• H. Abdul Wahid Dosen STIE Tri Dharma Nusantara Makassar


This paper contains about examining the role and function of preachers in various dimensions in order to answer the problems of the people from time to time. The existence of preachers has always been identified with its role as a lecturer or orator delivering Islamic messages to the public (mad'u) relating to the afterlife oriented, so it escapes to take a broader role, even though the problem of the Ummah is so complex. For this reason, it is necessary for the preachers to expand their working area from being only a caller for the afterlife to a more factual direction faced by the people today. As it is known that the problems of the people from time to time are very participative, therefore the true role and function of preachers must also be participative to compensate for these problems. Such matter as an embodiment that Islam is a religion that is rahmatan lil'alamin, meaning religion whose teachings are always relevant to the condition of humanity anytime and anywhere.


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