• Sulaeha Sulaeha Universty of Alauddin Uneversity
  • Kamsinah Kamsinah Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Muhammad Jabal Annur Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar


This research  aims at finding out the effectiveness of using short storyin improving students’ verbal vocabulary mastery. The subject of the research was the second grade students of SMAN 2 Bulukumba. In collecting the data, this research used pre-test and post-test. The type of this research was quantitative with quasi-experimental design. It was applied with two group’s pre-test and post-test design. The population of this study is 215 students from the second grade students of SMAN 2 Bulukumba. This study is quantitative research with quasi experimental design by using 27 students in control class and 30 students in experimental class. This is proved by figure of means group, the standard deviation and value of t-test  which revealed that the mean score of experimental group is higher than the mean score of control group. The result in t-test of experimental class is higher than  t-table. It  showed that t-table 1, 25>t-table at significance level 2,0 and 12,89> 2.045 t-table at 0,05 (98%). It means that using short story  was more effective in improving  students’ verbal vocabulary mastery at the second grade students of SMAN 2 Bulukumba.

Author Biography

Sulaeha Sulaeha, Universty of Alauddin Uneversity


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How to Cite
Sulaeha, S., Kamsinah, K., & Annur, M. J. (2020). USING SHORT STORY IN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VERBAL VOCABULARY MASTERY. English Language Teaching for EFL Learners Journal, 2(1), 35-45.
Volume 2, Number 01, March 2020
Abstract viewed = 324 times