• Jumadi Jumadi



               If the law is understood rigidly and narrowly in the sense of statutory regulations only, surely the definition of the rule of law that is developed is also narrow and limited and may not necessarily guarantee substantive justice, which has recently been expressly stated that Indonesia is not a regulatory state. Therefore, in addition to the term 'the rule of law' by Friedman also developed the term 'the rule of law' to ensure that the concept of 'the rule of law' encompasses an understanding of justice that is more essential than just the functioning of laws and regulations in narrow meaning. Even if the term used is 'the rule of law', it is the broad understanding that is expected to be included in the term 'the rule of law' which is used to refer to the conception of the rule of law in the reform era.

Keywords: Law, National Development , State Administration.



Apabila hukum dipahami secara kaku dan sempit dalam arti peraturan perundang-undangan semata, niscaya pengertian negara hukum yang dikembangkan juga bersifat sempit dan terbatas serta belum tentu dapat menjamin keadilan substantif, yang akhir-akhir ini tegas disampaikan bahwa Indonesia bukan negara peraturan. Karena itu, di samping istilah ‘the rule of law’ oleh Friedman juga mengembangkan istilah ‘the rule of just law’ untuk memastikan bahwa dalam konsep ‘the rule of law’ tercakup pengertian keadilan yang lebih esensiel dari pada sekedar memfungsikan peraturan perundang-undangan dalam arti sempit. Kalaupun istilah yang digunakan tetap ‘the rule of law’, pengertian yang bersifat luas itulah yang diharapkan dicakup dalam istilah ‘the rule of law’ yang digunakan untuk menyebut konsepsi negara hukum di era reformasi.

Kata Kunci : Hukum, Pembangunan Nasional, Penyelenggaraan Negara.


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Volume 1 Nomor 2 Desember 2019
Abstract viewed = 173 times