• Usman Jasad Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Alauddin Makassar


The development of da'wah through print media is a sign that da'wah is not only on the pulpit but through writing. The purpose of this study is to provide an understanding of the community about propaganda through print media. The method used in this research is qualitative through interviews with informants who read the print media every time.
The results of this study are; 1). The role of da'wah through print media: a). Mass media as the spread of ideas of change, enlightenment, Islamic enthusiasm and Islamic optimism, b). Media propaganda Islamic progress, determine the progress of Islam, c). As an Islamic imaging medium, 2). The challenge of da'wah through print media; the role of the media is not well developed because the Islamic media is still struggling with itself, internal interaction often becomes a barrier to the propagation, namely perceptions of perceptions, production costs and mismanagement, external relations; Fewer companies advertise on Islam, 3). The effectiveness of da'wah through mass media; Accurately, something delivered must be honest and true, fair, inviting, polite, gentle, argumentative or known as bil hikmah, honest, not lying.


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