Homes Journal: Hospital Management Studies Journal
<div id="journalDescription"> <p align="justify">Homes Journal: Hospital Management Studies Journal, ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-878X</a> (print) and ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-8798</a> (online), is the journal which will publish scientific article about research health and hospital management. Homes Journal was first published in October 2020 and has a publishing period thrice in a year, namely in February, June and October. <strong>The focus of this journal</strong> is in Health Regulation and Policy, Human Resources Management, Medical Record Management, Quality Management of Health Services, Public Health Management, Hospital Accreditation, infection control management and patient safety, health organization and organizational behaviour in hospital, healthcare services, healthcare quality and patient safety, health facilities management, hospital accreditation, patient and employee satisfaction, pain management, inpatient and out-patient management, health insurance, health policy and healthcare informatics etc. This journal includes the leadership, management and administration of public health systems, hospitals and hospital networks. We accept original articles as well as review articles, editorials and other listed in the Author Instruction. All the submission and review process are managed through OJS system (<a href=""></a>), an electronic system that ensures a rapid turn around of manuscript from submission to publication. The journal has been accredited by Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional (ARJUNA) officially Managed by the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia <a title="SK Akreditasi SINTA" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Nomor</strong> <strong>230/E/KPT/2022 with the SINTA 4 grade</strong></a> from 2019 to 2026.</p> </div>Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassaren-USHomes Journal: Hospital Management Studies Journal2746-878XANALYSIS OF STUDENT SATISFACTION TOWARDS HEALTH SERVICES AT ASY-SYIFAA POLYCLINIC AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR IMPROVING HEALTH FACILITIES AT UIN ALAUDDIN MAKASSAR
<p>The use of health services is important to maintain and improve health, prevent the onset or worsening of disease, cure disease, and restore health conditions. This study aims to see the use of polyclinics and satisfaction of students of the Public Health Study Program at the UIN Alauddin Makassar campus. This type of research is quantitative through a cross-sectional approach. The sample size in this study was 229 respondents who were students of the Public Health Study Program. This study was conducted on September 20-25, 2024 with a sample collection method by giving questionnaires to students of the Public Health Study Program. Based on the results of the univariate analysis test obtained from 30 respondents who utilized health facilities 2 times or more than 2 visits, it was found that the majority of respondents were satisfied with each variable, including the tangible variable 21 people (70.0%), reliability 22 people (73.3%), responsiveness 21 people (70.0%), assurance 22 people (73.3%), and empathy 21 people (70.0%). Meanwhile, students who do not utilize the polyclinic at UINAM, the majority of the reasons are that they have never been sick, are more comfortable using health services outside the campus, and prefer to consult with a private doctor or service clinic. Therefore, suggestions and input from UINAM students are obtained, namely that the campus polyclinic needs to improve socialization regarding the service flow and its advantages so that it is better known by students. In addition, it is necessary to improve the quality of service by ensuring that staff are friendlier and more thorough, completing the necessary medical equipment, and improving the comfort of the waiting room and accessibility of health facilities. This is expected to encourage students to trust and choose health services on campus more.</p>Nur RahmahRini JusrianiAbd. Majid HR LaguMuh Kahfi
Copyright (c) 2025 Homes Journal: Hospital Management Studies Journal
<p><em><span lang="EN-US">An adequate understanding on health workers on use antibiotics can prevent the treatment ineffective. Increased risk for the security patient and the spread resistence. The purpose of this research that is, to know the knowledge of midwives in provision of antibiotics for the patient. The kind of research non experiment by using the method case study a qualitative approach. The data using a method of in- depth interviews. The determination of inform with purposive technique. Inform were 6 people consisting of 3 informants midwives and 3 informants patients.Based on the results of the study, the knowledge of midwives' knowledge of rationality in the administration of antibiotics based on 4 T (exact patient, precise indication, proper drug, correct dose) and 1 W (side effect) is still not appropriate because in midwife antibiotics using empirical therapy, the use of antibiotics for empirical therapy is the use of antibiotics in cases of infection that have not been known to the type of bacteria the cause. And rician drug information submitted is the name of the drug, the purpose of therapy, how to take medication with a time interval of 3 x 1 in a day, the drug should be spent and back in case of abnormalities when taking the drug</span></em></p>Gemy Nastity HandayanyNurdia FitriSyahrul Basri
Copyright (c) 2025 Homes Journal: Hospital Management Studies Journal