• Hajar Aswad
  • Muh. Anwar UIN Alauddin Makassar


The main problem in this study is the Da'wah Strategy of the Head of Malewang Fort Village in Minimizing Liquor in Malewang Fort Village, Gantarang District, Bulukumba Regency. The subject matter is outlined in several sub-problems, namely: 1. What are the factors that cause the people of Malewang Fort to consume liquor? 2. What is the method of Da'wah of the Head of Malewang Fort Village in Minimizing Liquor in Malewang Fort Village, Gantarang District, Bulukumba Regency?

This type of research is descriptive qualitative research using the proselytizing method approach. The data sources for this study are primary and secondary data sources. The data collection methods used are interviews, documentation, and observation. Data processing techniques and data analysis are carried out using three stages: data reduction, data presentation (display data), and conclusion drawing verification.

The results of this study show that the proselytizing strategy used by the Head of Malewang Fort Village in minimizing liquor uses the oral Bi al proselytizing method, the Al Mujadalah proselytizing method, and the Bi al hal proselytizing method. In the oral Bi al proselytizing method carried out by the Head of Malewang Fort Village, namely speaking,. then in the Al Mujadalah proselytizing method carried out by the village head, namely exchanging pendaapat by discussing both individuals and groups. Then the method of proselytizing Bi al what the village head does is the implementation of a work program, namely palm syrup and majlis taklim.

The implementation of this research is for the Head of Fort Village, Malewang, who is expected to always strive to improve strategies for minimizing liquor. The village government must continue to synergize with the ranks of the government to continue to be consistent in efforts to minimize liquor in the village of Benteng Malewang. Community leaders and all parties are obliged to assist the village government in minimizing liquor in Malewang Fort Village.

Vol. 11 No. 2 Oktober 2023
Abstract viewed = 127 times