Jurnal Politik Profetik 2024-08-05T09:14:56+00:00 Abu Bakar [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Politik Profetik is a scientific journal published by the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Ushuluddin, Philosophy, and Politics, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia.&nbsp;The journal is published twice a year; June and December. This journal publishes original academic research with the main topic of political studies in various countries, especially political studies in Indonesia. This journal specializes in studying political science in various countries and is intended to reveal original research and current issues. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars from related fields considering the following general topics; <em>Islamic Politics, </em><em>Democracy, </em><em>Islamic Social Movement, </em><em>Election, </em><em>Political Parties, </em><em>Political Sociology, </em><em>Politics and Government, and </em><em>Local Politics.</em></p> Indonesia's G20 Leadership: Navigating National Ambitions on the Global Stage 2024-06-30T06:29:24+00:00 Ujang Komarudin [email protected] Syafiuddin Fadlillah [email protected] <p><em>In today's interconnected world, nations confront complex economic challenges. The G20 serves as a crucial forum for coordinated action, with member countries taking turns in the annual presidency. Indonesia's stewardship in 2022 was marked by a concerted focus on global economic recovery, especially in the wake of the momentum of COVID-19, and the demonstration of its leadership prowess on the international stage. This study employs qualitative research methods and national interest theory to delve into Indonesia's strategic priorities during its historic first G20 presidency in 2022. Through a meticulous analysis of Indonesia's initiatives, it becomes evident that the presidency not only advanced the interests of the G20 as a whole but also brought significant benefits to Indonesia, the ASEAN region, and developing countries worldwide. This examination underscores Indonesia's adept maneuvering and strategic engagement within the broader global economic landscape.</em></p> 2024-06-26T15:54:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ujang Komarudin, Syafiuddin Fadlillah Hegemoni Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Pada Pilkada Kota Depok 2020 2024-08-05T09:14:56+00:00 Muhammad Ariel Azfar Hadi [email protected] Danis Tri Saputra Wahidin [email protected] <p><em>The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) is an Islamic-based political party that has won the Depok City Regional Election (Pilkada) four times in a row since the first Pilkada was held in the city. The consistent change in leadership in Depok raises questions about PKS’s hegemonic practices to maintain and expand its influence among the people of Depok. This research aims to identify PKS Depok’s hegemonic practices according to Antonio Gramsci’s theory, which emphasizes creating ideological consensus, the role of intellectuals, and political leadership. The study uses qualitative methods, collecting data through interviews and literature review. It is conducted in Depok, focusing on the DPD PKS Depok and the 2020 Depok City regional Election as a case study. The study concludes that Idris-Imam, PKS-backed candidates for Mayor and Vice Mayor of Depok, won the election through the dissemination of the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Islamic ideology, the role of intellectuals such as ustad, and educational institutions, as well as the religious political leadership of Kiai Idris, the former Depok Mayor.</em></p> 2024-06-26T16:00:15+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Ariel Azfar Hadi, Danis Tri Saputra Wahidin Strategi Kampanye Partai Amanat Nasional Pada Pemilu Legislatif 2024: Pendekatan Teori Marketing-Mix 2024-06-30T06:29:23+00:00 Wiwid [email protected] <p><em>This article examines to find out the successful campaign strategy of the National Mandate Party (Partai Amanat Nasional, PAN) in increasing its vote in the 2024 Legislative Election. Methodologically, this article uses qualitative method by applying case study approach. In data gathering, it employs library research by mining data from online news channels. In the data analysis, it utilizes the modern platform of NVivo 14 mainly word frequency query. To measure the campaign strategy of PAN, this article applies four indicators of marketing-mix theory: product, price, place, promotion (4P). The finding reveals that in terms of product, PAN promotes a platform of “helping people” with its past record as the reformist party and supported by the legislative candidates’ background of entrepreneurs and artists-celebrities. Regarding the price, the PAN’s campaign budget spent at least 223 billion IDR with its successful campaigns which conducted by each legislative candidate. PAN prefers to rely on the popularity of President of Joko Widodo and legislative candidates. In the context of place, the strategy of local network and canvassing are based on the creativity of each legislative candidates in attracting voters’ sympathy. The leader tour is conducted by visiting influential public figures. Concerning promotion, the campaign publication of PAN relies on printed mass media, television, and social media while event publication is carried out in various regions across the country. Among those four indicators, the price has the most significant impact which causes to the successful campaign of PAN in the 2024 Simultaneous Election.</em></p> 2024-06-26T16:04:13+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wiwid New Social Movement on Jokowi’s Impeachment Action in Indonesia 2024-06-30T06:29:23+00:00 Ahmad Rifki Nurfebriansyah [email protected] <p><em>The elections in Indonesia in 2024 have ended and confirmed the candidate pair Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka as the elected president and vice president to lead Indonesia. One of the controversies in 2024 election that occurred was President Jokowi's abuse of power with the aim of winning certain candidate pairs in the elections. Therefore, some people created a group called Petisi 100 to carry out a social movement, namely the impeachment of Jokowi. This movement can be categorized as New Social Movements (NSMs). This research aims to explore the Jokowi impeachment movement as NSMs which includes what is behind it, who is involved in the pros and cons, how the development process is, what activities mark it, the opportunity structure, mobilization and framing, and what impact it has on political dynamics in Indonesia. The research results show that the movement to impeach Jokowi was carried out due to dissatisfaction with Jokowi who was considered too involved in the 2024 elections. This movement developed through five stages, namely identity formation, escalation, mobilization, polarization, and actor formation. This movement could have an impact on challenges to political parties in channeling their aspirations and the results of the 2024 Election</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-06-26T16:07:55+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Rifki Nurfebriansyah When the Son of the Indonesia President Becomes a Party Chairman: An Analysis of Political Capital and Public Response 2024-06-30T06:29:22+00:00 Dimas Subekti [email protected] Dinda Syufradian Putra [email protected] Ian Pasaribu [email protected] <p><em>This research is motivated by the case of President Joko Widodo's son, Kaesang Pangareb, who became chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) after becoming a cadre for two days. Therefore, this study aims to explain the political capital of Kaesang Pangareb in becoming the chairman of PSI and how the public responds to the process. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The findings of this study explain that there are three critical political capitals owned by Kaesang Pangareb, the president's son, who became the party chairman in a short time. First, the representation of young people who perform well in building businesses. Then, there was solid political support from his father, the active president of Indonesia. This support from President Joko Widodo has enormous power as a form of privilege for Kaesang Pangareb to be elected as chairman in such a quick process. Moreover, the support from the PSI party elite also significantly contributes to consolidating cadres at the central and regional levels to support Kaesang Pangareb in becoming chairman. Then, the public response, both in the real world and in cyberspace related to this case, shows a positive perception and supports Kaesang Pangareb's political movement</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-06-26T16:11:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dimas Subekti, Dinda Syufradian Putra, Ian Pasaribu