• Nur Indah Djudahril
  • St. Nasriah UIN Alauddin Makassar


This study discusses how the strategy is carried out Muhammadiyah in Overcoming Crime in Pasui Village, Buntu District Enrekang Regency Stone. The sub problems are: 1) What are the forms crime in Pasui Village, Buntu-Batu District? 2) What is Muhammadiyah's strategy? in overcoming criminal acts in Pasui Village, Buntu-Batu District? This research is a qualitative research, qualitative research is method used to examine the condition of natural objects. As for the object in this research is the implementation of strategy. Data collection techniques used researchers are observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The results showed that the forms of crime in Pasui . Village such as: theft, fighting, fraud, gambling strategies used Muhammadiyah in overcoming criminal acts such as: da'wah, holding recitations, developing the potential quality of cadres Muhammadiyah applies the right method according to the community, provides employment The implications of this research are 1) For the community, especially the perpetrators criminals to make the best use of time in following study regularly in order to be able to understand the message conveyed and understand about the meaning of existing legal norms 2) Support and input from the community regarding Muhammadiyah Da'wah method is highly expected because it can help carry out the process of dealing with criminal acts and can achieve the desired goals want to achieve. 3) For Ustadz and Ustadzah in order to maintain quality by implement existing strategies and remain a good role model and role model for society. various forms of crime that occur and strategic steps that have been implemented need to be developed with the aim that the community can be directed well. and try as much as possible to deal with problems in Pasui Village so that Muhammadiyah can overcome criminal acts as well as good cooperation is needed between the leadership of Muhammadiyah and society in order to become a person of noble character.

Vol. 11 No. 1 April 2023
Abstract viewed = 41 times