KONSEP ISTI’MA’R (MEMAKMURKAN BUMI) DALAM AL-QUR’AN (Suatu Kajian Tahlili terhadap QS. Hud/11: 61)
This research is a study of the concept of Isti'mar in QS. Hud/11:61, which contains the command to prosper the earth as a manifestation of a mandate from God to humans for the sake of creating the benefit of life. The purpose of this research is to find out how the nature of prospering the earth in QS. Hud/11: 61, how is the form of prospering the earth in QS. Hud/11: 61, as well as how the urgency to prosper the earth for human life. The research carried out is descriptive literature research. The approach used is an interpretive, theological, sociological and ecological approach. The data in this study were collected by adapting, quoting and analyzing using several interpretation techniques of representative literature and having relevance to the problems discussed, then reviewing and concluding. This study also uses the pattern of tahlili interpretation in processing the data that has been collected. The results of this study are first, the nature of prospering the earth in QS. Hud/11:61 is that as a form of obedience and worship to Allah swt, humans, regardless of their function and position on earth, still carry out their duties of servitude to Him. Second, the form of prospering the earth in QS. Hu>d/11:61 is to carry out spiritual and physical development in a balanced manner, maintain clean water as a source of life and preserve flora and fauna, because humans, animals, plants and natural resources have a very close dependence relationship. Third, the urgency for the prosperity of the earth is carried out on the basis of theological awareness in which humans have an important responsibility in building a harmonious and prosperous civilization and cultural transformation that continues to change, this role is expected to make the earth a comfortable place to live for all living beings and generations. successor.References
This research is a study of the concept of Isti'mar in QS. Hud/11:61, which
contains the command to prosper the earth as a manifestation of a mandate
from God to humans for the sake of creating the benefit of life. The purpose of
this research is to find out how the nature of prospering the earth in QS.
Hud/11: 61, how is the form of prospering the earth in QS. Hud/11: 61, as well
as how the urgency to prosper the earth for human life. The research carried
out is descriptive literature research. The approach used is an interpretive,
theological, sociological and ecological approach. The data in this study were
collected by adapting, quoting and analyzing using several interpretation
techniques of representative literature and having relevance to the problems
discussed, then reviewing and concluding. This study also uses the pattern of
tahlili interpretation in processing the data that has been collected. The results
of this study are first, the nature of prospering the earth in QS. Hud/11:61 is
that as a form of obedience and worship to Allah swt, humans, regardless of
their function and position on earth, still carry out their duties of servitude to
Him. Second, the form of prospering the earth in QS. Hu>d/11:61 is to carry
out spiritual and physical development in a balanced manner, maintain clean
water as a source of life and preserve flora and fauna, because humans,
animals, plants and natural resources have a very close dependence
relationship. Third, the urgency for the prosperity of the earth is carried out on
the basis of theological awareness in which humans have an important
responsibility in building a harmonious and prosperous civilization and
cultural transformation that continues to change, this role is expected to make
the earth a comfortable place to live for all living beings and generations.