Iqtishaduna: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Hukum Ekonomi Syari'ah <div style="border: 2px #005801 solid; padding: 10px; background-color: #fad294; text-align: left;"> <ol> <li class="show">Journal Title: <a href="/index.php/iqtishaduna/"> Iqtishaduna: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Hukum Ekonomi Syari'ah&nbsp;</a></li> <li class="show">Initials: Iqtishaduna</li> <li class="show">Frequency: -</li> <li class="show">Online ISSN: 2714-6197</li> <li class="show">Editor in Chief: Muhammad Anis</li> <li class="show">DOI: 10.24252/iqtishaduna</li> <li class="show">Publisher: Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar</li> <li class="show">Akreditasi: <a title="SINTA 5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SINTA 5</a></li> </ol> </div> <p>Iqtishaduna: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Hukum Ekonomi Syariah ialah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Hukum Ekonomoi Syariah, UIN Alauddin Makassar</p> en-US <p>Once an article was published in the journal, th<em>e </em>author(s) are:</p><ul><li>to retain copyright and grant to the journal right licensed under <a title="License" href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons License Attribution</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship.</li><li>permitted to publish their work online in third parties as it can lead wider dissemination of the work, with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal</li><li>continue to be the copyright owner and allow the journal to publish the article with the CC BY-NC-SA license</li><li>receiving a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the work.</li></ul> [email protected] (Muhammad Yaasiin Raya) [email protected] (Muh Yaasiin Raya) Sat, 21 Dec 2024 03:39:33 +0000 OJS 60 DAMPAK HUKUM PENGABULAN PERMOHONAN PKPU DITINJAU DARI UU NOMOR 37 TAHUN 2003 TENTANG KEPAILITAN DAN PENUNDAAN KEWAJIBAN PEMBAYARAN UTANG (Studi Kasus: PKPU PT. Rekayasa Industri) <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Dalam kasus yang melibatkan anak perusahaan PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), yaitu PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind), perusahaan berhasil mencapai kesepakatan perdamaian (homologasi) dengan para kreditornya melalui mekanisme PKPU. Proses restrukturisasi ini memperoleh dukungan dari mayoritas kreditor, di mana 100 persen kreditor separatis dan 98,99 persen kreditor konkuren menyetujui kesepakatan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif dengan metode kualitatif, berfokus pada analisis norma-norma hukum dalam UU Kepailitan dan PKPU serta penerapannya dalam kasus konkret PKPU PT Rekayasa Industri. Persetujuan PKPU menciptakan forum legal yang terstruktur untuk penyelesaian utang-piutang, memfasilitasi negosiasi antara debitor dan kreditor di bawah pengawasan pengadilan, yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi penyelesaian permasalahan finansial perusahaan. Perjanjian perdamaian yang disahkan ini memberikan kerangka hukum yang jelas bagi PT Rekind dalam memenuhi kewajibannya kepada kreditor. Sesuai Pasal 286, jika PT Rekind lalai melaksanakan perjanjian perdamaian, para kreditor dapat mengajukan pembatalan perjanjian tersebut, yang berfungsi sebagai mekanisme kontrol untuk memastikan komitmen PT Rekind tetap terlaksana.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Perdamaian, Dampak, Pembayaran, Utang.</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>In a case involving a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) successfully reached a peace agreement (homologation) with its creditors through the Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU) mechanism. This restructuring process received support from the majority of creditors, with 100 percent of secured creditors and 98.99 percent of concurrent creditors agreeing to the settlement. This research employs a normative juridical approach with a qualitative method, focusing on analyzing the legal norms within Law No. 37 of 2003 on Bankruptcy and PKPU and their application in the concrete case of PT Rekayasa Industri’s PKPU. The approval of the PKPU establishes a structured legal forum for debt resolution, facilitating negotiations between debtors and creditors under court supervision, thereby enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of corporate financial problem-solving. The ratified peace agreement provides a clear legal framework for PT Rekind to fulfill its obligations to creditors. In accordance with Article 286, if PT Rekind fails to adhere to the terms of the peace agreement, creditors may request the annulment of the agreement, serving as a control mechanism to ensure that PT Rekind fulfills its commitments</em><em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:</em> <em>Peace, Impact, Payment, Debt</em><em>.</em></p> Embang Herlambang, Teuku Syahrul Anshari Copyright (c) 2024 Embang Herlambang, Teuku Syahrul Anshari Sat, 21 Dec 2024 03:29:21 +0000 RESOLUTION OF SHARIA ECONOMIC DISPUTES BY CERTIFIED JUDGES BASED ON SUPREME COURT REGULATION NUMBER 5 OF 2016 CONCERNING CERTIFICATION OF SHARIA ECONOMIC JUDGES AT THE SUNGGUMINASA CLASS 1B RELIGIOUS COURT <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>The subject matter of this research is how the settlement of sharia economic disputes by certified judges based on PERMA Number 5 of 2016 concerning Certification of Sharia Economic Judges at the Sungguminasa Class 1B Religious Court. The sub-problems are: 1) How is the process of resolving sharia economic disputes at the Sungguminasa Class 1B Religious Court? 2) How is the competence of the judge of the Sungguminasa Class 1B Religious Court in resolving sharia economic disputes based on PERMA Number 5 of 2016 concerning Certification of Sharia Economic Judges? This type of research is descriptive qualitative field research with a juridical-empirical approach with a research location at the Sungguminasa Class 1B Religious Court. Data collection techniques in this research are interviews and documentation which are then processed through data reduction, data exposure, and conclusions. The results showed that the settlement of sharia economic disputes carried out by the Sungguminasa Class 1B Religious Court was in accordance with PERMA Number 5 of 2016. The PERMA states that sharia economic disputes must be handled by a panel of judges whose head of the panel or one of its members has sharia economic judge certification. In addition, the handling of sharia economic disputes at the Sungguminasa Religious Court is quite effective because the number of judges who have certified sharia economic judges is 2 judges, and 6 out of 7 decisions have been well received by each party to the dispute. This means that the decision has fulfilled the elements of an ideal decision, namely justice, legal certainty, and expediency. The implications of this research are: 1) All legal apparatus, especially judges of the Sungguminasa Religious Court, both those who have and those who have not been certified as sharia economic judges, should participate more in education and training on sharia economic disputes in order to be able to resolve sharia economic disputes better. 2) The Supreme Court as an institution that formulates PERMA Number 5 of 2016 should increase the budget allocation so that the implementation of sharia economic judge certification in the Religious Courts can be more effective. 3) The public in general is expected to increase trust in the Religious Court institution because the judges are ready to accept and face sharia economic disputes.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em> <em>Religious Court, Sharia Economic Disputes, Sharia Economic Judge Certification</em></strong></p> Muh. Syahril A, Muhammadiyah Amin, Sippah Chotban Copyright (c) 2024 Muh. Syahril A, Muhammadiyah Amin, Sippah Chotban Sat, 21 Dec 2024 03:30:36 +0000 REVIEW OF SHARIA ECONOMIC LAW ON THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT PT INTAN NIRWANA NUSANTARA HOUSING GOLDEN VIEW IN MAKASSAR CITY <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>The labeling of Sharia in a business today is due to the popularity of the term sharia which is free from usury. However, from this, there are still many problems, especially for businesses that only label their business as sharia but in reality do not implement it in accordance with Islamic law. This research is field research which is very close to qualitative research which uses Sharia Economic Law and empirical approaches. The data sources used are primary data sources sourced from the Al-Qur'an, Hadith, Sharia Economic Law Compilation and interviews from PT Intan Nirwana Nusantara Golden View Inn Housing, and secondary data obtained from archive books of property purchases at Golden View Inn Housing. . The research results show that the form of contract implemented by Golden View Inn is the Ishtishna' contract or order which in its implementation is in accordance with the provisions of Sharia Economic Law. Then, regarding the settlement of stalled installments, it is also in accordance with Islamic principles because a deliberation was held to discuss it in good faith first. The implications of this research relate to improving the SPPJB regarding disputes to include the court to be addressed if the good faith process does not run properly.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Bad Installments, Sharia Economic Law, Istishna.</em></p> Muhammad Ma'ruf Syafruddin, M. Thahir Maloko, Suriyadi Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Ma’ruf Syafruddin, M. Thahir Maloko, Suriyadi Sat, 21 Dec 2024 03:35:36 +0000 RASIONALITAS KEBUTUHAN DALAM EKONOMI ISLAM: PERSPEKTIF MAQASHID SYARIAH DALAM MENYIKAPI DINAMIKA EKONOMI KONTEMPORER <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Penelitian ini membahas kebutuhan dan rasionalitas dalam ekonomi Islam yang merupakan dua konsep yang saling terkait dan krusial dalam memahami perilaku ekonomi masyarakat Muslim<strong>. </strong>Integrasi antara kebutuhan dan rasionalitas ini menciptakan kerangka kerja yang mendukung perilaku konsumsi dan produksi yang etis. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami bagaimana prinsip-prinsip syariah dapat diterapkan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat secara adil dan berkelanjutan, serta bagaimana rasionalitas dalam pengambilan keputusan dapat dipandu oleh nilai-nilai moral. Melalui penelitian ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan yang lebih luas mengenai implementasi ekonomi Islam dalam konteks modern dan tantangan yang dihadapi dalam upaya mencapai kesejahteraan sosial. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitan ini yaitu metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian literature review. Hasil dari penelitian mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dan rasionalitas dalam ekonomi Islam menunjukkan bahwa kedua konsep ini saling terkait dan membentuk kerangka kerja yang mendasari perilaku ekonomi masyarakat Muslim. Kebutuhan ini dibagi menjadi tiga kategori: dharuriyat (kebutuhan primer), hajiyat (kebutuhan sekunder), dan tahsiniyat (kebutuhan tersier). Rasionalitas diartikan sebagai upaya untuk mencapai&nbsp;<em>mashlahah</em>, yaitu kebaikan yang lebih besar bagi individu dan masyarakat. Hal ini mencakup pertimbangan halal dan haram dalam setiap keputusan ekonomi serta dampak sosial dari tindakan tersebut. &nbsp;Pemahaman yang mendalam tentang ebutuhan dan rasionalitas dalam ekonomi Islam dapat membantu individu dan masyarakat untuk berperilaku lebih bertanggung jawab dalam aktivitas ekonomi mereka.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Kebutuhan, Rasionalitas, Ekonomi syariah, Mashlahah, Maqashid syariah</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>This research discusses need and rationality in Islamic economics, which are two interrelated concepts that are crucial in understanding the economic behavior of Muslim societies. The purpose of this research is to understand how sharia principles can be applied in meeting people's needs in a fair and sustainable manner, and how rationality in decision-making can be guided by moral values. Through this research, it is hoped that it can provide greater insight into the implementation of Islamic economics in the modern context and the challenges faced in efforts to achieve social welfare. The research method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach with a literature review type of research. The results of the research identifying needs and rationality in Islamic economics show that these two concepts are interrelated and form the framework underlying the economic behavior of Muslim societies. These needs are divided into three categories: dharuriyat (primary needs), hajiyat (secondary needs), and tahsiniyat (tertiary needs). Rationality is defined as the pursuit of mashlahah, the greater good for individuals and society. This includes the consideration of halal and haram in every economic decision as well as the social impact of such actions.&nbsp; A deep understanding of needs and rationality in Islamic economics can help individuals and communities to behave more responsibly in their economic activities.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Necessity, Rationality, Islamic economics, Mashlahah, Maqashid sharia</em></p> Andi Mutmainnah, Eka Febrianti, Abdul Wahab, Mukhtar Lutfi Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Mutmainnah, Eka Febrianti, Abdul Wahab, Mukhtar Lutfi Sat, 21 Dec 2024 03:36:11 +0000 PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA KASUS PENGGELAPAN UANG GADAI OLEH AGEN <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Kasus sengketa dalam dekade ini sering terjadi dikalangan masyarakat dengan berbagai macam bentuk kasus yang berbeda. Salah satunya yaitu sengekta ekonomi syariah berkaitan dengan penggelapan uang gadai oleh agen yang terjadi di Desa Tampojung Tenggina. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui&nbsp; rincian kasus dan resiko kerugian yang dialami korban sengketa penggelapan uang gadai mobil, motif inisial T (agen) melakukan penggelapan uang gadai mobil, serta&nbsp; penyelesaian sengketa dalam kasus penggelapan uang gadai mobil. Metode yang dipergunakan pada studi ini yaitu penelitian hukum empiris atau disebut studi lapangan (<em>field reseach</em>) dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ialah: (1) kasus ini berawal dari NH dan H merupakan orang yang menerima gadai mobil, sementara inisial T menjadi perantara antara <em>rahin</em> dan <em>murtahin,</em> yang kemudian inisial T melakukan penggelapan uang gadai, sehingga NH dan H mengalami resiko kerugian materi. (2) Motif utama inisial T melakukan penggelapan uang gadai yaitu, motif ekonomi untuk konsumtif, membangun rumah dan kurangnya pengetahuan. (3) Penyelesaian sengketa kasus penggelapan uang gadai oleh agen dilakukan dengan menempuh jalur mediasi dengan bantuan mediator.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Penyelesaian Sengketa, Penggelapan Uang Gadai, Agen.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Dispute cases in this decade often occur among the community with various different forms of cases. One of them is a sharia economic dispute related to embezzlement of pawn money by agents which occurred in Tampojung Tenggina Village. This study aims to determine the details of the case and the risk of loss experienced by victims of disputes over embezzlement of car pawn money, the motive for the initials T (agent) to embezzle car pawn money, as well as dispute resolution in cases of embezzlement of car pawn money. The method used in this study is empirical legal research or what is called field research with a descriptive qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the research are: (1) this case started with NH and H being the people who received a car pawn, while the initials T became an intermediary between rahin and murtahin, who then embezzled the mortgage money, so that NH and H experienced the risk of material loss. (2) The main motive for the initials T to embezzle mortgage money is economic motives for consumption, building a house and lack of knowledge. (3) Settlement of disputes over cases of embezzlement of pawn money by agents is carried out by taking mediation with the help of a mediator.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Dispute Resolution, Pawn Money Embezzlement, Agent.</em></p> Putri Ayu Firawati, Holili Copyright (c) Sat, 21 Dec 2024 03:36:53 +0000 PENYELESAIAN WANPRESTASI ANTARA KELOMPOK SIMPAN PINJAM DENGAN KOORDINATOR KELOMPOK DALAM PERJANJIAN KREDIT PADA PROGRAM BUMDESMA KEC. BLUTO <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Program simpan pinjam BUMDesma Kec Bluto merupakan sarana yang bertujuan untuk memberdayakan ekonomi masyarakat lokal, meningkatkan usaha mikro, dan mendukung kemandirian keuangan. Hal tersebut merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat pedesaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab terjadinya sengketa wanprestasi dalam perjanjian kredit antara kelompok simpan pinjam dengan koordinator kelompok di Desa Aengdake dan juga mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa tersebut. &nbsp;Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian hukum yuridis empiris. Sumber data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara dan observasi, sedangkan data sekunder bersumber dari kajian pustaka. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Adapun hasil penelitian, (1) faktor utama penyebab terjadinya sengketa wanprestasi antara kelompok simpan pinjam dengan koordinator kelompok di Desa Aengdake pada program BUMDesma Kec. Bluto adalah faktor dari sisi internal si debitur dengan berbagai alasan, seperti ekonomi kurang stabil. (2) mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa yang diterapkan oleh BUMDesma adalah dengan musyarawah antara kedua belah pihak untuk menemukan titik temu (kesepakatan).</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Wanprestasi, Kelompok Simpan Pinjam, Koordinator Kelompok, BUMDesma</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>The Bluto District BUMDesma savings and loan program is a means that aims to empower the local community's economy, increase micro-enterprises, and support financial independence. This is the government's effort to improve the welfare of rural communities. This research aims to determine the factors causing default disputes in credit agreements between savings and loan groups and group coordinators in Aengdake Village and also the mechanism for resolving these disputes.&nbsp; This research uses empirical juridical legal research. Primary data sources were obtained through interviews and observations, while secondary data came from literature review. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis. As for the research results, (1) the main factors causing default disputes between savings and loan groups and group coordinators in Aengdake Village in the BUMDesma District program. Bluto is a factor from the debtor's internal side for various reasons, such as a less stable economy. (2) the dispute resolution mechanism implemented by BUMDesma is through deliberation between the two parties to find common ground (agreement)</em><em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:</em> <em>Default; Saving and Loan Groups; Group Coordinators; BUMDesma</em></p> Nabilatul Fitriyah Copyright (c) Sat, 21 Dec 2024 04:00:53 +0000 PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM BAGI NASABAH DALAM PELELANGAN BARANG JAMINAN DI PEGADAIAN SYARIAH CABANG HASANUDDIN GOWA <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Perlindungan hukum bagi nasabah dalam pelelangan barang jaminan di Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Hasanuddin Gowa adalah jika nasabah mengalami penunggakan terhadap pinjaman yang diberikan kepada pihak pegadaian, barang jaminan yang dijadikan sebagai jaminan untuk mendapatkan pinjaman itu tidak langsung atau tidak serta merta pihak pegadaian melelang barang yang dijadikan sebagai jaminan, tetapi pihak pegadaian memberikan batas waktu 60 hari sebelum lelang dilaksanakan, atau memberitahukan terlebih dahulu kepada nasabah tersebut, jadi nasabah bisa melunasi terlebih dahulu sebelum barang jaminan itu dilelang. Rumusan masalah yaitu 1) Bagaimana praktik pelelangan barang jaminan di Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Hasanuddin Gowa? 2) Bagaimana bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi nasabah dalam pelelangan barang jaminan di Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Hasanuddin Gowa? Penelitian ini bersifat tinjauan lapangan (<em>field research</em>) dan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. pegadaian syariah cabang hasanuddin gowa tetap pada tujuannya, salah satunya membantu masyarakat golongan menengah kebawah atau yang kurang mampu untuk mengatasi masalah ekonomi yang dibutuhkan, sehingga dapat mencegah dan menghindari golongan ekonomi lemah dari praktek lintah darat dan gelap akan bunga tinggi. Dan memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat umum ketika akan melakukan lelang, sehingga memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat tentang lelang dan secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan jumlah nasabah.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong><strong>Perlindungan Hukum, Pelelangan, Pegadaian Syariah</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Abstract </strong></p> <p><em>Legal protection for customers in the auction of collateral items at Hasanuddin Gowa Branch Syariah Pawnshop is if the customer experiences arrears on loans given to the pawnshop, the collateral used as collateral to obtain the loan indirectly or indirectly the pawnshop auctions off the goods used as collateral collateral, but the pawnshop gives a deadline of 60 days before the auction is held, or notifies the customer in advance, so the customer can pay off before the collateral is auctioned. The formulation of the problem is 1) What is the practice of auctioning collateral items at the Hasanuddin Gowa Branch Sharia Pawnshop? 2) What is the form of legal protection for customers in the auction of collateral at the Hasanuddin Gowa Branch Sharia Pawnshop? This research is a field research and uses qualitative research methods. Collecting data in this study using interviews, observation and documentation. Pegadaian Syariah Hasanuddin Gowa branch remains true to its goals, one of which is to help the middle and lower class people or those who are less able to overcome needed economic problems, so as to prevent and avoid weak economic groups from the practice of loan sharks and illicit high interest rates. And provide information to the general public when going to auction, thus providing knowledge to the public about the auction and will indirectly increase the number of customers.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Legal Protection, Auctions, Sharia Pawnshops</em></strong></p> Rini Yusani, Hadi Daeng Mapuna, Mahmudah Mulia Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 Rini Yusani, Hadi Daeng Mapuna, Mahmudah Mulia Sat, 21 Dec 2024 04:05:34 +0000 PRINSIP ETIKA BISNIS DALAM ISLAM <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Etika bisnis dalam Islam merupakan kerangka kerja yang mengatur perilaku ekonomi individu dan perusahaan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip syariah. Hukum Islam menekankan pentingnya kejujuran, keadilan, dan transparansi dalam semua transaksi bisnis. Etika ini melarang praktik-praktik seperti riba (bunga), gharar (ketidakpastian), dan penipuan, serta mendorong tanggung jawab sosial melalui zakat dan sedekah. Prinsip-prinsip ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan sistem ekonomi yang adil dan seimbang, yang tidak hanya berfokus pada keuntungan materi tetapi juga pada kesejahteraan sosial dan spiritual. Penelitian ini mengkaji konsep-konsep utama etika bisnis dalam hukum Islam, implikasinya terhadap praktik bisnis kontemporer, dan bagaimana penerapannya dapat meningkatkan keadilan dan kesejahteraan dalam masyarakat. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan bagi pelaku bisnis dan regulator dalam mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai Islam dalam operasi bisnis sehari-hari.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Etika, Bisnis, Hukum Islam.</p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Business ethics from an Islamic legal perspective is a framework that regulates the economic behavior of individuals and companies based on sharia principles. Islamic law emphasizes the importance of honesty, fairness and transparency in all business transactions. This ethic prohibits practices such as riba (interest), gharar (uncertainty), and fraud, and encourages social responsibility through zakat and alms. These principles aim to create a just and balanced economic system, which focuses not only on material gain but also on social and spiritual well-being. This research examines the main concepts of business ethics in Islamic law, their implications for contemporary business practices, and how their application can improve justice and prosperity in society. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide insight for business people and regulators in integrating Islamic values ​​in daily business operations. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Ethics, Business, Islamic Law.</em></p> Ulfa, Misbahuddin, Nur Taufiq Sanusi Copyright (c) 2024 Ulfa, Misbahuddin, Nur Taufiq Sanusi Sat, 21 Dec 2024 04:06:47 +0000 TINJAUAN HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP CRYPTOCURRENCY (STUDI KASUS ETHEREUM) SEBAGAI ISTRUMEN INVESTASI <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Pokok Permasalahan dalam Penelitian ini yaitu Bagaimana Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Cryptocurrency (Studi Kasus Ethereum) Sebagai Instrumen Investasi. Adapun pendekatan yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini ialah pendekatan yuridis normatif dan pendekatan syar’i. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni data hukum primer dan data hukum sekunder.Data ini diperoleh melalui Observasi kemudian dilakukan Pengolahan dan Analisis Data. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan cryptocurrency banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai sarana investasi dengan mekanisme transaksinya dilakukan di pasar yang berupa bursa kripto yang transaksinya dapat dilakukan kapan saja selama 24 jam sehari tanpa hari libur, dengan objek jual beli adalah aset crypto yang berbasis blockchain dan mempunyai nilai yang naik turun (fluktuatif) sehingga masyarakat bisa mendapat keuntungan jika harga belinya rendah daripada harga jual. Perdagangan crypto diawasi dan diatur oleh Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (BAPPEBTI) sebagai lembaga yang mempunyai kewenangan dalam perdagangan komoditi berjangka di Indonesia.Cryptocurrency dapat digunakan sebagai mata uang disamping itu juga bisa digunakan sebagai sarana investasi. Penggunaan aset kripto sebagai sarana investasi menurut pendapat penulis sejauh ini mengikuti pendapat yang mengharamkan karena unsur ghararnya sangat tinggi dimana pada umumnya aset crypto tidak mempunyai underlying. Implikasi Penelitian ini adalah 1) Diharapkan agar cryptocurrency yang diperdagangkan di Indonesia bisa dipersyaratkan untuk mempunyai underlying sehingga unsur gharar dari aset cryptocurrency bisa dikurangi. 2) Apabila tidak semuanya bisa mempunyai underlying setidaknya bisa dibagi antara pasar cryptocurrency konvensional dan pasar cryptocurrency syariah yang telah diuji oleh lembaga yang kompeten sehingga memberikan pilihan bagi masyarakat.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: Crypto, Investasi, Hukum islam.</strong></p> <h2><em>&nbsp;</em></h2> <h2><em>Abstract</em></h2> <p><em>The main problem in this research is how Islamic law reviews cryptocurrency (Ethereum case study) as an investment instrument. The type of research used is Field Research or descriptive field research. The approaches used in this research are the normative juridical approach and the syar'i approach. The data used in this research are primary legal data and secondary legal data. This data was obtained through observation and then data processing and analysis was carried out. The results of this research show that the use of cryptocurrency is widely used by the public as a means of investment with the transaction mechanism being carried out on the market in the form of a crypto exchange where transactions can be carried out at any time 24 hours a day without holidays, with the object of buying and selling being blockchain-based crypto assets and having values ​​that go up and down (fluctuate) so that people can make a profit if the buying price is lower than the selling price. Crypto trading is supervised and regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (BAPPEBTI) as an institution that has authority in commodity futures trading in Indonesia. Cryptocurrency can be used as currency besides that it can also be used as an investment vehicle. According to the author's opinion, the use of crypto assets as an investment tool has so far followed a prohibitive opinion because the element of gharar is very high, where in general crypto assets do not have an underlying. The implications of this research are 1) It is hoped that cryptocurrency traded in Indonesia will be required to have an underlying so that the gharar element of cryptocurrency assets can be reduced. 2) If not everything can have an underlying, at least it can be divided between the conventional cryptocurrency market and the sharia cryptocurrency market which has been tested by competent institutions so as to provide choices for the public.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Crypto, Investment, Islamic law</em></strong></p> Al Munawwar Semmawi, Ashar Sinilele Copyright (c) Sat, 21 Dec 2024 04:09:35 +0000 TINJAUAN HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP PENERAPAN AKAD RAHN PADA PEGADAIAN SYARIAH CABANG HASANUDDIN GOWA <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Pokok permasalahan penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Penerapan Akad <em>Rahn</em> pada Pegadaian Syariah di Kantor Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Gowa. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif lapangan, yaitu jenis penelitian yang menggambarkan secara kualitatif mengenai objek yang dibicarakan sesuai kenyataan yang terdapat dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini, menggambarkan tentang analisi prinsip ekonomi islam terhadap operasional produk investasi emas pada Pegadaian Syariah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam Tinjauan Hukum Islam, Penerapan Akad <em>Rahn</em> dapat dikatakan tidak bertentangan dengan Hukum Islam. Berdasarkan analisis peneliti, akad <em>Rahn</em> di Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Hasanuddin tidak melanggar aturan dari hukum Islam dan syariat Islam itu sendiri. Semua kegiatan masih berada dalam koridor syariat Islam. Secara garis besar, Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Hasanuddin Gowa menawarkan dua kategori produk, yaitu gadai dan non-gadai. Pada produk gadai, hanya terdapat satu produk yang disebut Gadai <em>Rahn</em>, sedangkan pada produk non-gadai terdapat Ar-rum haji dan Amanah. Pada produk gadai <em>Rahn</em>, Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Hasanuddin Gowa hanya menawarkan satu jenis transaksi, yaitu gadai <em>Rahn</em> semata. Pegadaian Syariah, tidak ada penerapan bunga. Biaya-biaya yang dikenakan di Pegadaian Syariah meliputi biaya pemeliharaan barang (mu'nah), biaya penitipan, biaya pemeliharaan, biaya penjagaan, dan biaya penaksiran. Implikasi penelitian ini Proses penerapan akad <em>Rahn</em> sebaiknya difasilitasi dan tidak terlalu rumit. Penting bagi Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Hasanuddin Gowa untuk menjelaskan secara rinci akad yang diterapkan, agar tidak terjadi ketidakjelasan dan memudahkan masyarakat dalam memahami proses selanjutnya, hal tersebut di rumuskan menjadi karya ilmiah dengan judul “Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Penerapan Akad <em>Rahn</em> Pada Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Hasanuddin Gowa.</p> <p>&nbsp; <strong>Kata </strong><strong>Kunci:</strong><strong> <em>Rahn</em>, Jaminan, <em>Arrum</em> Haji</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>The main problem of this research is how to review Islamic law on the implementation of the Rahn Contract in Sharia Pawnshops in the Gowa Branch of Sharia Pawnshops. This research uses a type of field qualitative research, which is a type of research that describes qualitatively the object being discussed according to the reality that exists in society. This study describes the analysis of Islamic economic principles on the operation of gold investment products at Islamic Pawnshops. The results of the study show that in a review of Islamic law, it can be said that the application of the Rahn contract does not conflict with Islamic law. Based on the researcher's analysis, the Rahn contract at the Hasanuddin Branch Sharia Pawnshop does not violate the rules of Islamic law and Islamic law itself. All activities are still within the corridors of Islamic law. Broadly speaking, the Hasanuddin Gowa branch of Sharia Pawnshops offers two product categories, namely pawning and non-pawning. For pawn products, there is only one product called Pawn Rahn, while for non-pawn products there are Ar-rum haji and Amanah. For Rahn's pawn products, Hasanuddin Gowa Branch Syariah Pawnshop only offers one type of transaction, namely Rahn's pawn alone. Sharia Pawnshops, no interest is applied. The fees charged at Pegadaian Syariah include goods maintenance costs (mu'nah), safekeeping fees, maintenance fees, guard fees, and appraisal fees. Implications of this research The process of implementing the Rahn contract should be facilitated and not too complicated. It is important for the Hasanuddin Gowa Branch Sharia Pawnshop to explain in detail the contracts that are applied, so that there is no ambiguity and make it easier for the public to understand the next process, this is formulated into a scientific work entitled "Review of Islamic Law on the Application of Rahn Contracts at Hasanuddin Gowa Branch Sharia Pawnshops .</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp; Keywords: Rahn, Assurance, Arrum Haji</em><em>.</em></strong></p> A Nurzafira Adhayanti, Sohrah, Muhammad Anis Copyright (c) 2024 A. Nurzafira Adhayanti AB, Sohrah, Muhammad Anis Sat, 21 Dec 2024 04:10:08 +0000