• Ida Purwastuty Alumni Pascasarjana Spesialis 1 Pekerjaan Sosial STKS Bandung


This study illustrates how the effectiveness of the HIV / AIDS prevention program for prostitutes in the Janem Subang Localization includes aspects of targeting accuracy, program socialization, achievement of objectives and program monitoring. This research was conducted at Janem Localization, Subang Regency.
This research is in the form of descriptive with a quantitative approach. Respondents in this study were WTS who joined the prevention program from Resik Foundation totaling 51 respondents from 107 WTS. Determination of samples of researchers using simple random sampling. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires (questionnaires), interviews with Resik Foundation administrators and documentation studies.
The results showed that from the four aspects, the effectiveness of the HIV/AIDS prevention program for prostitutes was in the good category. However, from these four aspects, there is one aspect that is in the low category, namely program socialization. This can be seen from the continuum line as a whole where the total score is 884.
Based on the results of the research, the problem solving program plan was the Communication Forum Establishment Program on HIV / AIDS Prevention for Prostitutes in Janem Localization. The program was analyzed using the SWOT technique, which saw the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the program. The success of the program can be seen from the implementation of forums by selected forum teams to reduce HIV / AIDS cases.


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