The form of law enforcement against brand violations in the city of Makassar has been regulated in Law No. 20 of 2016 that has been good and perfect because it has gone through several revisions and in practice, law enforcement against these violations has been carried out well by investigators of the civil service Ministry of Law and Human Rights who work closely with the Republic of Indonesia National Police investigators and Public Prosecutors. But it is needed addition to the number of civil servant investigators in the scope of ministries that specifically deal with violations of brand rights and IPR as a whole so that enforcement and implementation of the Law / 20 of 2016 is more maximal. The stipulation of laws concerning brands which constitute complaint offenses must be changed to the usual offense of enforcement of violations of Brand Rights which can be immediately processed by the authorities without waiting for a complaint.
Key Words: Law Enforcement, Brand Rights
Bentuk penegakan hukum terhadap pelanggaran merek di kota Makassar telah diatur didalam UU No. 20 Tahun 2016 yang telah bagus dan sempurna karena telah melalui beberapakali revisi dan dalam prakteknya, penegakan hukum terhadap pelanggaran ini telah dijalankan dengan baik oleh penyidik pegawai negeri sipil kementerian Hukum dan Ham yang berkerja sama dengan penyidik Kepolisian Negara republik Indonesia serta Penuntut Umum. Namun, diperlukan penambahan jumlah penyidik pegawai negeri sipil dilingkup kementrian yang khusus menangani pelanggaran hak merek dan HKI secara keseluruhan agar penegakan dan penerapan UU/20 tahun 2016 lebih maksimal. Penetapan UU tentang merek yang merupakan delik aduan harus diubah menjadi delik biasa sehingga penegakan terhadap pelanggaran Hak Merek dapat segera diproses oleh pihak yang berwajib tanpa menunggu adanya aduan.
Kata Kunci: Penegakan Hukum, Hak Merek
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