• Muh. Akbar Alumni Pascasarjana Spesialis 1 Pekerjaan Sosial STKS Bandung


Along with the development of the times in various fields that are increasing, the development of social welfare must adapt to these developments, one of which is by changing the paradigm. The change in paradigm includes the problem paradigm to needs, stigmatization to human rights and social assistance to empowerment. In line with this, relevant regulations always accelerate these changes. One of them is the Elderly Social Welfare Law No. 13 of 1998 which has entered two decades. The idea of revision of the law needs to be done, considering that there are several shortcomings in several articles, increasing the role of stakeholders, increasing the role of the Elderly National Commission (Komnas Lansia) and of course aiming to fulfill the rights of the elderly themselves. This research method uses library research (library research) where the object of research is explored through a variety of library information (books, encyclopedias, scientific journals, newspapers, magazines and documents) as well as field experience of writers as elderly social workers. Therefore the revision of Law No. 13 of 1998 concerning Elderly Social Welfare is expected to meet the demands of the times, fulfill rights and advocacy, prepare productive and independent elderly people.


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