Biotek2024-12-30T11:58:49+00:00Jamilah[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Biotek is an academic journal published by Department of Biology Education, faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar. The journal accepts scholarly papers regarding of biology science, biology education, Islamic perspective of biology science, etc. Publication time is June and December. We calmly invite all academicians or educators to submit their papers to our journal. The journal has been accredited by Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional (ARJUNA) funded by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia with <a title="Sinta" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Science and Technology Index (SINTA 3)</a>.</p> <center></center> Modul IPA Berorientasi Profil Pelajar Pancasila Materi Ekologi dan Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia untuk Siswa SMP/MTs2024-12-29T10:59:12+00:00Ni Putu Diah Loriana Dewi[email protected]Putu Prima Juniartina[email protected]Luh Mitha Priyanka[email protected]<p>The teaching materials in the form of modules used by students in learning are not yet fully linked to the Pancasila Student Profile as required by the Merdeka curriculum. The research aimed to develop a science module oriented to the Pancasila Student Profile for junior high schools that is valid, practical, and readable, focusing on ecology and Indonesian biodiversity. The development of the research model chosen, namely 4D (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate), because of time constraints, is limited to the development stage. Content, media, language, observations, and validity test subjects were each carried out by 2 expert validators from the Ganesha University of Education, and the practicality and readability test subjects involved 3 science teachers and 15 class VII students at SMPN 1 Sukasada. The research instruments are interview sheets, observations, and questionnaires. Characteristics of the science module, namely (1) The form of the science module is as a textbook in PDF and printed format. (2) Module activities use the Discovery Learning model. (3) The syntax of the Discovery Learning model in the module contains the Pancasila Student Profile dimensions. The results showed a validity test with calculations using the Gregory formula with a score of 1.00 in the very high validity category. Practicality and readability were assessed at 94% and 93%, respectively, demonstrating a high level of both attributes. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the Pancasila Student Profile-oriented science module that was developed meets the criteria of being very valid, very practical, and very readable, so it is worth continuing to the effectiveness testing stage.</p>2024-12-27T22:31:07+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Diah Loriana Dewi Dewi, Putu Prima Juniartina, Luh Mitha Priyanka Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Berbantuan Flashcard Materi Klasifikasi Makhluk Hidup2024-12-29T11:01:14+00:00Salbiah Salbiah[email protected]Titin Titin[email protected]Eko Sri Wahyuni[email protected]Kurnia Ningsih[email protected]Anisyah Yuniarti[email protected]<p>This study aimed to improve the learning outcomes of seventh-grade students in class VII A at SMPN 22 Pontianak on living organisms' classification through a cooperative learning model assisted by flashcards. The Classroom Action Research (CAR) model has two cycles, each including four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data collection methods involved the learning outcome tests, observation sheets, and documentation. This research focused on analyzing changes in students' understanding of active and interactive learning strategies using flashcards. The results showed a significant improvement in student learning outcomes; the mastery level was 81.25% in the first cycle, which increased to 87.50% in the second cycle. This increase indicates that the cooperative learning model assisted by flashcards not only enhances student engagement in the teaching-learning process but also effectively strengthens their understanding of the material on the classification of living organisms. The findings suggest that integrating cooperative methods with visual aids, like flashcards, can be an effective pedagogical strategy to enhance the quality of education in schools.</p>2024-12-27T23:28:45+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Salbiah Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Lapangan Berbasis Jigsaw Sebagai Sumber Belajar Identifikasi Vertebrata2024-12-29T11:03:22+00:00Nasrianty Nasrianty[email protected]Ryan Humardani Syam Pratomo[email protected]<p>This research aimed to evaluate the validity and feasibility of the Jigsaw-based field practicum guidebook as a learning resource for vertebrate identification. The development of the guidebook followed the Borg and Gall model for research-based product development. The research stages included a preliminary study and a field trial process. Based on assessments from two validators, the guidebook received an average score of 4.68, which falls within the "very good" category. The researcher conducted a limited trial with 10 students who varied in ability. The results of the limited trials showed average percentage scores of 84% (high ability), 79% (medium ability), and 77% (low ability). For the field trial, a one-group pre-test and post-test design was applied. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 23 for Windows, employing the paired t-test formula. A significance value of 0.000 was obtained from the field trial analysis, indicating a value lower than 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between students' pre-test and post-test scores. The results showed that the field practicum guidebook developed by the researcher is suitable for learning.</p>2024-12-28T04:15:17+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nasrianty Nasrianty, Ryan Humardani Sikap Peduli Lingkungan Siswa Berdasarkan Gender2024-12-29T11:05:25+00:00Auramia Hafiza[email protected]Dharma Ferry[email protected]<p><em>Environmental concern is crucial for understanding individual and societal behaviors related to environmental preservation. Environmental concern is a key factor influencing pro-environmental behaviors, such as sustainable resource usage and support for environmental policies. This study aimed to understand the differences in environmental concerns between male and female students at MAN 1 Kabupaten Kerinci. The research method was a survey with a quantitative approach involving 122 students from grades XI and XII. The research instrument consisted of a questionnaire on environmental concerns comprising 22 statements. The results of the analysis indicate significant differences in environmental concerns between genders. The proportion of female students concerned about the environment (86.9%) is substantially higher than that of male students (13.1%). The majority of respondents demonstrated high or very high levels of environmental concern. The data also reveal disparities in overall scores, with female students tending to score higher. Further analysis of attitude indicators shows that female students consistently exhibit higher levels of environmental concern than male students across all indicators. This study provides in-depth insights into the differences in environmental concerns based on gender at MAN 1 Kabupaten Kerinci.</em></p>2024-12-28T10:07:31+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Auramia Hafiza, Dharma Ferry Desain Primer In Silico Untuk Analisis Expresi Gen Osteopontin (OPN) Sebagai Penanda Kesuburan Pada Kambing Jantan (Capra hircus)2024-12-29T12:54:43+00:00Hendro Sukoco[email protected]Suriansyah Suriansyah[email protected]Salmin Salmin[email protected]Annisa Putri Cahyani[email protected]Suci Andanawari [email protected]Muzizat Akbarrizki [email protected]Ferbian Milas Siswanto[email protected]<p>This study aimed to design a pair of primers for analyzing OPN gene expression as a fertility marker in male goats (Capra hircus). The research method employed was an in silico molecular study based on bioinformatics. Nucleotide data were retrieved from the NCBI database using the code NM_001285667.1. The data obtained were processed using Primer-Blast on the NCBI site to identify candidate primers. These candidate primers were subsequently analyzed for secondary structure and primer dimer formation using the Sigma-Aldrich OligoEvaluator.<br>The designed primers were further analyzed for their specifications and sequence similarity with the nucleotide database available on the NCBI site using Primer-Blast and Nucleotide-Blast. The results revealed one pair of primers with ideal criteria: the forward primer 5'-ACCCTCCCGAGTAAGTCCAA-3' and the reverse primer 5'-AGTCCTCCTCTGTGGCATCT-3', capable of amplifying the OPN gene region with a product length of 325 bp. In silico performance tests also demonstrated that the primers could specifically detect the OPN gene in Capra hircus. The primer design for detecting OPN expression is expected to aid in predicting fertility levels in male goats (Capra hircus), thereby enhancing the reproductive efficiency of these livestock.</p>2024-12-28T08:01:05+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hendro Sukoco Antibakteri Ekstrak Batang Bajakah Berduri (Caesalpinia sumatrana Roxb.) terhadap Salmonella typhi ATCC 194302024-12-29T13:24:19+00:00Annisa Nabilah Mufidah[email protected]Laili Fitri Yeni[email protected]Eko Sri Wahyuni[email protected]<p><em>Thorny bajakah (Caesalpinia sumatrana Roxb.) is a plant from the Fabaceae family known to contain secondary metabolites with antimicrobial activities. This study aimed to examine the antibacterial activity and the effect of variation in the concentration of thorny bajakah stem extract against Salmonella typhi ATCC 19430. The samples included thorny bajakah stem extracts at concentrations of 12.5%, 25%, 50%, and 100%, along with a negative control (10% DMSO) and a positive control (0.001% chloramphenicol). Extraction was done using maceration with 96% ethanol as the solvent, while an antibacterial test was carried out using the disc diffusion method. Antibacterial tests showed the inhibition zones by each treatment of 12.5%, 25%, 50%, and 100% were 3.05 mm, 3.89mm, 3.69mm, and 4.56mm. The 100% concentration extract has the highest average diameter of the inhibition zone, even though it is considered very weak according to the Morales standard (<6mm). The antimicrobial activity is affected by the composition of secondary metabolites in the extract present as alkaloids and terpenoids, which are known to have antimicrobial activity. These results provide a basis for further research to develop the potential of thorny bajakah as a plant-derived antibacterial agent.</em></p>2024-12-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Annisa Nabilah Mufidah, Laili Fitri Yeni, Eko Sri Wahyuni Kualitas Ragi Roti Sourdough pada Berbagai Jenis Tepung dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Tomat (Solanum lycopersicium)2024-12-29T12:10:16+00:00Putri Rosfiana Dewi[email protected]Laela Dwi Kartiko Sari[email protected]Aridha Elfarikha Windayanti [email protected]Siska Aliatuliyah Cica[email protected]Alvi Lailatun Nikmah[email protected]Isnawati Isnawati [email protected]<p><em>Sourdough yeast is a natural yeast for making bread that aims to slow down the decay process. The fermentation process can be assisted by using tomato extract. This study aims to obtain the best quality yeast from various types of flour with the addition of tomato extract (Solanum lycopersicum). This experimental study was designed with independent variables in the form of flour types (wheat, wheat, glutinous rice), control variables in the form of tomato extract and the ratio of material composition (1:1), and response variables in the form of yeast quality (color, odor, shape, presence of foreign objects, and yeast activity). Data were analyzed descriptively and compared with yeast quality standards based on SNI (Indonesian National Standard). The results showed that wheat flour produced the best sourdough yeast. The results showed that wheat flour met the yeast requirements based on SNI 01-2982-1992, had a yellowish white color with a normal odor, good acidity, in the form of coarse powder with no foreign objects and good yeast activity. Unlike wheat flour, which has a brownish white color, a very sour normal odor, a coarse powdery texture, and no foreign objects, but its activity is not good so it does not meet the SNI 01-2982-1992 standard. Glutinous rice flour is white, has a slightly sour normal odor, a fine powdery form, and no foreign objects, its activity is very good, but does not meet the SNI 01-2982-1992 standard because of its color and texture.</em></p>2024-12-28T13:58:04+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Rosfiana Dewi, Laela Dwi Kartiko Sari, Aridha Elfarikha Windayanti , Siska Aliatuliyah Cica, Alvi Lailatun Nikmah, Isnawati Isnawati Tumbuhan Obat Tradisional untuk Mengatasi Hipertensi oleh Etnik Melayu Mulia Kerta Ketapang2024-12-29T12:12:32+00:00Hany Nurfitri[email protected]Syamswisna Syamswisna[email protected]Titin Titin[email protected]<p><em>The rich flora of Indonesia plays a significant role in the lives of its people, particularly in health. The Mulia Kerta Ketapang Melayu ethnic group is one community that utilizes herbs for traditional medicine, especially for treating hypertension, a common condition in society. Knowledge of plant use for traditional hypertension medicine is passed down orally from generation to generation, resulting in a lack of proper documentation. This research aimed to document the plant species, identities, parts used, and procedures for utilizing plants as hypertension medicine by the Mulia Kerta Ketapang Melayu ethnic group. This study is a qualitative descriptive research employing triangulation methods (interviews, observation, and documentation) and plant identification as the primary data collection tools. The results of the study identified 33 plant species used as traditional hypertension medicine. Plants from the Rutaceae and Lamiaceae families were the most commonly utilized, each accounting for 9% of the species. Leaves were the most frequently used plant part, constituting 43.2%, while the boiling method was the most commonly employed preparation technique, used in 58% of cases. The findings of this research can serve as a reference for further studies and as a basis for comparing the similarities or connections between the Mulia Kerta Ketapang Melayu ethnic group and other ethnic groups in their use of traditional medicinal plants.</em></p>2024-12-28T15:18:24+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hany Nurfitri, Syamswisna Syamswisna, Titin Titin Buah Lerak (Sapindus rarak) sebagai Sabun Antibakteri yang Ramah Lingkungan 2024-12-29T12:17:26+00:00Novitarini Novitarini[email protected]I Nyoman Bagus Aji Kresnapati[email protected]Alfarizi Muzaifa Akmi[email protected]<p><em>Synthetic surfactants contribute to environmental pollution and can cause skin irritation, highlighting the need for natural biosurfactants. Lerak fruit (Sapindus rarak) shows promise as a biosurfactant due to its 28% saponin content and potential antibacterial activity. This study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial activity of lerak fruit extract using three parameters: inhibition zone, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) against Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Gram-negative). The research utilized a Posttest Only Control Group Design to test the antibacterial activity of lerak fruit extract against skin-surface normal flora, specifically Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. All antibacterial activity results were analyzed using One-Way ANOVA in SPSS IBM version 22. The study found the MIC to be 6.25% for Gram-positive bacteria and 1.56% for Gram-negative bacteria. The MBC was determined to be 25% for Gram-positive bacteria and 50% for Gram-negative bacteria. At a 50% concentration, the inhibition zones against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria were 21.53 mm and 22.13 mm, respectively. These results demonstrate that lerak fruit extract possesses strong antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This research provides a foundation for developing environmentally friendly antibacterial soap formulations using lerak fruit extract.</em></p>2024-12-28T16:33:36+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Novitarini Novitarini, I Nyoman Bagus Aji Kresnapati, Alfarizi Muzaifa Akmi Preliminary Study of Electrigens Potential from Wastewater as The Manifestation Of "Khalifah Fil Tadbir" Conception2024-12-29T13:04:59+00:00Hafsan Hafsan[email protected]Andi Indra Jaya Asaad[email protected]Muh Ali Arsyad[email protected]Arifuddin Ahmad[email protected]<p>This study reveals that the super-intensive shrimp farming waste from Punaga can be used as a source of electricity through a bio-electrogenic process based on indigenous potential bacteria from the waste. The results show that four types of potential bacteria isolated from the super-intensive shrimp farming waste can each produce a significant average power density. Bacteria isolate D (Bacillus sp) showed the highest electrogenic potential with an average power density of 38.55±0.87 mW/m², followed by bacteria isolate B (Pseudomonas sp) with an average power density of 34.72±2.80 mW/m², bacteria isolate C (Bacillus sp) with an average power density of 29.90±5.26 mW/m², and bacteria isolate A (Bacillus sp) with an average power density of 25.90±1.69 mW/m². This study shows that the super-intensive shrimp farming waste from Punaga can be utilized as a source of electricity through a bio-electrogenic process using certain potential bacteria, such as Bacillus sp and Pseudomonas sp isolates. The development of waste treatment technology as a source of electricity through the bio-electrogenic process can provide a significant contribution to addressing global energy and environmental issues. This can be considered an implementation of the concept of "khalifah fil tadbir", in which humans act as stewards of the earth, responsible for using natural resources wisely and being accountable for the resulting environmental impacts.</p>2024-12-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hafsan Hafsan, Andi Indra Jaya Asaad, Muh Ali Arsyad, Arifuddin Ahmad Habitat Kupu-kupu (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) di Sepanjang Sistem Agroforestri Taman Nasional Lore Lindu dan Kawasan Enklave, Sulawesi, Indonesia2024-12-29T12:24:39+00:00Fitrallisan Fitrallisan[email protected]Soleha R[email protected]Ria Rezki Yanti[email protected]Cipta Afrilianti[email protected]Elif Fitriana[email protected]Elijonnahdi Elijonnahdi[email protected]Agmal Qodri[email protected]Fahri Fahri[email protected]<p><em>Butterflies are well-established bio-indicators for assessing biodiversity and monitoring ecosystem responses to environmental disturbances. Understanding their habitat preferences can help identify critical areas that require conservation to sustain their populations. This study aimed to determine butterfly habitat preferences across six land-use types in Lore Lindu National Park (natural forest habitats: primary forest, secondary forest, agroforestry, and river streams) and the Lindu and Besoa Enclave areas (anthropogenic systems: cocoa plantations and settlements). Butterflies were collected using insect nets with sweep netting techniques along transect lines in each habitat. Each habitat was divided into three 200-meter-long transects, sampled using purposive sampling. Butterfly habitat preferences in natural and anthropogenic habitats were evaluated by comparing the number of individuals and species, the percentage of families, and species composition across habitats. 1,786 individuals from 85 species across five butterfly families were recorded in Lore Lindu National Park and the surrounding enclave areas. The highest number of individuals and species was found in agroforestry habitats (527 individuals, 46 species). In contrast, primary forests had the lowest number of species (14 species), and river streams had the fewest individuals (76 individuals). The highest diversity index was found in agroforestry habitats (H' = 3.33, E = 0.75), while the lowest was in primary forests (H' = 2.27, E = 0.51). The Nymphalidae family had the highest percentage of species and individuals, distributed across all habitats. Species composition similarity among butterfly habitats grouped them into three categories: primary forest‒river stream, cocoa plantation‒settlement, and secondary forest‒agroforestry. Natural habitats (primary forests, secondary forests, agroforestry, and areas around river streams) supported a higher number of species compared to anthropogenic systems like cocoa plantations and settlements. Therefore, natural habitats are crucial for supporting butterfly populations in Lore Lindu National Park and its surrounding areas. </em></p>2024-12-28T17:56:08+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fitrallisan Fitrallisan, Soleha R, Ria Rezki Yanti, Cipta Afrilianti, Elif Fitriana, Elijonnahdi Elijonnahdi, Agmal Qodri, Fahri Fahri dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Tepung Kulit Buah Naga (Hylocerus polyrhizus) pada Brownies Pukis Kulit Buah Naga (Bruga)2024-12-29T17:03:10+00:00Putri Kurnia Lestari[email protected]Fathimah Qonita Nazihah[email protected]Aulia Shafra Nadhilah[email protected]Qorina Amalia Safitri[email protected]Isnawati Isnawati[email protected]<p>Dragon fruit is a fruit that contains many benefits inside it. One part of the dragon fruit that has high nutritional value is the skin. The skin can be processed into products made into flour which can be used as an ingredient in cakes. The utilization of this dragon fruit skin to cakes can also add nutritional benefits to cakes itself. Dragon fruit skin flour itself has a rich content of antioxidants. These antioxidants have the benefit of protecting the body from various kinds of disease and can protect the body against the effects of free radicals. Apart from that, the utilization of this dragon fruit skin can be used to reduce dragon fruit waste which often pollutes the surrounding environment. This dragon fruit waste is still minimally utilized in the wider community so that accumulation often occurs. Therefore, holding this research can add efficacy and nutritional value to cakes and reduce the amount of dragon fruit peel waste in the surrounding environment to create a clean and eco-friendly environment. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics and also the antioxidant activity contained in dragon fruit peel flour which would be made in the form of pukis brownies. These pukis brownies were divided into 3 concentrations, contain with 100% wheat flour, 50% dragon fruit peel flour, and 100% dragon fruit peel flour by analyzing the starch content and the influence of the quality of the pukis brownies in terms of shape, color, taste, smell and texture.</p>2024-12-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Kurnia Lestari, Fathimah Qonita Nazihah, Aulia Shafra Nadhilah, Qorina Amalia Safitri Avifauna dan Insekta Sebagai Bioindikator Keasrian Kampus UIN Alauddin Makassar2024-12-30T11:58:49+00:00Ariati A. Ridha[email protected]Yunadia[email protected]Syarif Hidayat Amrullah[email protected]Rahmat Fajrin Alir[email protected]Nurman Nurman[email protected]<p>The presence of avifauna and insects provides ecological value and contributes significantly to the sustainability and well-being of the academic community. By maintaining biodiversity, the UIN Alauddin Makassar campus can serve as a model for other educational institutions while fulfilling one of the Chancellor's Pancacita goals: creating a campus that is academically excellent and environmentally friendly. This study aimed to examine the diversity of avifauna and insects as bioindicators on the UIN Alauddin Makassar Campus using the Index Point of Abundance (IPA), with samples taken at 5 points on Campus 1 and 10 points on Campus 2. The results revealed 28 avifauna species, with 192 individuals in Area A and 605 individuals in Area B, where Passer montanus had the highest abundance (218 individuals). Insect diversity included 106 species, with 564 individuals in Area A and 694 in Area B. The most abundant insect in Area A was Solenopsis invicta (fire ants, 65 individuals), while Oecophylla smaragdina (weaver ants, 146 individuals) dominated in Area B. The diversity of avifauna and insects serves as a bio-indicator of environmental health, meaning a good habitat quality and supporting a balanced ecosystem. The findings suggest that the UIN Alauddin Makassar Campus remains relatively pristine and aesthetically pleasing, supported by the high number of species and ecological indices observed.</p>2024-12-28T19:22:04+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ariati A. Ridha, Yunadia, Syarif Hidayat Amrullah, Rahmat Fajrin Alir, Nurman