historical tourist attraction and has an influence in socio-cultural, educational and economic aspects. The novelty of this research is to describe a historical site in terms of history, the physical form of the tomb and the existence of the tomb site to date.</em></p> 2024-06-30T06:35:41+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jusmiati The Influence of The Example of Ummul Mukminin Aisyah (Radhiyallahu Anha) in Accompanying The Apostolic Mission of The Prophet Muhammad Saw on Women 2024-06-30T08:29:03+00:00 Ainun Mardhiyah [email protected] Susmihara [email protected] Lydia Megawati [email protected] <p>Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menggali lebih dalam tentang sejarah hidup ummul mukminin Aisyah <em>radhiyallahu anha</em> dimana kajian ini melihat dari sisi keteladanan yang dimiliki oleh sosok Aisyah terhadap Muslimah dalam mendampingi misi kerasulan Nabi Muhammad <em>shallallahu alaihi wasallam</em>. Mengkaji bentuk keteladanan yang dilakukan oleh Aisyah <em>radhiyallahu anha</em> sebagai seorang istri Rasulullah <em>shallallahu alaihi wasallam</em>. Selanjutnya menganalisis pengaruh keteladanan Aisyah <em>radhiyallahu anha</em> dalam mendampingi misi kerasulan Nabi Muhammad <em>shallallahu alaihi wasallam</em> terhadap Muslimah.&nbsp;</p> <p>Penelitian ini disusun dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian Pustaka atau <em>library research</em> yaitu mengumpulkan berbagai data dan fakta sejarah melalui literatur-literatur yang ada baik berupa buku, jurnal, maupun skripsi. Peneliti menggunakan langkah-langkah penelitian yaitu heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi dan historiografi.</p> <p>Hasil akhir dari telaah Pustaka yang dilakukan peneliti ialah 1) Aisyah <em>radhiyallahu anha</em> menguasai berbagai bidang disiplin ilmu yang dapat menjadi teladan bagi Muslimah dalam menjalani kehidupannya agar lebih bermanfaat diantaranya Al-Qur’an, hadits, fikih, akidah, juga ilmu-ilmu umum seperti ilmu pengobatan, sejarah dan sastra. 2) Aisyah juga sangat penting diteladani dari sisi akhlak yang dimilikinya yaitu lemah lembut, tawadhu, rendah hati, tidak cinta dunia, dermawan, sederhana, dan akhlak mulia lainnya. 3) Pengaruh keteladanan perempuan terhadap Aisyah&nbsp; ini diantaranya ialah menjadi perempuan berilmu, menjadi perempuan yang memanfaatkan masa muda dengan produktif, menjadi perempuan yang senantiasa menjaga ketaatan, menjadi perempuan yang berakhlak mulia sebagaimana Aisyah.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci :</strong> Aisyah, keteladanan, peranan</p> 2024-06-30T08:02:08+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ainun Mardhiyah, Susmihara, Lydia Megawati