Davutoğlu Doctrine and Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East: A Critical Constructivist Analysis

  • Edi Miranto


Referring to the argument that a state’s historic background and geographic location in
the world are inherent elements of its foreign policy narrative which constitutes its identity,
this article examined and brought narratives on the reconstruction of Turkish foreign
policy towards the Middle East which was directed by a foreign policy doctrine of
Davutoğlu as defined Davutoğlu Doctrine. Using a critical constructivist perspective, it
contends that Davutoğlu’s foreign policy vision for Turkey is an attempt to reconstruct
the international role and responsibilities of Turkey through a transformed identity
based on a reinterpretation of its historical heritage and geographic location. This article
concluded that the Davutoğlu Doctrine’s vision was not only an endeavor to overturn
the traditional tendencies in Turkish foreign policy, but also in any ways, is a task of
identity transformation. Further, this new activism has led to a shift in the axis of its
foreign policy from the Western orientation to a more assertive, strict independent foreign
policy that is central to the Davutoğlu Doctrine. Finally, Davutoglu Doctrine can
be recognized that it has reconstructed Turkey’s state identity to reshape Turkish foreign
policy onwards to the Middle East aiming to reposition Turkey as the global representative
and a key player in the region.


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Author Biography

Edi Miranto

Master’s Degree, Institute of Social Sciences, Sakarya University


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How to Cite
Miranto, E. (2017). Davutoğlu Doctrine and Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East: A Critical Constructivist Analysis. Jurnal Politik Profetik, 5(2), 219-246. https://doi.org/10.24252/profetik.v5i2a5
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