Scientific Journal of Nursing2025-01-09T01:42:33+00:00Rasmawati, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.J[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p>Alauddin Scientific Journal of Nursing (ASJN), with registered numbers ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2774-5333</a> (print) and ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2747-1225</a> (online), is a scientific journal that has published articles on comprehensive nursing science since 2020. This journal is consistently published twice a year, namely in May and October by the Ners Professional Study Programme, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar</a> through a systematic review process. Alauddin Scientific Journal of Nursing (ASJN) is an open access journal and provides a national and international forum for discussion and rapid dissemination of research findings in various aspects of departments in clinical and community nursing. ASJN aims to promote articles on nursing research that present original findings, new ideas or concepts resulting from evidence-based practice research projects in nursing and health studies. The journal welcomes manuscripts that include original research in nursing, review articles and case studies. Alauddin Scientific Journal of Nursing (ASJN) is a peer-reviewed journal as a journal that focuses on research in quantitative and qualitative scientific frameworks, ASJN is committed to publishing quality articles that will contribute to the advancement of the nursing world.</p> Range Of Motion (ROM) Dalam Meningkatkan Kekuatan Otot Pasien Dengan Gangguan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Aktivitas 2024-10-26T19:48:16+00:00Musdalifah Mukhtar[email protected]Nurul Magfirah Supu[email protected]Syamsiah Rauf[email protected]<p><strong>Latar Belakang : </strong>Manusia membutuhkan aktivitas sebagai tindakan energik memenuhi kebutuhan. Perawat perlu memberikan asuhan keperawatan kepada pasien untuk menjaga kemampuan gerak serta mencegah faktor yang dapat timbul akibat keadaan kurang bergerak. Salah satu tindakan untuk melatih gerakan pada pasien yang mengalami gangguan bergerak adalah <em>Range of Motion </em>(ROM). <strong>Tujuan : </strong>Untuk menganalisis intervensi ROM dalam meningkatkan kekuatan otot pasien dengan gangguan pemenuhan kebutuhan aktivitas. <strong>Metode : </strong>Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui anamnesis untuk mengetahui identitas dan keluhan pasien, observasi dan pemeriksaan fisik saat melakukan pengkajian keperawatan pada pasien. Adapun subjek penelitian ini satu orang pasien cedera medulla spinalis dengan gangguan pemenuhan kebutuhan aktivitas dan mengalami penurunan kekuatan otot. Pemberian ROM pasif dilakukan 1 kali sehari selama 3 hari perawatan berturut-turut pada tanggal 28 – 30 November 2023 dengan durasi 10-15 menit. <strong>Hasil : </strong>Dari studi kasus ini ditemukan pasien cedera medulla spinalis mengalami masalah gangguan mobilitas fisik, nyeri akut, dan risiko jatuh. Tidak ada perubahan kekuatan otot pasien setelah diberikan tindakan keperawatan ROM pasif, dimana kekuatan otot sebelum dan setelah intervensi tetap pada skala 5 5 1 1. <strong>Kesimpulan : </strong>Tidak terdapat peningkatan kekuatan otot pasien setelah diberikan latihan ROM selama 3 hari perawatan. Meskipun tidak menunjukkan perubahan, keluarga tampak sudah mampu untuk memberikan latihan ROM pada pasien</p>2024-10-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Musdalifah Mukhtar, Nurul Magfirah Supu, Syamsiah Rauf Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kualitas Hidup Pada Lansia Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Samata Kabupaten Gowa2024-10-26T19:44:04+00:00aidah fitriani[email protected]Syisnawati Syisnawati[email protected]Eny Sutria[email protected]Ghina Syafira Yulianti Syam[email protected]<p>The final stage of the life process is called the elderly, at this time a person experiences changes that result in bio, psycho, social, and spiritual declines that occur naturally due to the aging process. This decline in function can affect the quality of life of the elderly, one of the factors that can affect the quality of life of the elderly is family support. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between family support and the quality of life of the elderly in the working area of the Samata Public Health Center, Gowa Regency.</p> <p>The design in this research is descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. The sample used in this study was the elderly as many as 94 people. The instruments used in this study were family support questionnaires and WHOQL-OLD. Data were analyzed using chi square test.</p> <p>The results of the study found that there was a relationship between family support and the quality of life of the elderly with p = 0.000. This means that there is a significant relationship between family support and the quality of life of the elderly in the Samata Health Center Working Area.</p> <p>The conclusion of this study is that good family support can improve the quality of life of the elderly. Therefore, families are expected to provide support to the elderly so that they have a good quality of life.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Family Support, Quality of Life for the Elderly</p>2024-10-26T19:37:57+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 aidah fitriani, Syisnawati Syisnawati, Eny Sutria, Ghina Syafira Yulianti Syam Murottal Terhadap Nyer Pasien Ulkus Diabetes Melitus : Studi Kasus2024-10-26T20:06:28+00:00Andi Ainun Dzatti Iffah Suarda[email protected]Maria Ulfah Ashar[email protected]Ahmad Jamaluddin[email protected]<p><strong><em>Background: </em></strong><em>The incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus is between 85% and 95% of the world's population suffers from diabetes mellitus. Diabetes occurs when the sufferer's body is unable to absorb glucose into cells and use it as energy. This condition ultimately causes excess glucose to build up in the body's bloodstream. Diabetic foot ulcers are the most common complication in people with diabetes mellitus and can lead to amputation. In cases of diabetic foot ulcers, patients always require pain management. One non-pharmacological therapy that can be used to reduce pain is murottal therapy. <strong>Objective:</strong> The aim of this study was to analyze nursing care for patients with a medical diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated by diabetic ulcers with acute pain problems using murottal therapy. <strong>Methods: </strong>This research is a case study using data collection techniques of observation, interviews, physical examination and documentation. Murottal therapy is given for 15 minutes once a day for 3 consecutive days. <strong>Results:</strong> Murottal therapy has been proven to be effective in helping reduce or reduce pain in diabetic ulcer patients. On the primary day, the patient's pain scale was 7 (severe) and by the third day, the patient's pain scale had diminished to 4 (moderate). <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Murottal therapy intervention provided good changes in reducing the pain scale.</em></p>2024-10-26T19:59:53+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Ainun Dzatti Iffah Suarda, Maria Ulfah Ashar, Ahmad Jamaluddin Intervensi Inovasi Back Massage Terhadap Kelelahan Pada Pasien Di Ruang Intensive Cardiac Care Unit RSUD Aji Muhammad Parikesit Tenggarong2024-10-26T20:52:02+00:00Ramlah Ramlah[email protected]Thomas Ari Wibowo[email protected]Zulmah Astuti [email protected]Fitroh Asyadi[email protected]<p><em>Congestive Heart Failure, also known as heart failure, occurs when the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood to meet tissue oxygen needs, resulting in an abnormal increase in heart pressure. Back massage is a form of nursing management that can be used to relieve heart failure patients' fatigue and other symptoms. The purpose of back massage, a soft tissue manipulation technique, is to help speed up the healing process for various diseases by relaxing muscles, increasing blood circulation, increasing flexibility, and eliminating pain. Objective: To analyze patients in the Intensive Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU), RSUD Aji Muhammad Parikesit Tenggarong with CHF, namely Innovative Back Massage. Method: Analyze this practice using the case study method with nursing care. The samples were patients who had a medical diagnosis of CHF with fatigue in the ICCU room. Research results: Based on the implementation of the Back Mass age innovation for 3 days with a duration of 5 minutes for each intervention, a decrease in fatigue scores was obtained, the average result for days 1 to 3 was 2.6. Conclusion: Based on the evaluation after the Back Massage therapy was carried out, it showed that there was a decrease in the fatigue score from a severe fatigue score to moderate fatigue. This is significant for heart failure sufferers, namely a diagnosis of CHF.</em></p>2024-10-26T20:39:42+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ramlah Ramlah, Thomas Ari Wibowo Perilaku Caring Dan Implementasi Keselamatan Pasien Dengan Kepuasan Pasien Di Ruangan Rawat Inap2024-10-26T21:38:49+00:00Muhammad Raynaldi [email protected]Andi adriana Amal[email protected]Ilhamsyah Ilhamsyah[email protected]Nur Hidayah[email protected]Muh Rasywan[email protected]<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Patient satisfaction is one of the goals of improving healthcare service quality. The level of patient satisfaction in 2020 in several provinces in Indonesia showed a satisfaction rate of 42.8% in Central Maluku and 44.4% in West Sumatra, with 58.6% overall. This indicates that patient satisfaction still needs to be improved. One factor contributing to low patient satisfaction is the implementation of patient safety, and the caring behavior of nurses is crucial in meeting patient satisfaction. Low service quality can lead to patient dissatisfaction and various complaints.<strong>Objective:</strong> This study aims to determine the relationship between caring behavior and the implementation of patient safety with patient satisfaction in inpatient wards. <strong>Methods:</strong> This research is a quantitative study using a cross-sectional approach, with sampling techniques employing proportional random sampling, resulting in a sample size of 162 individuals. Data collection for each variable was conducted using a questionnaire.<strong>Results:</strong> Based on statistical tests using the Fisher exact test, a p-value of 0.001 (p<0.05) was obtained, indicating a relationship between caring behavior and patient satisfaction. Additionally, the Fisher exact test yielded a p-value of 0.004 (p<0.05), suggesting a relationship between the implementation of patient safety and patient satisfaction.<strong>Conclusion:</strong> There is a relationship between caring behavior and the implementation of patient safety with patient satisfaction in inpatient wards.</p>2024-10-26T21:20:45+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Andi adriana Amal Keperawatan Dalam Mengatasi Mual Muntah Pasien Kanker Pasca Dilakukan Radioterapi Dan Kemoterapi 2025-01-09T01:42:33+00:00Barkah Isnaini[email protected]Enie Novieastari[email protected]Giur Hargiana[email protected]Allenidekania Allenidekania[email protected]<p><em>This study aims to identify interventions that can be used in managing symptoms of post-chemotherapy nausea and vomiting in cancer patients. The method used was a systematic review by searching five databases including Google Scholar, Portal Garuda, Moraref, and Demension regarding what interventions can be done in dealing with nausea and vomiting conditions in cancer patients, with a publication range from 2000 to 2024. 7131 articles were obtained at the beginning of the data search, after filtering with the PRISMA 2020 method, the final result was 8 articles to be analysed using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) checklist. Seven of these articles used intervention studies. The results of the study showed that there are several interventions that can be carried out. One of the most frequently used interventions is acupressure intervention and the use of aromatherapy in overcoming nausea and vomiting of cancer patients after chemotherapy. It is expected that nurses who work in the chemotherapy room can apply this intervention to patients who experience post-chemotherapy nausea and vomiting. </em></p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024