Jurnal INSYPRO (Information System and Processing) https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/insypro <p>Jurnal INSYPRO (<em>Information System and Processing</em>) is published by the Department of Information System, Faculty of Science and Technology, State Islamic University Alauddin of Makassar.</p> <p>Every manuscript submitted to Jurnal INSYPRO (Information system and Processing) is independently reviewed by at least two reviewers in the form of "peer-review". It is due to increase the quality of articles. Decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is mostly based upon their reports/recommendation. In certain cases, the editor may submit an article for review to another, third reviewer before making a decision, if necessary. The Editorial Team, however, reserves the right to make the final decision on the status of the manuscript with regard to publication</p> Prodi Sistem Informasi UIN Alauddin en-US Jurnal INSYPRO (Information System and Processing) 2597-419X <p>Each article is copyrighted © by its author(s) and is published under license from the author(s).</p><p>When a paper is accepted for publication, authors will be requested to agree with the <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0">Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 Netherlands License</a>.</p><p><img src="/public/site/images/reza/cc_by-nc-sa.png" alt="" /></p> INVENTORY INFORMATION SYSTEM WITH INTERNET OF THINGS IMPLEMENTATION https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/insypro/article/view/46644 <p><em>Traditional inventory information systems often face difficulties monitoring, real-time data maintenance, and data accuracy. This research aims to implement IoT into the inventory information system process and determine the benefits. In this research, a method called prototyping is used to create a web-based inventory information system that is integrated with IoT. The amount of product stock is measured using an ultrasonic sensor installed on the ESP8266. Sensor data is analyzed and sent to a web-based information system. allows real-time stock monitoring. The results of this IoT implementation achieve several benefits, including increased operational efficiency which can be seen from the DFD changes. The system test results show that the system can detect goods in storage with 100% accuracy</em></p> Muhammad Takdir Muslihi Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Takdir Muslihi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-02 2024-05-02 9 1 1 1 10.24252/insypro.v9i1.46644 PLANNING PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI MONITORING LAPORAN KEGIATAN HARIAN BERBASIS PWA PADA KANTOR BUPATI KABUPATEN BANTAENG https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/insypro/article/view/49379 <p>Utilization of information technology by government institutions also using a monitoring system known as E-Government is an important part of government sustainability. The obstacle faced by each section head is during the process of making monthly reports, where when making monthly reports activities are often not recorded in the agenda book. To overcome this problem, we need a system that can record the daily activities of each section head systematically and accurately. The system that can solve the above problems is a website system, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) is a concept for implementing website creation that applies technology by building applications using the PWA concept which will make web applications run on various platforms such as websites, desktops, and mobile or Android platforms. Based on the percentage value of the question indicators, the System Usability Scale test results were 80.1 and received a "Good" score in the Adjective rating section and received a grade of "B". The method used by the author for this system design research, the Agile Method is a methodology in software development that is based on an iterative work process consisting of agreed rules and solutions.</p> Nur Ismi Erfina Firmansyah Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Ismi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-09 2024-05-09 9 1 10.24252/insypro.v9i1.49379 STUDI PERBANDINGAN AVALANCHE EFFECT PADA ALGORITMA KRIPTOGRAFI TRANSPOSISI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEAMANAN DATA https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/insypro/article/view/46509 <p><em>Various cryptographic techniques have been used as a solution to maintain data security, one of which is the transposition technique which is included in the classic type of cryptography. This research aims to conduct a comparative study of two classic transposition techniques, namely Route Transposition and Rail Fence Transposition. Apart from that, this research aims to find out whether various classical transposition techniques are still relevant in the process of securing data in the current cyber era. In this research, comparative analysis was carried out based on the Avalanche Effect (AE) value. The research results show that the route transposition technique has the highest value compared to the rail fence transposition technique. However, based on the minimum standard AE value, it shows that the two techniques are still in a position below the minimum AE value, namely below 50%.</em></p> Endyk Noviyantono Muhammad Fadlan Muhammad Suprianto Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Fadlan, Muhammad, Suprianto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 9 1 10.24252/insypro.v9i1.46509 IMPLEMENTASI ALGORITMA CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK UNTUK MENGHITUNG KEPADATAN AYAM MENGGUNAKAN YOU ONLY LOOK ONCE https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/insypro/article/view/47363 <p><em>This research aims to apply the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm to count the number of chickens in an image using the You Only Look Once (YOLO) method. YOLO is a reliable and real-time object detection algorithm.</em></p> <p><em>This research uses a dataset of chicken images collected from farms. The images are then preprocessed to improve their quality before being used as input for the CNN model. The CNN model is trained using the backpropagation algorithm to minimize the loss function.</em></p> <p><em>The research results showed that the use of YOLO was successful in producing an application for calculating chicken density. Blackbox testing shows that the application created functions well and meets user needs and the results of the matrix evaluation test show an average accuracy of 84%.</em></p> Gunawan Andi Tenriawaru Fitri Qamaria Copyright (c) 2024 Gunawan, Andi Tenriawaru, Fitri Qamaria https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-07-11 2024-07-11 9 1 10.24252/insypro.v9i1.47363 SISTEM INFORMASI RANCANGAN ANGGARAN BIAYA PADA PT. BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA PLTA MAMUJU https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/insypro/article/view/50067 <p><em>Access and processing of data and information are essential for an organization. The processing should be computerized using an information system to facilitate the organization. PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama is a company engaged in construction and manufacturing. This study aims to design an information system for PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama's Mamuju Hydropower Project to digitally submit and approve the bridge project's budget. The research began with observation, followed by a literature study from various sources, including books and the Internet. Subsequently, the researcher conducted direct interviews at PT. Bukaka regarding the budget format. The research was conducted over 12 months. The type of research carried out is applied research. The application design uses Laravel and ReactJs. The methods used in this study are waterfall and Blackbox for system testing. The results of the study show success with the designed system</em></p> Dian Aprilia Haerunnisa Andi Hutami Endang Andi Jamiati Paramita Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Aprilia Haerunnisa, Andi Hutami Endang, Andi Jamiati Paramita https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-04 2024-05-04 9 1 10.24252/insypro.v9i1.50067 SISTEM INFORMASI PROMOSI PENJUALAN DENGAN PENDEKATAN COUSTUMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) PADA CV. MALPINAS https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/insypro/article/view/49173 <p>Promosi merupakan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh suatu Perusahaan untuk memperkenalkan barang dan jasa yang kita berikan kepada konsumen. Promosi dapat dilakukan dengan banyak cara salah satunya melalui dari mulut ke mulut ini adalah media periklanan yang paling banyak digunakan. Namun cara promosi ini kurang efektif untuk memperkenalkan barang dan jasa milik perusahaan tersebut. Dengan dibuatnya sistem infomasi promosi penjualan ini akan mempermudah perusahaan dalam melakukan penjualan. CRM dapat membantu memberikan relasi atau hubungan antara perusahaan dengan pelanggan sehingga perusahaan akan dengan mudah melakukan promosi penjualan kepada konsumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem metode waterfall dengan metode pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka dan menggunakan metode pengujian Black Box. Hasil dari penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah sistem informasi Promosi Penjualan dengan Pendekatan Costumer Relationship Management pada CV. Malpinas.Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah dapat Mempermudah perusahaan dalam melakukan proses penjual belian alat-alat rumah tangga. Hal ini dibuktikan berdasarkan kuesioner yang terdiri dari 10 pertanyaan dan disebar ke 20 Responden maka diperoleh hasil akhir rata-rata total presentase 80,0% yang artinya dari segi kegunaannya sistem layak dan dapat di terima oleh pengguna.</p> Asrul Ashari Muin Adhy Rizaldy Bau Reski Amalia Copyright (c) 2024 Bau Reski Amalia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-04 2024-05-04 9 1 10.24252/insypro.v9i1.49173 PENDEKATAN BARU PENTERJEMAH BAHASA ISYARAT INDONESIA DINAMIS MENGGUNAKAN METODE GATE RECURRENT UNIT https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/insypro/article/view/50395 <p><em>Indonesian Sign Language (BISINDO) and the Indonesian Sign Language System (SIBI) are forms of communication used by the deaf community in Indonesia. However, the use of BISINDO is considered less effective in the sign language translation system due to variations in body movements in each community. On the other hand, SIBI is considered more effective because it is an adaptation of American Sign Language (ASL) and has been officially recognized by the Indonesian government. This research aims to develop a deep learning-based sign language translation system to support communication with the deaf community using Indonesian Sign Language (SIBI). The research methodology involves acquiring a sign language data set, preprocessing the data using the Mediapipe library, training the model using Gated Recurrent Neural Networks (GRU), and evaluating model performance using the Confusion Matrix method. The test results show that the developed model succeeded in achieving an accuracy level of 94% in classifying SIBI sign language signs. This shows the potential of the system in assisting communication and increasing accessibility for deaf people who use Indonesian Sign Language. This research makes a significant contribution to technological developments aimed at improving the quality of life and social inclusion for the deaf community</em></p> Haris Setiaji Asep Indra Syahyadi Nur Afif Ridwang Copyright (c) 2024 Haris Setiaji, Asep Indra Syahyadi, Nur Afif, Ridwang https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-05 2024-05-05 9 1 10.24252/insypro.v9i1.50395 IMPLEMENTASI METODE MULTI ATTRIBUTE UTILITY THEORY (MAUT) DALAM MENENTUKAN PENERIMA BANTUAN KEPADA KELOMPOK WIRAUSAHA BERSAMA (KWB) https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/insypro/article/view/43718 <p>Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kota Makassar memiliki tanggung jawab utama dalam mengelola sektor industri dan perdagangan, sekaligus mendukung otonomi daerah melalui partisipasi Kelompok Wirausaha Bersama (KWB). Dalam upayanya memberikan dukungan kepada KWB, Dinas ini menyediakan bantuan melalui pengadaan barang, fasilitas usaha, dan pelatihan yang sesuai dengan jenis usaha yang dijalankan oleh kelompok tersebut. Meskipun demikian, penentuan penerima bantuan sering kali terpengaruh oleh subjektivitas, potensi diskriminasi, dan kurangnya transparansi. Untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut, Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan menggunakan metode <em>Multi-Attribute Utility Theory</em> (MAUT). MAUT berfungsi sebagai alat yang mengukur preferensi penerima bantuan berdasarkan atribut yang relevan dengan tujuan yang ditetapkan. Dengan penerapan MAUT, proses penilaian penerima bantuan menjadi lebih transparan, efisien, dan akurat. Hal ini memungkinkan pertimbangan yang lebih objektif dari semua pihak yang terlibat, sehingga keputusan yang diambil dapat menjadi lebih baik dan efektif dalam mendukung perkembangan KWB secara berkelanjutan.</p> Nahrun Hartono Maulidani Mahmud Copyright (c) 2024 Maulidani Mahmud https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 9 1 10.24252/insypro.v9i1.43718 RANCANG BANGUN ALAT KONTROL OTOMATIS DAN MONITORING DERAJAT KEASAMAN (PH), SUHU AIR PADA KOLAM TERNAK LELE BERBASIS INTERNET OF THINGS https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/insypro/article/view/50382 <p>Keadaan pH yang optimal bagi ikan lele berkisar antara 6,5 hingga 8. Jika pH turun di bawah 5, itu dapat merugikan lele karena dapat menyebabkan penggumpalan lendir pada insang. Sebaliknya, pH di atas 8 dapat mengakibatkan penurunan nafsu makan ikan. Selain itu, suhu air kolam juga merupakan parameter penting dalam budidaya ikan lele, karena suhu air memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap respons konsumsi pakan. Meskipun ikan lele memiliki toleransi tinggi terhadap lingkungannya dan dapat bertahan pada suhu air antara 14 hingga 38°C, kondisi lingkungan yang tidak optimal dapat mengurangi probabilitas hidup ikan lele. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan prototype alat kontrol otomatis dan pemantauan tingkat keasaman (pH) serta suhu air dalam kolam ternak lele berbasis Internet of Things. Metode penelitian yang diterapkan adalah kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan observasi. Selain itu, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan desain dan pengembangan (research and development). Pengujian menyatakan bahwa perangkat ini beroperasi secara optimal, baik secara logis maupun fungsional. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tujuan perancangan alat ini adalah untuk memberikan kenyamanan kepada peternak lele dalam mengatur tingkat keasaman (pH) dan suhu air di kolam ternak lele, sekaligus memantau kualitas air di kolam tersebut secara real-time melalui aplikasi android, di mana pun dan kapan pun. Hasil usability testing dengan SUS mendapatkan skor rata-rata 95% yang termasuk dalam kategori bagus sekali.</p> Hariani Kasim Wahyuddin Saputra Andi Muhammad Nur Hidayat Muh Asdar Hamsah Copyright (c) 2024 Muh Asdar Hamsah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-09 2024-05-09 9 1 10.24252/insypro.v9i1.50382 SISTEM LAYANAN MONITORING KEGIATAN AKADEMIK SEKOLAH DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PROGRESSIVE WEB APPS https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/insypro/article/view/50383 <p>Abstract - Currently, education is an important foundation for building quality resources, which encourages all parties involved to keep abreast of increasingly rapid technological developments. In education, one of the benchmarks is the results of students' own academic activities; this can be known by assessing students' academic performance at school. This assessment process is important in education, but currently there are still many schools that still use manual methods to assess and monitor academic activities in schools. Assessing and monitoring school activities also requires data management, be it student data, teacher data, student schedules, or grades. This is also information that can be an important factor for parents, teachers, and students when carrying out the learning process and as material for evaluating the learning process. However, monitoring carried out manually has weaknesses, such as parents not being able to fully understand the learning process and academic activities of their children. By using technology, a system can be implemented that carries out the processes of storing data, managing data, and displaying data. This website-based school academic activity monitoring service system is a system created to develop and facilitate the process of assessing and monitoring school academic activities. Apart from providing semester grades to students, this system will also provide other academic information. System design was carried out using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method based on Progressive Web Apps (PWA). This system can help parents, guardians, teachers, and students monitor academic activities at school.</p> <p>Keywords: monitoring, academic activity, rapid application development, progressive web apps.</p> Andi Bau Ammar Rahman Syahbudin Copyright (c) 2024 Rahman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-09 2024-05-09 9 1 10.24252/insypro.v9i1.50383 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR DETERMINING BUSINESS TYPES USING THE MULTIFACTOR EVALUATION PROCESS METHOD https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/insypro/article/view/44134 <p><em>ABSTRACT - Every business has its own ideal criteria regarding location, capital, and interests. The middle to lower-class economic status can also result from a lack of knowledge about how to start a business. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to guide the community on how to initiate their own ventures in the location they inhabit. In this study, the Multifactor Evaluation Process (MFEP) method is employed to objectively evaluate critical aspects. For this thesis, the critical aspects needed are the community or consumer needs, required capital, business location, and business competitors. The desired outcome of this thesis is a website that displays the sequence of calculations, which will serve as a benchmark in determining the community's decision regarding the type of business to be established.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Decision Support System (DSS), Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Multifactor Evaluation Process (MFEP).</em></p> Reza Maulana Tenri Awaru Copyright (c) 2024 Tenri Awaru https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 9 1 10.24252/insypro.v9i1.44134