Al-Hikmah 2024-12-25T02:19:20+00:00 Barsihannor [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Al-Hikmah" is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on Islamic studies. The journal is published twice a year, in June and December, with the aim of providing a platform for researchers, academics, and practitioners in Islamic studies to share knowledge, perspectives, and the latest research in various aspects of Islam. This journal incorporates a multidisciplinary approach, allowing readers to gain deep insights into religious, cultural, social, and political issues within the context of Islam. "Al-Hikmah" serves as a valuable source of information for those interested in understanding and contributing to the development of inclusive and high-quality Islamic thought.</p> Mappatamma Tradition in The Co Mmunity of Julumate'ne Village, Bontolempangan District, Gowa Regency: A Study of Elements of Islamic Culture 2024-12-25T02:04:25+00:00 Ummul Fadilah [email protected] Susmihara [email protected] Nuraeni S [email protected] <p>This study aims to examine the elements of Islamic culture within the <em>mappatamma’</em>tradition in the Julumate'ne Village community, Bontolempangan District, Gowa Regency. The appreciation of the procedure for completing the Qur'an is a compelling subject of discussion, given that the Qur'an serves as a fundamental guideline for Muslims. This research employs a cultural approach, utilizing qualitative data gathered from field studies and literature. To trace this data source, the researcher implemented techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The research methodology is descriptive, providing a detailed account of the characteristics of the research object. The findings indicate that the <em>mappatamma’</em>tradition emerged as a result of the efforts to promote Islam in South Sulawesi and reflects the creativity of the Muslim community, particularly the Bugis-Makassar, in deeply embedding Islamic principles within society. The <em>mappatamma’</em>tradition is executed in three stages: pre-implementation, implementation, and post-implementation. Rich in meaning and conveying messages that embody the community's value system, the <em>mappatamma’</em>tradition encompasses various Islamic values, including religious, social, educational, and scientific dimensions that are essential to uphold and perpetuate in contemporary life.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ummul Fadilah نظرية عند شاذلي فرحود في محتوى أغنية "القلب ومايهوى" إنشاد علي حجيج 2024-12-25T02:14:49+00:00 Khaerun Nisa Nuur [email protected] Marwah Limpo [email protected] aely Yuliani Sa’id [email protected] Aqiilah Nurfitriah [email protected] <p>This research is a study that reviews the structural analysis of the song "Al-Qolbu wa ma Yahwa" by Ali Hajiij (a structural analytical study). The research reveals the ideas, emotions, and imagination in the song " Al-Qolbu wa ma Yahwa " as well as the linguistic and musical structure of the poetry in the song. There are two objectives of this research: to understand the ideas, emotions, and imagination in the song "Al-Qolbu wa ma Yahwa" and to understand the linguistic and musical structure of the poetry in the song. The method used is descriptive qualitative by listening, collecting books, articles, and journals related to the research, and recording data from the collected sources. The results of this research show that the song "Al-Qolbu wa ma Yahwa" consists of 12 lines using structural analysis based on Shadhili Farhud's theory, which consists of 6 elements: ideas (المعنى), emotions (العاطفة), imagination (الخيال), poetic language (لغة الشعر), musical poetry (موسيقى الشعر), and relationships between elements (علاقة بين العناصر التركيبي).</p> 2024-12-17T06:40:19+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khaerun Nisa Nuur The Effect of The Implementation of Peer Tutoring Learning in Improving The Results of Learning in Reading The Quran of Students at UPT SMAN 9 Bulukumba 2024-12-25T02:08:39+00:00 Mustang. H [email protected] <p><em>The objectives of this study are: 1) to describe how students of UPT SMAN 9 Bulukumba learn to read the Qur'an through peer coaching. 2) to describe the learning objectives for students of UPT SMAN 9 Bulukumba who like to read the Qur'an. 3) to evaluate how parental guidance improves students' knowledge in reading the Qur'an at UPT SMAN 9 Bulukumba. This study uses the perspective of religious psychology, educational psychology and normative psychology and is a quantitative research design, for example post facto. The instruments used in this study were surveys and learning outcome tests. Simple linear regression analysis was used for inferential data analysis and descriptive data analysis. The following are the results of the study: 1) The peer teaching approach to students is included in the moderate category with a percentage of 66% and an average value of 68.79. 2) The average value is 86.82 and the percentage of students who successfully learn to read the Qur'an is included in the good category. 3) Student learning outcomes in reading the Qur'an (Y) at SMAN 9 Bulukumba are significantly influenced by the peer teaching learning strategy (X) with a t value of 6.799 and a significance value of 0.000. Based on the results of the study, teachers can teach students how to read and understand the Qur'an by using the peer tutoring method as an alternative method.</em></p> 2024-12-17T07:35:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mustang. H The Relevance of John Dewey's Thoughts in Shaping Individuals with Character Through The Approach of Progressivism Education Philosophy 2024-12-25T02:19:20+00:00 devi sri sumartis [email protected] almi novita [email protected] <p>Filsafat Pendidikan yaitu cabang filsafat yang membahas tentang prinsip, tujuan, dan nilai-nilai yang melandasi Pendidikan. Dalam hal ini memegang peranan penting untuk membentuk kepribadian seseorang. Filsafat Pendidikan dengan karakter pribadi mempunyai hubungan nilai-nilai yang sangat kuat, karena nilai-nilai tersebut bisa membantu membangun perilaku dan sikap individu dalam Masyarakat.Dalam filsafat pendidikaan tulisan ini bertujuan untuk pembentukan karekter, berdasarkan gagasan John Dewey, memerlukan pendekatan Pendidikan yang realistis, dekratis, positif dan sosial. Hal ini membantu mewujudkan individu yang tidak hanya cerdas secara intelektual melainkan juga individu yang mempunyai kepribadian yang kuat dan kemampuan memberikan kontribusi positif kepada Masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan (<em>Library Research</em>). Menganalisis kasus-kasus keberhasilan Pendidikan karakter dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip filsafat Pendidikan. Wawancara dengan para pakar Pendidikan untuk mengetahui pandangan meraka mengenai hubungan filsafat&nbsp; dan Pendidikan. Hasil dari artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam membangun kepribadian individu melalui pembentukan nilai, etika, dan moralitas, filsafat Pendidikan berperan penting. Serta mengidentifikasi prinsip filsafat Pendidikan yang dapat diterapkan dalam konteks Pendidikan karakter yang efektif. Ini adalah panduan praktis untuk membantu pendidik mengintegrasikan filosofi Pendidikan ke dalam program Pendidikan karakter.</p> 2024-12-23T02:26:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 devi sri sumartis, almi novita The Model of The Archipelago's Maritime Muslim City in Medieval Times (A Study of Somba Opu in the Kingdom of Makassar) 2024-12-25T00:49:23+00:00 Syamzan Syukur [email protected] Suraya Rasyid [email protected] Rahmat [email protected] Rahmawati [email protected] Mastanning [email protected] <p>The purpose of this study is to reconstruct Somba Opu as a model of the Muslim maritime city of the archipelago in medieval times. The results of this study will be useful for the government of South Sulawesi Province, especially in determining policies related to urban planning and urban governance (<em>good urban governance</em>). The types of research used are <em>library research </em>and <em>field research. Library research </em>focuses on reviewing, studying, and discussing literature or library sources and other sources. <em>Filed research </em>captures actual data and information at the research location. The research steps are Heuristics, Criticism, Interpretation, and historiography. The results of this study show that Somba Opu grew to become one of the maritime Muslim Cities in the archipelago in the 17th century. The characteristics include; Somba Opu is the center of the Makassar Kingdom government as well as an international commercial city visited by foreign traders from Asia (China, Malay, India, and Arabia) and from Europe such as Portugal, so the population grew significantly and pluralist, coastal markets grew into economic centers and private and foreign companies providing employment, the existence of the Mosque as a symbol of Islamic government with a majority Muslim population. The king with the title of Sultan was Sultan Alauddin and the kings after him. This Islamic government respects the plurality of society which is marked by the existence of non-Muslim houses of worship such as churches that are permitted by the ruler. The results of this study will complement and enrich previous studies as well as become a reference for urban managers and urban planning experts.</p> 2024-12-25T00:46:27+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syamzan Syukur; Suraya Rasyid, Rahmat, Rahmawati, Mastanning