Educational Leadership: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan <div style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Educational Leadership: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan</strong>&nbsp;is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of Islamic Education Management Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar. This journal is dedicated to publishing scientific articles in the study of Islamic Education management from different aspects and perspectives.</div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Department of Islamic Education Management en-US Educational Leadership: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan 2830-2591 THE STRATEGY OF THE HEADMASTER IN MANAGING TEACHER CONFLICTS <p><em>This research examines the strategy of madrasah heads in managing educational staff conflicts at the Nurul Hidayah Sungai Salak Private Aaliyah Madrasah, Indragiri Hilir Regency. The aim is to describe conflict management strategies to increase work productivity and identify the obstacles faced. Using qualitative methods with a case study approach, through descriptive observation and interviews. The research results show that the madrasa head's strategy is influenced by the human relations paradigm, using avoidance, accommodation and compromise strategies, but the impact of conflict is not always positive because there is no effort to maintain optimal conflict levels. Obstacles include a lack of openness, silent conflicts, egoism, prestige, and feeling right. The recommended solution is to increase conceptual knowledge, develop competencies, and attend training.</em></p> Yuriyan Dinata Yuliharti Rini Setyaningsih Copyright (c) 2024 Yuriyan Dinata, Yuliharti, Rini Setyaningsih 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 4 1 1 22 10.24252/edu.v4i1.45485 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (MIS) FOR ACADEMIC ACTIVITES TO IMPROVE EDUCATIONAL QUALITY SERVICE <p><em>The use of technology, particularly in the form of Academic Management Information Systems (SIM), has become a necessity for educational institutions. The implementation of SIM in the academic field helps to simplify the administration, processing, and storage of important academic data. This article aims to explore the implementation of SIM in enhancing the quality of services in educational institutions. The research method used is a literature review, examining 5 national journals and 5 international journals from 2020-2023. The findings indicate that SIM has been utilized by educational institutions at various levels, from elementary schools to universities. The use of SIM is driven not only by the demands of the times but also by the various conveniences it offers institutions in managing, organizing, storing, and presenting data quickly and accurately, thus enhancing the quality of educational services.</em></p> Vanisha Amelia Riani Hikmah Eva Trisnantari Imam Junaris Copyright (c) 2024 Vanisha Amelia Riani, Hikmah Eva Trisnantari, Imam Junaris 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 4 1 23 33 10.24252/edu.v4i1.46921 CONTRIBUTION OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM IN IMPROVING EDUCATION QUALITY <p><em>Education is one of the most crucial aspects of country formation. Management information systems are recognized as a useful instrument for improving educational quality. The purpose of this study is to examine how management information systems can be used to improve educational quality. This study uses three prior publications as references to obtain information on the adoption of management information systems in the educational setting. The research strategy used was an examination of these journals. The findings of this study suggest that implementing management information systems in education still presents hurdles and obstacles. However, in general, the introduction of management information systems in schools has contributed positively to the quality of education.</em></p> Kamilatun Nisa Copyright (c) 2024 Kamilatun Nisa 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 4 1 34 41 10.24252/edu.v4i1.47944 STUDENT PERCEPTIONS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SINGLE TUITION FEES IN THE ISLAMIC EDUCATION MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT, TARBIYAH AND TEACHER TRAINING FACULTY UIN ALAUDDIN MAKASSAR <p><em>This research examines students' perceptions of the implementation of Single Tuition Fees (UKT) in the Islamic Education Management Department, Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, UIN Alauddin Makassar. Using qualitative descriptive methods, this research found that students had positive and negative views about UKT. Several informants criticized the determination of UKT groups as not being on target and the existence of additional payments outside of UKT, such as books. However, the majority of students gave a positive perception, considering that the implementation of UKT was in accordance with their current information and knowledge, although there were hopes for improvement in the future.</em></p> Suarga Ahmad Nahjul Tsaqif Anugerah Setiawan Farhan Nur Fajar Aspirah Copyright (c) 2024 Suarga ., Ahmad Nahjul Tsaqif, Anugerah Setiawan, Farhan Nur Fajar, Aspirah 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 4 1 42 58 10.24252/edu.v4i1.47827 AGILE LEADERSHIP AND VOTING PROCESS IN ORGANIZATION <p><em>Leadership</em><em> is the ability of an individual or a group of people to influence and guide followers or members of organization, society or team.A leader takes an important roles in organzation. There’s a few style of leadership for being a leader . Agile leadership is one of the style of leadership that’s important for organization to face VUCA era. With their characteristic of agile leadership which is adaptive, inovative, collaborative,and flexible, will give a positive impact to organizations by their good and fast decision making, and give solution for short and long time conditions</em></p> Hesty Duhita Permata Nunung Nurhayati Copyright (c) 2024 Hesty Duhita Permata, Nunung Nurhayati 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 4 1 59 76 10.24252/edu.v4i1.48783 ANALIYSIS OF INDDEPENDENT CURICULUM IMPLEMENTATION POLICY IN MADRASAH <p><em>This independent curriculum (kurikulum merdeka) has been designed to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students consists of six elements: faith, fear of God Almighty, and noble character; global diversity; cooperation; independence; critical reasoning; and creativity. This research aims to analyze the implementation of independece curriculum carried out by madrasas through the decree of the Ministry of Religious Affair (KMA) Number 347 of 2022. The approach used by researchers is a library research with content analysis method. In this research primary data source such as books, journals, newspapers, and other documents. The results of this research conclude that implementation of independent curriculum (kurikulum merdeka) in madrasas required learning facilities and infrastructure. In addition, educators are needed to understand the curriculum, such as learning achievements (CP), learning objectives (TP), and learning objectives flow (ATP). Beside it, the teacher must be able to integrate the material learning with orientation to strengthen profile of Pancasila students rahmatan lil alamin (P5 PPRA). This qualitative research ultimately has limitations considering that the results of this study do not reflect the implementation of independent curriculum in specific madrasa. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct more comprehensive research with field research.</em></p> Monika Sari Arofah Abdul Azis Agus Zaenul Fitri Copyright (c) 2024 Monika Sari Arofah, Abdul Azis, Agus Zaenul Fitri 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 4 1 77 87 10.24252/edu.v4i1.49008 EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS <p><em>This study aims to determine the Analysis of Education Policy on Management Information Systems. The research method used is qualitative research, with data from articles, journals, and relevant experiences. The discussion of this research includes Education Policy Analysis, SIM, characteristics, components, objectives, and implementation. The conclusion in this study is that, Education Policy Analysis focuses on efficiency and effectiveness, including normative, structural, constituent, and technical dimensions. Education Management Information System (SIM) supports management functions by providing structured information for decision-making. SIM covers various aspects of education management, consisting of human components, procedures, hardware, software and data. Its implementation aims to improve transparency, access to information and the quality of education services, which impacts on the organisation's image.</em></p> Moh Rizal Sainuddin Hijar Semi Yuspiani Wahyuddin Naro Copyright (c) 2024 Moh Rizal Sainuddin, Hijar Semi, Yuspiani, Wahyuddin Naro 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 4 1 88 99 10.24252/edu.v4i1.49082 TYPES OF CURRICULUM FROM DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW <p><em>This study aims to find out the Types of Curriculum from Various Viewpoints. The research method used is qualitative research, namely data sourced from several articles, journals and reading books as well as experiences related to the focus of research, namely Types of Curriculum from Various Points of View. So that all data collected is then analyzed according to research needs. The discussion of this research discusses several things including: (1) Understanding the Curriculum, (2) Types of Curriculum, (3) Curriculum from Various Viewpoints. The conclusion in this study is that education is an important aspect in the formation of human character and quality. The curriculum is a guide that organizes learning activities, covering various elements such as objectives, content, methods, and evaluation. In Indonesia, curriculum evolution reflects a paradigm shift in education from the 1947 Curriculum to the 2023 Merdeka Curriculum, which provides freedom in curriculum design according to the local context. Although diverse, all types of curricula aim to influence student development according to educational goals, while facing implementation challenges such as teacher readiness and dense material.</em></p> Andi Nur Asnani Nasmin Muh Yusran St Azisah Moh Wayong Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Nur Asnani Nasmin, Muh Yusran, St Azisah, Moh Wayong 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 4 1 100 115 10.24252/edu.v4i1.49139 EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL USING THE 360-DEGREE FEEDBACK METHOD <p><em>The purpose of this evaluation study is related to the work of employees of PT Satria Manunggal Petrolindo. Surveys are one of the most important evaluation factors related to the improvement of efficiency and quality aimed at the realization of the business goals and objectives of the company, whereas traditional evaluation methods were used in employee evaluation. The evaluation method used causes discomfort in some employees and weakens motivation, which affects the productivity of employees. To solve these problems, a study was conducted on the performance of employees of PT Satria Manunggal Petrolindo. The company uses the 360-degree feedback method as a measurement method for staff evaluation. This method uses comprehensive feedback from all levels of the employee to evaluate work behavior, consisting of five evaluation components: self-evaluation, supervisor evaluation, peer evaluation, subordinate evaluation manager (SAM), and client/customer evaluation. The result of the research and evaluation of the problems of this work is the use of the 360-degree feedback method in evaluating the work results of employees. Applying the 360-degree feedback method to personal evaluation is one method that provides objective evaluations. The final results obtained in the evaluation process are considered by the management of the company when making decisions regarding the future of the employees and the company. Employees can also increase their comfort and motivation to work with PT. Satria Manunggal Petrolindo, which ultimately affects the improvement of the company's efficiency and the achievement of business goals.</em></p> Dedi Rianto Rahadi Rahmat Fauzi Zaky Saputra Copyright (c) 2024 Dedi Rianto Rahadi, Rahmat Fauzi, Zaky Saputra 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 4 1 116 139 10.24252/edu.v4i1.47106 FUNCTIONS OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE <p><em>A leader is a figure who is a unifier for anyone who is in his leadership area. In fact, the existence of a leader will always be accompanied by his expertise and readiness in recognizing, guiding, focusing and mobilizing the people under his responsibility to achieve common goals. Islamic leadership involves the role and activities of a leader who is able to influence other people based on Islamic rules contained in the Qur'an and Hadith. The concept of leadership in the Al-Qur'an is built on a strong and solid foundation. These foundations have been built for centuries and have become the guiding principles of Islamic education up to the present day.&nbsp; Islamic education requires leaders who with their leadership are able to influence group activities in an organized manner in an effort to achieve the goals of Islamic education. Leadership in the Islamic context without influence can result in people losing trust in their leaders. Next is the spiritual aspect; religious leaders, and the character inherent in leaders. Madrasah heads have an important responsibility, namely developing four basic competencies continuously for teachers to achieve educational and learning goals.</em></p> Ermi Sola Copyright (c) 2024 Ermi Sola 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 4 1 140 148 10.24252/edu.v4i1.49629