HISABUNA: Jurnal Ilmu Falak
<div style="border: 3px #4C301D Dashed; padding: 10px; background-color: #d8d8d8; text-align: left;"> <ol> <li class="show">Journal Title: <a href="https://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/hisabuna/">HISABUNA: Jurnal Ilmu Falak</a></li> <li class="show">Initials: Hisabuna</li> <li class="show">Frequency: March, June, and November</li> <li class="show">Print ISSN: <a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/1602128727" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-7082</a></li> <li class="show">Online ISSN: <a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/1602200252" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-7090</a></li> <li class="show">Editor in Chief: Dr. Alimuddin, M.Ag, (<a href="https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=58958905000" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Id Scopus: 58958905000</a>), Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia</li> <li class="show">Managing Editor: Nurul Wakiah, ID SINTA <a href="https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/profile/6797845/?view=googlescholar#!">6797845, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia</a></li> <li class="show">DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.24252/hisabuna.v4i3.38116">10.24252</a></li> <li class="show">Publisher: Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar</li> </ol> </div> <p>This journal is to develop academic insights in the field of phalactic science that integrates religion and science as well as related sciences in order to advance science. The scope of the journal is as follows:<br>- Beginning of the Kamariah Month<br>- Prayer Time<br>- Qibla Direction<br>- Eclipse<br>- Astronomy</p>Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassaren-USHISABUNA: Jurnal Ilmu Falak2746-7082IMPLEMENTASI DESAIN GRAFIS DALAM PEMBELAJARAN ILMU FALAK (STUDI KASUS PRODI ILMU FALAK UIN ALAUDDIN MAKASSAR
<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>The article discusses the Implementation of Graphic Design in Learning Falak Science (Case Study of Falak Science Study Program UIN Alauddin Makassar). The main formulation of this research problem is further elaborated into two namely: First, How is the concept of Falak Science graphic design in the digital era? Second, How is the implementation of graphic design on the development of Falak Science? This type of research is field research, which is a method that describes and analyzes the results of research based on facts found in the field. Then this type of research can also provide more specific and accurate data on the object of research. Where, the object in this study refers to the Graphic Design Implementation in Falak Science Learning in the Falak Science Study Program at UIN Alauddin Makassar. The results of this study indicate that the response of students majoring in Falak Science at UIN Alauddin Makassar thinks that graphic design in learning falak science has been proven to increase students' understanding of the material taught so that it makes it easier for students to get information more effectively and efficiently about Falak Science. Graphic design also has a positive impact on students' technological skills. Students become more accustomed and skilled in using various graphic design software that is useful not only in the context of Falak Science learning as in the use of Falak Science applications. The implication of this research is that research can develop Falak Science learning modules that make maximum use of graphic design, so that the material can be delivered in a more interesting and easy-to-understand way. Further research on the long-term impact of using graphic design in learning and evaluating its effectiveness in various other courses.</em></p>Suandi BasiriNurul Wakia
Copyright (c) 2024 Suandi Basiri, Nurul Wakia
2025-02-152025-02-155311410.24252/hisabuna.v5i3.50483Eksplorasi Konsep Waktu Salat Dalam Al-Qur'an Perspektif Ilmu Falak
<p><em>“</em><em>This research discusses the exploration of the concept of prayer times in the Al-Qur'an from a astronomical perspective. This research is library research which collects data from books, journals and other reference sources. This research uses a sharia approach to analyze Islamic legal norms regarding prayer times, as well as an astronomical approach to determine prayer times based on the position of celestial bodies. The research results show that first, the verses of the Koran provide guidance regarding natural signs, such as the rising and setting of the sun, which are used in determining prayer times. The prayer times mentioned in the Qur'an have a scientific basis that can be measured and calculated using the reckoning method. Second, astronomy, with its arithmetic method, allows accurate prayer times to be determined based on the position of the sun, which includes the times of Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha. T</em><em>he implication ot th</em><em>his research provides a theoretical contribution in strengthening the understanding that Islamic teachings regarding prayer times have a scientific basis that is acceptable in the context of modern science. Practically, the results of this research can be used as a reference in preparing a more accurate prayer time schedule and in developing technological applications that help Muslims determine prayer times easily and precisely</em><em>.”</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Eksploration, Falak Science, Prayer Time</em></p>Sheila Nur AlifahThahir Maloko
Copyright (c) 2024 Sheila Nur Alifah, Thahir Maloko
2025-02-152025-02-1553152910.24252/hisabuna.v5i3.51251Penentuan Arah Kiblat Menggunakan Azimuth Bintang Gienah (Studi Pengamatan Langit Di Desa Bonto Bulaeng, Kecamatan Sinoa, Kabupaten Bantaeng, Sulawesi Selatan
<p>The main issue in this research is the determination of the Qibla direction using the azimuth of the Gienah star in Bonto Bulaeng Village, Sinoa Subdistrict, Bantaeng Regency, South Sulawesi. This study highlights the use of stars as a guide in determining the Qibla direction and evaluates the accuracy of star azimuth in the process. This research is a qualitative field study, where the researcher conducts direct observation of the study object. The Qibla direction is determined using the azimuth reference of the Gienah star with azimuth data calculated beforehand, through a Shari'a and astronomical approach using qualitative methods. The data collection methods employed include observation and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the azimuth of the Gienah star can be used as an alternative in determining the Qibla direction, especially at night when the Qibla direction cannot be determined directly. The implication of this research is that the star azimuth method is one way to determine the Qibla direction. Additionally, other celestial objects with measurable azimuth can also be used. The author hopes this study will expand the understanding of Qibla direction measurement using star objects. The use of star azimuth should only be considered as an alternative in determining the Qibla direction and is not recommended for beginners in the field of falak and astronomy, due to the risk of star misidentification that can lead to inaccuracy.</p>RahmawatiJasdar Agus
Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmawati, Jasdar Agus
<p>Penelitian ini membahas mengenai putika sebagai metode penentuan hari baik bagi suku mandar dan relevansinya dengan ilmu falak. Penelitian ini tergolong kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah: syar’i, dan Antropologis. Adapun sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah Masyrakat, Ustadz, Nelayan, annangguru, dan Budayawan. Hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang pertama metode putika untuk menentukan hari-hari baik bagi Suku Mandar melibatkan beberapa langkah yang terstruktur. Seperti, pengamatan kalender bulan yang dilakukan dengan memperhatikan fase-fase penting seperti bulan baru dan bulan purnama. Kemudian, tokoh adat atau tetua yang memiliki pengetahuan mendalam tentang tradisi ini dikonsultasikan untuk memberikan petunjuk. Yang kedua bahwa ilmu falak memiliki relevansi dengan metode putika dalam penentuan hari baik bagi Suku Mandar melalui penggunaan pengamatan benda langit, seperti fase bulan, yang menjadi dasar kedua metode ini. Meskipun putika lebih bersifat tradisional dan menggabungkan unsur spiritual serta kepercayaan lokal, prinsip-prinsip dasar ilmu falak tentang pergerakan benda langit memberikan kerangka ilmiah yang dapat memperkuat keakuratan metode putika. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Penelitian ini juga menemukan peluang untuk mengintegrasikan metode tradisional Putika dengan ilmu falak modern, yang dapat meningkatkan akurasi penentuan hari baik dan memperkaya pemahaman budaya. 2) Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu melestarikan tradisi Putika sebagai bagian dari warisan budaya Suku Mandar, untuk memastikan bahwa <sub>pengetahuan</sub> ini tidak hilang dan tetap diteruskan kepada generasi mendatang. </p>PangeranHadi Daeng mapunaAdriana Mustafa
Copyright (c) 2025 Pangeran, Hadi Daeng mapuna, Adriana Mustafa
2025-02-152025-02-1553476410.24252/hisabuna.v5i3.50579UJI AKURASI INSTRUMEN UNI-ONE TRACKER DALAM PENENTUAN RUKYATUL HILAL
<p><em>This study discusses the Uni-One Tracker instrument which was developed by a team of students from the Astronomy Study Program at UIN Alauddin Makassar and is used in the implementation of the Rukyatul Hilal to determine the beginning of the lunar month. The purpose of this study was to determine the components and methods of using the Uni-One Tracker instrument and the level of accuracy in determining the hilal rukyatul. The method used is field research with a qualitative descriptive approach and collecting primary and secondary data. The results showed that the components of the Uni-One Tracker instrument consisted of location gates, dial boards, mobile phone holders, tripods, waterpass, and dipotra applications. </em></p> <p><em>The method of use includes several steps, namely installing, leveling, aiming at the horizon, setting the dioptra application, aiming at the sun, and observing the new moon. The observation results show that the Uni-One Tracker instrument is accurate in localizing the new moon's position at the beginning of the lunar month, with the difference in azimuth and the difference in the height of the new moon not more than one degree compared to the theodolite as a comparison tool. An important finding from this study is that the Uni-One Tracker instrument can be a simple and accurate tool option in the implementation of the Hilal Rukyatul. This research can be a reference for the development of methods for carrying out the Rukyatul Hilal in the future.</em></p>Firdaus FaridFatmawatiFaisal Akib
Copyright (c) 2024 Firdaus Farid, Fatmawati, Faisal Akib
2025-02-152025-02-1553659010.24252/hisabuna.v5i3.37598Kontribusi K.H. ZUbair Umar dalam Kitab al-Khulasah al-Wafiah pada Perkmbangan Falak di Indonesia
<p><em>The The development of astronomy in Indonesia has a long history, although the study of astronomy remains limited and rare due to its complex calculations. This development is tied to the journeys of Nusantara figures to the Middle East, such as K.H. Zubair Umar, author of al-Khulasah al-Wafiah. This research focuses on his contribution to the advancement of astronomy in Indonesia through his book. This is important as astronomy affects the qibla direction and prayer times for Muslims. To address this issue, the author adopts a multidisciplinary approach. This qualitative literature research collects data from relevant sources. K.H. Zubair Umar's classic book, al-Khulasah al-Wafiah, had a significant influence in Indonesia during the Japanese occupation and early independence, used in judicial institutions and time calculations. Zubair Umar's contribution is evident through his students who became astronomy experts in Indonesia. This study promotes a deeper understanding of Islamic intellectual heritage, the history of astronomy, and appreciation for Muslim scholars' contributions. It is hoped that this research will inspire further studies on Islamic intellectualism and the history of astronomy in Indonesia.</em></p>Ahmad Tahsisul ArfahMuh. Rasywan Syarif
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Tahsisul Arfah, Muh. Rasywan Syarif
2025-02-152025-02-15539110810.24252/hisabuna.v5i3.40485ASTROFOTOGRAFI DALAM RUKYATUL HILAL PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM
<p><em>This research is entitled astrophotography in the rukyatul hilal perspective of Islamic law. The focus of this research is the concept of astrophotography in rukyatul hilal, the implementation of astrophotography in Islamic law and the analysis of Islamic law on the results of astrophotography. The aim of this research is to find out the concept of astrophotography in rukyatul hilal, the implementation of astrophotography in Islamic law and the analysis of Islamic law on the results of astrophotography. The type of research used by researchers in this article is literature review sourced from books, journals, theses and other scientific studies that are relevant to the research object. The results of the research in this article are that rukyatul hilal is a method of viewing the moon to determine the beginning of the month of Qamariyah, astrophotography is a tool for making these observations. The implementation of astrophography is a way to make it easier to observe the rukyatul hilal using tools. Analysis of Islamic law related to astrophotography is carried out using an approach through maslahah murlah and fiqh rules related to the implementation of astrophotography. It is hoped that the implications of this research will lead to the study of astronomy, especially in terms of rukyah hilal and astrophotography.</em></p>Nuramaliah SyamsuddinAndi Muh. Akmal
Copyright (c) 2024 Nuramaliah Syamsuddin, Andi Muh. Akmal
2025-02-152025-02-155310912010.24252/hisabuna.v5i3.53400Respon Mahasiswa Ilmu Falak UIN Alauddin Makassar terhadap Kebijakan Kemenag RI dalam Penentuan Awal Bulan Ramadhan, Syawal dan Dzulhijjah
<p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Pokok masalah penelitian ini ialah bagaimana respon mahasiswa ilmu falak UIN Alauddin Makassar terhadap kebijakan Kemenag RI dalam penentuan awal bulan Ramadhan, Syawal dan Dzulhijjah. Pokok masalah ini terbagi beberapa sub masalah yakni: <em>pertama, </em>bagaimana urgensi penentuan awal bulan Ramadhan, Syawal dan Dzulhijjah. K<em>edua, </em>bagaimana pemahaman mahasiswa Ilmu Falak UIN Alauddin Makassar terhadap Kebijakan Kemenag RI dalam penentuan awal bulan Ramadhan, Syawal dan Dzulhijjah. <em>Ketiga, </em>bagaimana implikasi dari respon mahasiswa Ilmu Falak UIN Alauddin Makassar terhadap penentuan Kebijakan Kemenag RI terkait penentuan Awal Bulan Ramadhan, Syawal dan Dzulhijjah. Penelitian ini termasuk kedalam jenis penelitian kualitatif lapangan <em>(Field Research)</em>. Pendekatan yang dipakai yakni pendekatan astronomis serta pendekatan syar’i. Sumber data primer didapat melalui wawancara. Data sekunder didapat melalui kepustakaan yang berhubungan dengan awal bulan Hijriah. Metode pengumpulan data yakni observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Teknik pengolahan serta analisis data yakni reduksi data, penyajian data, serta penarik kesimpulan. Pengujian keabsahan data dilakukan melalui teknik triangulasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini <em>pertama</em>, urgensi Penentuan Awal Bulan Ramadhan, Syawal dan Dzulhijjah ialah sangat penting dalam Islam karena berdampak langsung pada pelaksanaan ibadah umat Islam. <em>Kedua, </em>Pemahaman mahasiswa Ilmu Falak UIN Alauddin Makassar tentang kebijakan Kemenag RI umumnya mendukung kebijakan Kemenag yang menggabungkan metode hisab dan rukyat karena relevan dengan ilmu yang mereka pelajari dan mengurangi perbedaan pendapat di masyarakat. Namun, mereka mengkritik inkonsistensi antara hasil hisab dan rukyat yang membingungkan masyarakat, serta menyarankan Kemenag lebih meningkatkan sosialisasi terkait prioritas metode yang digunakan agar masyarakat lebih paham. <em>Ketiga, </em>implikasi dari respon mahasiswa memiliki pandangan positif terhadap kebijakan ini karena berdampak signifikan bagi pendidikan Ilmu Falak dan penerimaan kebijakan di kalangan masyarakat. Mereka berpotensi menjadi penghubung antara teori dan praktik, serta berkontribusi dalam penyempurnaan kebijakan yang ada. Implikasi dari penelitian ini yaitu <em>pertama</em>, hasilnya dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi dan memperbarui kurikulum program studi Ilmu Falak dengan fokus pada peningkatan pemahaman mahasiswa tentang metode hisab dan rukyat serta kebijakan Kemenag RI. <em>Kedua</em>, penelitian ini akan membantu Kemenag RI mempertimbangkan perspektif akademik saat menentukan awal bulan Hijriyah<em>. Ketiga</em>, diharapkan mahasiswa Ilmu Falak dapat berperan aktif dalam menjembatani antara teori dan praktik serta membantu masyarakat untuk mengurangi potensi konflik dan kebingungan di kalangan umat Islam.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: Respon, Mahasiswa, Kebijakan, Awal Bulan Hijriah</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>The main problem of this research is how the response of astronomy students of UIN Alauddin Makassar to the policy of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in determining the beginning of the months of Ramadhan, Shawwal, and Dzulhijjah</em><em>. The main problem is divided into several sub-problems as follows: first, how urgent is the determination of the beginning of the months of Ramadhan, Shawwal and Dzulhijjah. Second, how do students of Astronomy of UIN Alauddin Makassar understand the Policy of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in determining the beginning of the months of Ramadhan, Shawwal and Dzulhijjah. Third, what are the implications of the response of Astronomy students of UIN Alauddin Makassar to the determination of the Policy of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. Regarding the determination of the beginning of the month of Ramadhan, Shawwal and Dzulhijjah. This research is a type of qualitative field research (Field Research). The approach used is the astronomical approach and the shar'i approach. Primary data sources were obtained through interviews. Secondary data is obtained through literature related to the beginning of the Hijri month. Data collection methods are observation, interviews and documentation. Data processing and analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Data validity testing is done through triangulation techniques. The results of this research are first, the urgency of determining the beginning of the month of Ramadhan, Shawwal and Dzulhijjah is very important in Islam because it has a direct impact on the implementation of worship for Muslims. Second, the understanding of Astronomy students of UIN Alauddin Makassar about the policies of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia generally supports the policies of the Ministry of Religion which combines the hisab and rukyat methods because they are relevant to the knowledge they are learning and reduce differences of opinion in society. However, they criticized the inconsistency between the results of hisab and rukyat which confused the public, and suggested that the Ministry of Religion further increase socialization regarding the priority of the methods used so that the public understands better. Third, </em><em>the implications of the student response have a positive view of this policy because it has a significant impact on astronomy education and policy acceptance among the public. They have the potential to be a link between theory and practice, as well as contribute to the improvement of existing policies. The implications of this study are first, the results can be used to evaluate and update the curriculum of the Astronomy study program with a focus on improving students' understanding of the hisab and rukyat methods as well as the policies of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. Second, this research will help the Indonesian Ministry of Religion consider an academic perspective when determining the beginning of the Hijri month. Third, it is hoped that students of Astronomy can play an active role in bridging theory and practice and helping the community to reduce the potential for conflict and confusion among Muslims.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Response, Students, Policy, Early Hijri Month</em></strong></p>Ayu Ashari AyuRahma Amir
Copyright (c) 2024 Ayu Ashari Ayu, Rahma Amir
2025-02-152025-02-155312714410.24252/hisabuna.v5i3.51748Etnoastronomi Masyarakat Nelayan Cilellang Kabupaten Barru Perspektif Ilmu Falak
<p><em>This type of research is field research that uses a descriptive qualitative method. This study was conducted by collecting data and then analyzing the research results based on the facts obtained in the field. Data collection uses primary and secondary data sources. Primary data sources are literature sources such as books, journals, and dissertations that serve as supporting references in the research. Secondary data sources come from research obtained in the field through interviews and documentation to obtain clear information regarding the Ethnoastronomy of the Cilellang Fishing Community in Barru Regency from the Perspective of Astronomy. The results of the research indicate that the Cilellang Village Fishing Community still applies some elements of traditional meteorology, which we call ethnoastronomy. They use the sun, moon, and star clusters as guidelines. The movement of the sun and moon is used to determine the condition of the day and weather, whether good or bad, in their daily activities as fishermen, which is recorded in the lontara' manuscripts. Star constellations or "anak uleng" are used as natural signs to determine all directions. In the perspective of astronomy, star constellations can be used to determine the direction of the Qibla, such as the Ursa Major constellation, known as "anak uleng kappalae," which indicates the north direction, and the Orion constellation, known as "anak uleng tellue-tellue," which indicates the west direction. It is recommended that more in-depth research be conducted related to the accuracy of cardinal directions using star constellations. </em></p> <p><em>.<strong>Keywords: </strong></em><strong><em>Ethnoastronomy, Fisherman Communities, Astronomy</em></strong></p> <p><em> </em></p>NurHaslina SaniAlimuddinIrfan
Copyright (c) 2024 NurHaslina Sani, Alimuddin, Irfan
2025-02-152025-02-155314516010.24252/hisabuna.v5i3.52749An Analysis Study of the Orion Constellation as a Reference for Determining Qibla Direction at Night from an Astronomical Perspective
<p>Qibla direction is the direction in which Muslims worship. The sun, stars and other celestial bodies have been used by human civilizations as clues to establish their position for several centuries, and are closely related to the implementation of worship. As an illuminator and decorator of the sky there are constellations that are used as a reference at night. Because at night the constellations can be used as directions. The constellation Orion serves as a guide for fishermen and all mankind because it is too young to be seen with the naked eye with its position pointing west. This type of research uses library research "Library Research" refers to this type of research, which describes the subject matter accurately, systematically, and normatively to the object. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data, Primary Data in this study are data obtained directly from the research topic to be examined or data collection tools that are directly used as topics, which are the source of the information sought. Secondary data in this study is a source of information that supports this research, From the results of this study obtained that 1. Identification of the Orion Constellation as a reference for determining the Qibla direction at night. 2. The accuracy of the Orion Constellation as a reference for determining the Qibla direction at night. Qibla direction at night can be determined by referring to the constellation of Orion. By using one of its stars, Rigel, as a benchmark for determining the Qibla direction, namely by knowing the azimuth of the star, which can be observed using the stellarium application, or by using data and formulas to determine the Qibla direction using the azimuth of the Rigel star. The results after three comparisons, there is only a difference of one minute and one second between the azimuth of the Sun and Rigel star, according to calculations, this indicates that Rigel star is accurate as a reference for determining the Qibla direction at night. The implication of this research is that the use of Rigel star in the Orion constellation in this study is used as an alternative to determine the Qibla direction at night.</p>SulnandaRahmatiah,HLSippah Chotban
Copyright (c) 2024 Sulnanda, Rahmatiah,HL, Sippah Chotban