• Hamiruddin UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Haslinda


This research discusses the "Actualization of Cultural Da'wah towards the Marrimpa Salo Tradition in Bua Village, Tellulimpoe District, Sinjai Regency. The subproblems are: 1) What are the steps for actualizing cultural da'wah towards the Marrimpa Salo tradition in Bua Village, Tellulimpoe District, Sinjai Regency? 2) What are the supporting factors for the success of Cultural Da'wah on the Marrimpa Salo Tradition in Bua Village, Tellulimpoe District, Sinjai Regency? This type of research is qualitative and uses a Da'wah management approach. The resources for this research are: the village head, as well as residents of Bua Village, both youth leaders and fishermen leaders. Furthermore, the data collection methods used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data processing and analysis techniques are carried out by data editing, data presentation, comparative analysis, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that in the implementation of the Marrimpa Salo tradition in Bua Village, several steps were taken so that the actualization of cultural da'wah in the implementation of the Marrimpa Salo tradition could be carried out, namely: carrying out planning in advance in accordance with Islamic management planning, then carrying out organizing which gave the committee tasks and responsibilities according to their expertise, and then the implementation where the essence of all the activities that have been planned will be actualized at the peak of the Marrimpa Salo tradition, the implementation process of which begins with the recitation of a prayer, which is the actualization of the da'wah which is carried out with a joint prayer at the beginning of the implementation. We can see the supporting factors for the success of the actualization of cultural da'wah in several aspects, namely: the number of preachers, all preachers and levels of society working together, having a competent committee, and the competition that enlivens the Marrimpa Salo Tradition, which is open to the public and also has value. The value of Islamic preaching in the competition.

Vol. 11 No. 2 Oktober 2023
Abstract viewed = 155 times