Impact of Children's Social Behavior After Participating in The Program of Confident Children School

  • Bambang Soeprijono Bagian Corporate Social Responsibility, PT Pertamina Integrated Terminal Makassar MOR VII, Makassar
  • Krisno Bimantoro Bagian Corporate Social Responsibility, PT Pertamina Integrated Terminal Makassar MOR VII, Makassar
  • Andi Ade Ula Saswini Bagian Corporate Social Responsibility, PT Pertamina Integrated Terminal Makassar MOR VII, Makassar
  • Muhammad Ramli Bagian Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin, Makassar
  • Syamsul Alam Bagian Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin, Makassar
  • Nildawati Nildawati Bagian Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin, Makassar
Keywords: behavioural problems, children, confident children school, emotional problems, program evaluation


One of the important aspects needed for early childhood is the aspect of self-confidence. Self-confidence is an attitude that will build him to interact in community life, the family environment and the school environment. This study is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Confidence Children's School as part of the CSR program of PT Pertamina Regional VII, South Sulawesi. This report presents an analysis of post-programme data collected from 30 children and 1 facilitator and 6 parents whose children attended the School for Confidence Children program. The data are then presented descriptively using the Likert scale and qualitatively to assess the effectiveness of this program. The results showed that 3 variables that support the Self-Confidence Children's School program, namely the content or material of the program, service during learning and the ability of the teaching staff to produce very good grades with criteria at the very satisfied level. In addition, the knowledge, actions and attitudes of students after participating in the school program are confident that each child has criteria for being at a good level. The Confident Children's School Program has immediate value for participating children and families as participants are equipped with skills to reduce emotional and behavioral difficulties.



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Author Biography

Andi Ade Ula Saswini, Bagian Corporate Social Responsibility, PT Pertamina Integrated Terminal Makassar MOR VII, Makassar

PT Pertamina Integrated Terminal Makassar; Jalan Hatta No.1


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How to Cite
Soeprijono, B., Bimantoro, K., Saswini, A. A. U., Ramli, M., Alam, S., & Nildawati, N. (2021). Impact of Children’s Social Behavior After Participating in The Program of Confident Children School. Diversity: Disease Preventive of Research Integrity, 2(1), 42-50.
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