ELFALAKY: Jurnal Ilmu Falak 2024-07-22T00:09:10+00:00 Muh Rasywan Syarif [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Elfalaky adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program studi Ilmu Falak, Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Alauddin Makassar yang merefleksi diri sebagai wadah akademik untuk publikasi artikel ilmiah. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Jurnal ini memfokuskan kajian/studi Ilmu Falak yang mengintegrasikan agama dan sains dalam berbagai aspeknya, dan diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi bagi pembaca/akademika dalam pengembangan wawasan akademik dan keilmuan.</span></span></p> KESETARAAN GENDER DALAM RUKYATUL HILAL: MENINJAU KETERLIBATAN KESAKSIAN PEREMPUAN DALAM PENENTUAN AWAL BULAN (RAMADAN, SYAWAL DAN ZULHIJJAH) 2024-07-21T23:49:54+00:00 Aisyah Maulidatul Haq Haq [email protected] Hamza Hasan [email protected] Muhammad Shuhufi [email protected] <p>Peneltian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kesaksian kaum laki-laki yang identik dalam rukayatul hilal dibandingkan perempuan. Adapun penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka (<em>library research</em>) dengan menggunakan pendekatan normative. Sumber data primer diperoleh dari dokumen-dokumen seperti buku, artikel, keputusan Menteri Agama maupun sumber-sumber yang berkaitan dengan gender dan kesaksiam perempuan dalam rukyatul hilal. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa kesaksian dalam rukyatul hilal sudah mencerminkan semangat kesetaraan gender meskipun keterlibatan perempuan dalam kesaksian penentuan awal bulan (Ramadan, Syawal dan Zulhijjah) masih sangat minim yaitu sebesar 3% dengan keasaksian mulai 1 Syawal 1421 H/2000 M hingga 10 Zulhijjah 1440 H/2019 M.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Al-Mathla’ Al-Sa’id Fii Hisabat Al-Kawakib ‘Ala Rashd Al-Jadid 2024-07-21T23:49:55+00:00 Muhammad Faqih Taufik [email protected] Ahmad Ihsan Alwi [email protected] <p>The book <em>Al-Mathla' Al-Said</em> is one of the sources of the archipelago astronomical book. An interesting book to study. The reckoning used in the book is included in the category of true bi <em>at-tahkik</em> reckoning which uses the science of measuring spherical triangles in calculating data from the beginning of the month. The aim of this research is to trace the reckoning algorithm for the beginning of the Hijriyah month in the book <em>Al-Mathla' Al-Said</em>. The study in this research uses the library research method with descriptive analysis. The calculation results of the <em>Al-Mathla' Al-Said</em> book method are not much different from the results using contemporary reckoning. Apart from that, there is something unique about the book, namely the use of jumaliyah numbers in its astronomical tables.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-29T11:45:47+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ELFALAKY: Jurnal Ilmu Falak Asal Usul Penamaan Hari Perspektif Mitologi 2024-07-22T00:03:10+00:00 Nur Afdal Purnama Putra [email protected] Ahmad Izzuddin [email protected] <p>A calendar is a marking instrument that makes it easier for someone to mark days and seasons. In the calendar cycle used today, it is agreed that there are 7 days in a week, namely Monday to Sunday, which then raises the question of where the name of these days came from and why they are called that. To answer this, a qualitative research study will be carried out which is library research. This article tries to answer why there are seven days in a week and where the names of the days come from from a mythological perspective so that we will find answers to the history of the origins of the naming of days from a mythological perspective because ancient nations were very steeped in their myths.</p> 2024-06-29T12:12:28+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ELFALAKY: Jurnal Ilmu Falak The End of Prayer Times and Forbidden Times: Integration of Jurisprudence and Science 2024-07-21T23:49:57+00:00 Moh Tantawi Katili [email protected] Syarifuddin Katili [email protected] <p>This article aims to compromise the two well-known hadiths of Imāmah Jibrīl and ʻAbdullāh bin ʻAmr, which are apparently contradictive each other, and explain further about forbidden times. It employs a literature study, with a post-positivistic/naturalistic approach. The collected data was analyzed using content analysis. The result shows that the two hadiths can harmonize by dividing the time into several types, allowing each prayer to end when the next one begins, except for Fajr. Astronomically, variations in shadow length at the end of Zuhur result from the value |ϕ-δ☼|, while the sun’s elevation for the end of Asr and Fajr or the end of Maghrib and Isha is relatively similar. The forbidden times are divided into: 1) from after the Fajr prayer until the sun rises at least 3°30', 2) from local noon time (12–EoT–Interpolation) until declining-sun, and 3) from after the Asr prayer until sunset.</p> 2024-06-29T12:36:45+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ELFALAKY: Jurnal Ilmu Falak Kalender Zonal sebagai Upaya Unifikasi Awal Bulan Kamariah Gagasan Abdurrahman Özlem 2024-07-21T23:49:58+00:00 Elly Uzlifah [email protected] Nur Eka Putri Firdiniah [email protected] <h3><u>Abstract</u></h3> <p><em>For Muslims, the need for a uniform calendar is urgent, because many Muslim worship activities are related to time. However, until now a single and universally applicable Lunar Calendar has not been realized. Currently, Muslims in the world still use the calendar that applies in their respective regions or countries. One of the researchers who is concerned with the zonal calendar problem is Abdurrahman Özlem. He was an amateur Muslim astronomer from Turkey who introduced the zonal calendar with the concept of the International Lunar Date Line. Apart from the concept initiated by Abdurrahman Özlem, there are actually several other zonal calendar concepts that have been initiated by other scientists. However, until now the Universal Lunar Calendar has not been realized. This paper examines Abdurrahman Özlem's ideas regarding a zonal calendar with the concept of lunar date boundaries with the visibility of the new moon. From the results of the study, it was found that the idea offered by Abdurrahman Özlem left problems regarding the time of tarawih and sahur prayers. Abdurrahman Özlem's calendar concept has not been able to solve the problem of differences in the Hijri calendar, but it has had an influence on the formation of criteria for visibility of the new moon and other lunar calendar models, namely the zonal calendar and the universal calendar as an effort to unify the lunar calendar.</em></p> 2024-06-29T12:56:34+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ELFALAKY: Jurnal Ilmu Falak ASSESSMENT OF ABYADH SYAFAQ AT THE EARLY TIME OF ISHA ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY METHOD 2024-07-22T00:09:10+00:00 Yusuf Nurqolbi [email protected] Aminuddin Noosy [email protected] <p>Studying observations to determine the start of Isha using astrophotography techniques is an interesting area of ​​research. This method is gaining popularity among astronomers and institutions for capturing images of the crescent Moon and the night sky. The main objective of this research is to analyze <em>Syafaq Abyadh</em> observations in different sky brightness zones and assess the accuracy of using astrophotography techniques to determine the start of the Isha prayer time. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, namely collecting primary data from the field and complementing it with information from relevant literature and scientific sources. This research produced two findings. First, several factors were discovered, including; light pollution, weather, even clouds and rain which affect the rapid loss of <em>Syafaq</em> light in areas with different levels of sky brightness. Second, of the three locations tested, the perfect location that is most suitable for using <em>Syafaq </em>observations using the astrophotography method to determine the start of Isha time with a sun height of -18º is Empurancak Jepara beach (sky brightness is green and below/class 4 and below).</p> 2024-06-29T13:31:07+00:00 Copyright (c) The Important Role of the Sun's Position in Determining Local and Global Rashdul Qibla 2024-07-21T23:50:00+00:00 tina lestari [email protected] Rizal Ramadhan [email protected] <p>The determination of the direction of Qibla in Islam plays an important role in determining the direction of the Kaaba in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, which is a reference for Muslims in carrying out prayers. The position of the Sun plays an important role in determining the direction of Qibla, especially in the local and global Qibla Rashdul method. The local Qibla Rashdul uses the daily position of the Sun when crossing or passing through the city of Mecca, while the global Qibla Rashdul utilizes the position of the Sun globally to determine the direction of the Qibla. In determining the direction of Qibla, the position of the Sun is used as a reference to determine the direction of the Kaaba, which is then used as a reference in performing prayers. Developments in the direction of Qibla that continue to take place along with the development of technology and knowledge, allow Muslims to determine the direction of Qibla more accurately and easily.</p> 2024-06-29T13:44:15+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ELFALAKY: Jurnal Ilmu Falak Prospek Nahdlatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah Menuju Penyatuan Kalender Islam di Indonesia 2024-07-21T23:50:01+00:00 Wiwik Triulan Wiwik [email protected] Kurniati [email protected] Marilang [email protected] <p>This was motivated by religious problems related to differences between Islamic mass organizations in the method of determining the start of the Hijriah month between Nahdlatul Ulama (imkanrukyat) and Muhammadiyah (wujudul hilal). This research aims to analyze the prospects of Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah in the Unification of the Islamic Calendar in Indonesia. This research method is library research using an Islamic law and astronomy approach. Based on the existing methods, efforts to unify are carried out on both a national and international scale. It is necessary to have a clear, directed mechanism and jointly unite steps to realize the Islamic calendar in Indonesia. For this reason, the proposed calendar usage is the Uhadi calendar (unified Islamic calendar) and the Tawlifi calendar (Synthesized Islamic calendar). With an agreed calendar, it is hoped that this will be the best way without winning or defeating one party and still maintaining the Islamic brotherhood in Indonesia. This research has limitations so it is hoped that future researchers will complete the shortcomings and develop this research.</p> 2024-06-29T13:58:04+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ELFALAKY: Jurnal Ilmu Falak THREE-O DESIGN WITH KINETIC ENERGY RESOURCES AS AN INNOVATION TO DETERMINE DIRECTIONS AND PRAYER TIMES 2024-07-21T23:50:02+00:00 Uunwanah Agustin Aulliyah [email protected] Bunga Chinta Melati [email protected] Sukma Prasettia [email protected] Fuji Hernawati Kusumah [email protected] <p>Every Muslim in the world has an obligation to perform prayers, and one of the two valid conditions for prayer is facing the Qibla (the direction of the Ka’bah in Mecca) and praying at the designated times. The challenge arises when someone is in an unfamiliar place where the Qibla direction is unknown. Additionally, prayer times continuously change based on the position of the sun. To address these challenges, the goal of this research is to design a device that can determine the Qibla direction without relying on electricity, signals, internet, or specialized knowledge. This renewable solution aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The conclusion from this design is successful, resulting in a practical and efficient product for the community, with an average score of 71.4% based on the questionnaire.</p> 2024-06-29T14:14:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ELFALAKY: Jurnal Ilmu Falak Revitalisasi serta Batasan Toleransi Skewness Arah Kiblat dalam Ibadah Menurut Syafi’iyah 2024-07-21T23:50:03+00:00 Khoirul Anwar Singosari Anwar Singosari [email protected] <p>Tulisan ini membahas permasalahan ini revitalisasi arah kiblat di masyarakat, dimana ulama berbeda pendapat, tentang batasan menghadap ke kiblat. Dalam pandangan Imam Syafi’i menyatakan bahwa bagi orang yang jauh dan tidak bisa melihat Kakbah secara langsung, maka bagi dia harus berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh (<em>al-ijtihad</em>) untuk mengetahui arah kiblat yang benar-benar dengan menggunakan petunjuk-petunjuk alam semesta. Pendapat Imam Syafi’i ini menunjukkan bahwa orang yang salat harus berusaha menghadap ke <em>‘ain al Kakbah </em>dengan sebuah ijtihadnya, walaupun dalam pandangan ulama lain dari kalangan syafiiyah cukup dengan <em>jihad al Kakbah</em> sudah sah dalam mengerjakan shalat.</p> <p>Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kajian lapangan (<em>field research</em>) dan metode pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi yang diperoleh hasil penelitian. Teori yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif yang menggunakan perhitungan arah kiblat sesuai dengan Batasan toleransi skewness berdasarkan kajian Syafiiyah.</p> <p>Kesimpulan tulisan ini mendeskripsikan bahwa, pertama bahwa revitalisasi arah kiblat penting karena Setiap <em>mushallin</em> (orang yang shalat) diwajibkan untuk menghadap kiblat yakni menghadap ke bangunan Ka’bah baik secara <em>‘ain al Kakbah</em> atau <em>jihah al Ka’bah</em>, seperti halnya orang Mekah. Kedua, Batasan skewness dalam kiblat mempunyai nilai toleransi 3-4 menit sesuai literasi yang merujuk pada Syafi’iyah.</p> 2024-06-29T14:26:52+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ELFALAKY: Jurnal Ilmu Falak