International Journal of Islamic Studies <p style="text-align: justify;">The International Journal of Islamic Studies is a Journal of Islamic Studies managed by the Postgraduate Dirasah Islamiyah Study Program at UIN Alauddin Makassar. The scope of the study from this journal is Islamic Studies in various themes and objects of study which include Tafsir, Hadith, Sharia Islamic Law, Islamic Education, Islamic Economics, History, Arabic Literary Language, and others.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> Pascasarjana UIN Alauddin Makassar en-US International Journal of Islamic Studies 3032-5056 <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <p>1) Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution License</a>&nbsp;that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</p> <p>2) Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</p> <p>3)Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See&nbsp;The Effect of Open Access).</p> The Acculturation of Local and Islamic Culture in the Pattorani Tradition on Masalima Island, Pangkep Regency <p>The main problem in this study is the acculturation of local and Islamic culture in the <em>pattorani</em> tradition on Masalima Island, Pangkep Regency. The type of research used was cultural research using descriptive research methods. The approach used is a historical approach with a theological approach. The data sources for this study were primary and secondary data, using research data collection methods such as observation, interviews, and documentation. Then, data processing and analysis techniques were conducted in three method stages: Inductive, deductive, and comparative. The results of this study showed that the origins of the <em>pattorani</em> tradition on Masalima Island, Pangkep Regency, were carried out before the arrival of Islamic teachings based on mythical community beliefs. The two series of <em>pattorani</em> traditions such as; first, it took place at the <em>puggawa</em>'s house; then it continued on the beach edge and then on a boat with several rituals, namely: <em>parenta pakkaja, appassili biseang, </em>and<em> accaru-caru beseang</em>. Then, the fishermen's wives had a banquet near the bridge, and <em>pamacca</em> was also held. After the Pattorani season, the community held a second banquet while listening to religious discourse and sending Salawat. Third, the <em>pattorani</em> tradition has a form of acculturation of local and Islamic culture, such as prayer, <em>barazanji</em>, religious discourse, and sending salawat, which has Islamic values such as spiritual and cooperation values.</p> Amirullah Hayati Abd. Rahim Yunus Indo Santalia Copyright (c) 2023 Amirullah Hayati, Abd. Rahim Yunus, Indo Santalia 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 130 143 10.24252/ijis.v3i2.43343 Chemical Castration Sanctions Against Pedophiles Based on Mashlahah Perspective <p>This study discusses the chemical castration sanctions against pedophiles. The main problem in this study is how are the sanctions for chemical castration in Law No. 17 of 2016 concern Child Protection? and what are the sanctions for chemical castration against pedophiles in Law No. 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection based on <em>Mashlahah</em> perspective? The methodology used was field research, using qualitative methods with a juridical and normative approach. Then, the data collection methods were analysis, interviews with the ulama (Indonesian Ulema Council) of South Sulawesi Province, and documentation. The data processing and analysis techniques had several stages: data reduction, data presentation, data editing, data analysis, and conclusion. The results showed that: 1) Chemical castration sanctions in Law No. 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection is a sanction in the form of injecting a chemical substance that aims to suppress sexual desires towards perpetrators of sexual crimes against children (pedophiles). The chemical castration sanction in the Law is an additional criminal sanction that is imposed at most two years after the perpetrator has served the main sentence in the form of imprisonment; 2) Chemical castration sanctions in Law No. 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection are categorized as <em>mashlahah mulghah </em>by the ulama, it refers to rejected <em>mashlahah</em> because there is an argument for the prohibition of castration in the hadith and <em>ijma' </em>of the ulama.</p> Ahmad Hamdan Mujahidul Haq Kasjim Salenda Muammar Muhammad Bakri Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Hamdan Mujahidul Haq, Kasjim Salenda, Muammar Muhammad Bakri 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 144 158 10.24252/ijis.v3i2.43312 Islamic Law Overview of Mu'athah Buying and Selling at STIBA Makassar <p>This study aims to determine the practice of <em>mu'athah</em> buying and selling at STIBA Makassar and elaborate the procedures and laws for carrying out each <em>mu'athah</em> buying and selling transaction without any supervision from the seller. This study used a qualitative descriptive research method with a phenomenological approach. The data collection methods used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data sources in this study were STIBA Makassar students, sellers of refilled water gallons, buyers, lecturers, and administrators as informants; the sources of primary data and documents in the form of data or tables of information as the secondary data. The results found a basis for the philosophy of&nbsp;<em>mu'athah</em>&nbsp;buying and selling, which existed during the period of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions until now because the ulama would not have different opinions regarding the law if&nbsp;<em>mu'athah</em>&nbsp;buying and selling transactions never existed. The practice of <em>mu'athah</em> buying and selling at STIBA Makassar often involves theft, and the suspect tends to return the thing during the fifth semester and above. The law of <em>mu'athah</em> buying and selling is permissible according to most ulama based on the evidence from the QS. Ali-Imran/3:41 and a hadith narrated by a Jewish enslaved people. The problem that occurs from the practice of buying and selling at STIBA Makassar is not due to problems with the contract, but there are problems out of the contract; when the vendible is often lost, it means that there is a theft and it is illegitimate.</p> Baso Hamka Abdul Wahid Haddade Abd. Rahman Ambo Masse Copyright (c) 2023 Baso Hamka, Abdul Wahid Haddade, Abd. Rahman Ambo Masse 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 159 174 10.24252/ijis.v3i2.43345 The Implementation of Ta'awun Concept in Wahdah Inspirasi Zakat to Diminish the Poverty in Makassar City <p>This study discusses implementing the <em>ta'awun</em> concept in Wahdah Inspirasi Zakat to diminish poverty in Makassar and how to distribute the results of the ZIS collection to help the community. This study was a qualitative descriptive research with a phenomenological approach. The phenomenological approach is considered appropriate according to the research objective to uncover the core of a phenomenon. It was also based on obtaining a clear view of implementing the <em>ta'awun</em> concept in Wahdah Inspirasi Zakat to diminish poverty in Makassar City. This study used observation, interviews, and documentation to collect the necessary data. The data collection was then processed using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that Wahdah Islamiyah is a facilitator or liaison for the community who can donate and help other people, especially those related to the economy so that the concept of <em>ta'awun</em> can be achieved. Wahdah Inspirasi Zakat implemented the concept of <em>ta'awun</em> through various programs.</p> Asrum Yolleng Abdul Wahid Haddade Fatmawati Fatmawati Copyright (c) 2023 Asrum Yolleng, Abdul Wahid Haddade, Fatmawati Fatmawati 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 175 190 10.24252/ijis.v3i2.43344 Violence in the Household (KDRT) Perspective Maqashid Sharia (Case Study at Sungguminasa District Court) <p>This Study discuss about violence in Household (domestic violence) in perspective <em>maqashid sharia</em>. This study employed a field research design utilizing qualitative and descriptive research methods as well as normative &nbsp;theology and juridical approach. The data sources in this research are primary data, secondary data and tertiary data. The result of this research show that : 1) Numerous causes, including communication, someone's character or behavior, jealousy, money, being married young, having the wrong idea about religion, emotions, and competition, are causative elements of violence in households. Putting this in perspective Maqashid Sharia has a significant impact on upholding someone's property, religion, soul, mind, and children because these are factors that can lead to further domestic violence; 2) Settlement efforts to resolve domestic violence are carried out by following the criminal procedural law system as regulated in Law Number 8 of 1981, concerning Criminal Procedure Law (KUHAP) and in imposing sentences based on Law No. 24 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence (UU PKDRT), in this case the resolution efforts carried out by the Sungguminasa District Court are in line with the objectives of Islamic law, namely the protection of ensuring the 5 main principles in Islam, preserving religion, soul, mind, lineage and property.</p> Fania Putri Zaidhatul Kurniati Kurniati Asni Asni Copyright (c) 2023 Fania Putri Zaidhatul, Kurniati, Asni 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 191 207 10.24252/ijis.v3i2.43355 The Concept of Wages in the Maqashid Sharia Overview (Study of PP No. 36 of 2021) <p>The objectives of this study are to: 1). Describe and analyze the concept of wages regulated by the government, 2). Discover workers/laborers response to government-regulated wages, and 3). Describe and analyze the government-regulated concepts based on the approach of the two main elements in&nbsp;<em>maqashid</em>&nbsp;<em>sharia</em>, such as&nbsp;<em>hifzu an-nafs</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>hifzu al-māl</em>.&nbsp;The author used a multidisciplinary approach to overcome the problems, namely a linguistic approach, normative juridical, and qualitative-descriptive methods to collect the data. This study was classified as library research; the data collected was analyzed using content analysis on literature that is representative and has relevance to the problem, then the comparison using comparative analysis was reviewed and concluded. After reviewing and analyzing policies in the form of established concepts, the wage provisions regulated by the government in law aim to provide a sense of justice for workers/laborers and align with the main principles in <em>maqashid sharia</em>. Even though Islam does not explicitly state the amount of wages in detail, it strictly requires anyone who provides work to pay wages/salaries to their workers. After reviewing the existing concepts, some problems were identified that need effort to resolve.</p> Muhammad Dimas Wibawa Abd. Qadir Gassing Hamsir Hamsir Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Dimas Wibawa, Abd. Qadir Gassing, Hamsir Hamsir 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 208 218 10.24252/ijis.v3i2.43358 The Implementation of a SLiMS-Based Library Automation System Towards the Improvement of Library Quality at FMIPA UNM Makassar <p>This research aims to find out 1) The Implementation of the SLiMS automation management system in the Makassar State University FMIPA library, 2) Quality improvement with the SLiMS automation system in the Makassar State University FMIPA library and 3) advantages and disadvantages with the SLIMS automation system in the Makassar State University FMIPA library. This research uses descriptive qualitative research while the research approach used is field research. The data sources are from the head of the library and library staff as well as visitors to the FMIPA UNM Library. The data collection methods used in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The research instrument in this research is the researcher himself. Then the data processing and analysis techniques are carried out in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of the automation management system in the Makassar State University FMIPA Library uses the Open Source Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS) automation system. The SLiMS automation system is supported by hardware and software so that the system can run. The hardware used is generally the same, a collection of computers connected to a network, the difference is the software used in the library automation system. The Library quality by using the SLiMS automation system is way better. Users find it easier to use the system, its services, and to obtain information on the books they are seeking. In addition, the automation system of the Open Source Senayan Library Management System (SLIMS) has the benefit of facilitating readers' search for information about wanted books as well as librarians' and staff's ability to finish tasks in the library. The downside is that users are unable to access information remotely because the program is still offline.</p> Mustikawati Mustikawati Iskandar Iskandar La Ode Ismail Ahmad Copyright (c) 2023 Mustikawati, Iskandar Iskandar, La Ode Ismail Ahmad 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 219 235 10.24252/ijis.v3i2.43349 Angngaru Tradition in Maros Regency Perspective ' Urf <p>This research focuses on the angngaru tradition in Maros Regency with an 'urf perspective with the aim of describing the angngaru tradition for the people of Maros Regency, then to find out the views of cultural figures, community leaders, religious leaders and angngaru practitioners for the people of Maros Regency and to find out the implementation of the angngaru tradition in the Regency Maros in 'urf perspective. The type of research used is field research with qualitative descriptive. Then two approach methods were used, namely the Sharia approach and then the historical approach. The results of the research show that after extracting information through direct interviews with sources, namely cultural figures, religious figures, community leaders, practitioners and the general public of Turikale Village, the author was able to draw the conclusion that the angngaru tradition in the Turikale community plays a big role in maintaining legal order. and the social order. This was proven after the author received information that those who carry out this tradition must meet several criteria, such as those who carry out the aru must be people who are selected and have been trained, must be humble and humble, and ready to participate in maintaining the goodness of the people being carried out. (the person who is doing the angngaru in front of him). The implementation of Islamic law towards this tradition can be done through the 'urf method approach, where the author concludes that this tradition has many benefits and does not violate Islamic values. So that the angngaru tradition in the 'urf perspective approach can continue to exist among the people of Maros Regency.</p> Muh. Nur Muammar Bakri Fatmawati Fatmawati Copyright (c) 2023 Muh. Nur, Muammar Bakri, Fatmawati 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 236 250 10.24252/ijis.v3i2.43359 The Conception of Kafa'ah in Building a Harmonious Family for Hafidz Al-Qur'an Maslahah Perspective (Case Study on Alumni of the Majelis Qurra' Wal Huffadz As'adiyah Jami' Mosque Sengkang) <p>This study aims to describe <em>kafa'ah</em> in building a harmonious family from a <em>maslahah</em> perspective by involving married alumni of the tahfidz al-Qur'an Majelis Qurra' Wal Huffadz As'adiyah Jami' Sengkang Mosque as research subjects through the stages of assessment; <em>kafa'ah</em> criteria, efforts to build a harmonious family and the conception of <em>kafa'ah maslahah</em> perspective in building a harmonious family. The research results show that the criteria for <em>kafa'ah</em> in building a harmonious family are dominated by; standard criteria on beauty and lineage, criteria on wealth, and social status. Both two criteria above will not be perfect without a review of the religious aspect, <em>second,</em> building a harmonious family from a maslahah perspective for hafidz al-Qur'an through the role of communication, appreciation, commitment, and spiritual aspects, financial stability, <em>kafa'ah</em> in religion and lineage, having the same goal, <em>third,</em>&nbsp; the conception of <em>kafa'ah</em> is shown; The Hufadz consistently say that the central concept of <em>kafa'ah</em> is seen from the religious and lineage aspects, marrying a partner who is equal in educational and social background<em>,</em> the context does not impose conditions such as the requirement to memorize the Qur'an thirty chapters.</p> Miftahuddin Miftahuddin Muammar Bakri Indo Santalia Copyright (c) 2023 Miftahuddin, Muammar Bakri, Indo Santalia 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 251 272 10.24252/ijis.v3i2.43348 Ibn Rushd's Epistemology of Ijtihad in the Completion of Fiqh Ikhtilaf (Study of the Book of Bidayah Al-Mujtahid, Chapter of Worship) <p>This study analyzes the nature and concept of Ibn Rushd's <em>ijtihad</em> in completing fiqh <em>ikhtilaf</em> among the ulama. He is known for his expertise in philosophy, logic, medical, and the fields of jurisprudence and jurisprudence (Islamic law). It can be proven in his monumental work "<em>Bidayah al-Mujtahid wa Nihayah al-Muqtasid.</em>" This study conducted descriptive library research based on a normative theological approach. This study collected data from the primary source of the book "<em>Bidayah al-Mujtahid wa Nihayah al-Muqtasid</em>" and other relevant and related secondary sources and then analyzed it using content analysis techniques. The study results showed that: 1) Ibn Rushd has a rich experience and scientific background. He referred to many sources in his&nbsp;<em>ijtihad</em>&nbsp;that mostly came from the book&nbsp;<em>al-Istiz\kar</em>&nbsp;by Ibn Abd al-Bar, so those books influenced some of Ibn Rushd's ijtihad decisions. Thus, Ibn Rushd cannot be considered an absolute mujtahid. 2) Generally, he is still guided by the <em>ijtihad</em> methodology outlined critically by the Ulama. Meanwhile, there are some approaches to solve the problem of i<em>khtilaf</em>, such as first, the <em>al-jam'u</em> approach (compromise); second, <em>al-tarjih</em> (selecting among the most substantial arguments); third, <em>al-jam'u baina al-jam'i wa al -tarjih</em> (a combination of the <em>al-jam'u</em> and <em>al-tarjih</em> approaches); fourth, <em>tawaqquf </em>(silence); fifth, <em>al-takhyir</em> (optional).</p> Muhammad Rezky Fauzi Muammar Bakri Muhammad Shuhufi Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Rezky Fauzi, Muammar Bakri, Muhammad Shuhufi 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 273 284 10.24252/ijis.v3i2.43356 Legal Strength of Speech-Impaired Marriages in Makassar City from the Syafi'i School and KHI Perspectives <p>This article discusses the legal strength of speech-impaired marriages in Makassar City from the perspective of the Syafi'i schools and KHI. This article is a Field research using qualitative and descriptive research methods. The source of data in this research is field data in the form of interviews with instructors, those in charge of administration, the celebrant, the speech-impaired bride and the speech-impaired bride's family. The data collection methods used were observation, interviews and documentation. Then, data processing and analysis techniques are carried out through three stages, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that the legal force for speech-impaired marriages in Makassar City is based on Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage which regulates marriage provisions. As for marriages with speech impairments, it has been determined in KHI Book I concerning Marriage in Article 17 paragraph (3) and this has compatible with Shafi'i madhhab. Implementation of marriage requirements in Makassar City based on PMA Number 20 of 2019 Article 10 paragraph (2) explains that marriage pillars that have been approved for implementation include the prospective husband, prospective wife, guardian, two witnesses and the consent. This requirement is also stated in KHI book I concerning Marriage Law, Chapter IV concerning the pillars and conditions of marriage, article 14, and then explained in the following articles regarding the requirements and detailed legal explanations. Based on this research, it was found that the terms and conditions were in line with The pillars and conditions that put forward by the Syafi'i school of thought. The practice of marriage contracts taking place in Makassar City refers to the Compilation of Islamic Law article 27 as well as the Regulation of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2019 article 15. These regulations implemented are in line with several requirements for marriage contracts explained in the Shafi'i school of thought.</p> Ainil Maqsurah Abd. Rahman R Andi Muhammad Akmal Copyright (c) 2023 Ainil Maqsurah, Abd. Rahman R, Andi Muhammad Akmal 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 3 2 285 294 10.24252/ijis.v3i2.43342