• Nur Fitri UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Audah Mannan UIN Alauddin Makassar


This study discussed on Imam Sub-Village Strategy in Religious Moderation in the Sumarorong Regency. This study was carried out with the aim of: (1) To determine the steps of the Imam Village in realizing a moderate view on the Sumarorong community of Mamasa Regency, (2) To find out the Sumarorong community in a religious moderation attitude.

The type of research used is qualitative with Da'wah Management approach. The research data sources are primary data and secondary data, namely data obtained to support primary data. The source of data collection used in this study is: (1) Observation (2) Interviews (3) Documentation.

The results of this study indicate that the Imam Village steps in realizing moderate views on the Sumarorong Regency community using two strategies: (1) Sentimental Strategy, as for the steps conducted by Sumarorong Village Office in the strategy by conducting discussion activities. Apart from Imam's discussion, also took soft advice. (2) Rational strategy, the steps conducted by the Sumarorong Village Imam in this strategy are in the form of lectures. These two ways, which are considered effective by the Imam Sumarorong Village. The Mamasa Regency, is a people who adhere to a different religion, but interactions and religious moderation in society still go well. One form of religious moderation is tolerance. A form of tolerance in the life of the Sumarorong community is the cooperation of religious activities and cooperation in social. Meanwhile, some of the people's responses about the steps used by the Imam Village, are very good by the Sumarorong Village Muslim community.

The implication of this study is: (1) a strategy used by the Imam Village is effective (2) the interaction or collaboration between religious people who have been carried out in the community of Sumarorong must be maintaining (3) the atmosphere of harmony among the Sumarorong, which is conducive, needs to be maintaining (4), the relationship between each and the adherents of good one must continue to be preserved.

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