Jurnal Politik Profetik https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/jpp <p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Politik Profetik is a scientific journal published by the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Ushuluddin, Philosophy, and Politics, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia.&nbsp;The journal is published twice a year; June and December. This journal publishes original academic research with the main topic of political studies in various countries, especially political studies in Indonesia. This journal specializes in studying political science in various countries and is intended to reveal original research and current issues. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars from related fields considering the following general topics; <em>Islamic Politics, </em><em>Democracy, </em><em>Islamic Social Movement, </em><em>Election, </em><em>Political Parties, </em><em>Political Sociology, </em><em>Politics and Government, and </em><em>Local Politics.</em></p> Department of Political Science, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar en-US Jurnal Politik Profetik 2337-4756 Aceh and the Politics of Islamic Identity: Implications for Social and Political Dynamics https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/jpp/article/view/49803 <p><em>Studying the intersection of Islamic identity politics and governance in Aceh is crucial due to its implications for regional autonomy and national cohesion. Aceh's special autonomy, allowing the enforcement of Sharia law, highlights a unique governance model within Indonesia. This issue is underexplored in current research, which often overlooks the nuanced impacts of Isla</em><em>mi</em><em>c identity politics on both local governance and national policy integration. Previous studies have primarily focused on general autonomy or Islamic law without delving into how these elements specifically interact within Aceh's political context.</em> <em>This study aims to bridge this gap by investigating how Islamic identity politics influences Aceh's legal and governance systems and its conflict with national policie</em><em>. </em><em>Using the theory of political identity and autonomy, the research employs a qualitative approach with a focus on case studies in Aceh</em><em>, </em><em>the research employs a qualitative approach with a focus on case studies in Aceh. The main data collection techniques used in this study include online news document analysis and direct observation. The study's findings reveal the complex dynamics between Aceh’s local Islamic values and national legislative pressures, providing new insights into regional autonomy challenges</em><em>.</em></p> Putri Rahmah Nur Hakim Irwan Abdullah Lina Marlina Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Rahmah Nur Hakim, Irwan Abdullah, Lina Marlina https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 12 2 98 115 10.24252/profetik.v12i2a1 Perempuan dan Perubahan di Perdesaan: Studi Kasus Lurah Sriharjo, Kabupaten Bantul https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/jpp/article/view/51639 <p><em>Village governments is a vital autonomous institutions based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. Sriharjo village is one example of local democracy with its first female village head. During the leadership of the Sriharjo village head, there were obstacles and challenges, particularly in the political dynamics of Sriharjo village. The aim of this research is to analyze women's leadership in the implementation of village government policies in line with the political dynamics in Kalurahan Sriharjo. The theoretical foundation of this research uses Bass and Avolio's transformational leadership.&nbsp;This study uses a qualitative intrinsic case study method based on Robert K. Yin. Data was obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research results indicate that the leadership of the Sriharjo village head has brought significant changes in terms of policies and social and political institutions. Essentially, the village head is not solely focused on power to manage the government; the most important aspect is the elaboration for sustainable development. Efforts to improve Sriharjo require a long process and the involvement of various parties, including supra-village levels.</em></p> Nefa Wahyuning Anggraini Andre Dwi Prasaja Copyright (c) 2024 Nefa Wahyuning Anggraini, Andre Dwi Prasaja https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 12 2 116 132 10.24252/profetik.v12i2a2 Transformation of the Labor Political Movement: Confronting the Injustices of Labor Policy in Indonesia https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/jpp/article/view/52500 <p><em>The injustice of labor policy in Indonesia has marginalized workers in the tripartite negotiation process dominated by the logic of corporatism, reflected in the policies of the Job Creation Law, Government Regulation Number 78 of 2015 regarding wages and several labor rules tend to favor employers and ignore the needs of a decent living for workers. </em><em>The research aims to analyze the driving factors of resistance, the form of movement transformation, and its political implications. </em><em>The qualitative descriptive method uses primary data from some government regulations on labor in Indonesia, secondary data from online news (2014–2024), journal articles, and data from relevant institutions related to the labor movement. </em><em>Based on the theory of resource mobilization and the transformation of the labor movement from street demonstrations to the structural political strategy of the Labor Party's representation, it shows the expansion of influence and connectivity.</em><em> The study results show that the labor political movement faces severe challenges, such as the dominance of the power of capital owners and fluctuations in support at the electoral level. However, amid these dynamics, the labor movement has succeeded in building a strategic foundation to influence policies and fight for workers' welfare in a more organized and systematic</em><em>.</em></p> Yahdi Qolbi Alberto Noviano Patty Jefri Hamzah Jamaludin Copyright (c) 2024 Yahdi Qolbi, Alberto Noviano Patty, Jefri Jefri, Hamzah Jamaludin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 12 2 133 150 10.24252/profetik.v12i2a3 Islamist Social Movement of Hamas Regarding Israel’s Attack on Gaza from the Perspective of Critical Theory https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/jpp/article/view/52634 <p><em>This study aims to analyze how Hamas as Islamist Social Movement reviewed from the perspective of Critical Theory of International Relations Studies. The theories used in this study are the concept of Critical Theory and Social Movement Theory. The research method is a descriptive qualitative method, with a case study approach model. Data collection techniques are carried out through literature reviews from various online news, documents, books and journals related to the research topic. The results indicate that Hamas movement is formed by historical structures, consist of material capabilities with organizational capabilities. Ideas by the desire to fight against Israel occupation and institutionalized by supporting of Palestinian. So, social forces with Hamas' ideology and response to Fatah's approach, made Hamas takes different way in responding to the Israeli occupation. In addition, Western media coverage of Hamas has created a negative image of it so creating biased facts.</em></p> Muh Rizky Hikmatullah Idrus Chandra Purnama Yulius Purwadi Hermawan Copyright (c) 2024 Muh Rizky Hikmatullah Idrus, Chandra Purnama, Yulius Purwadi Hermawan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 12 2 151 169 10.24252/profetik.v12i2a4 Sino-Russian Coexistence in Serbia: Strategic Symmetry https://journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/jpp/article/view/53002 <p><em>In recent decades, China has significantly increased its global economic presence, emerging as one of the leading powers in the international system, in alignment with its strategic plan through 2049. This presence includes a keen interest in Southeast Europe, with Serbia identified as a key strategic partner. China's approach to Serbia intersects with Russia's longstanding presence rooted in the historical and cultural ties with Serbia. This paper examines the strategic interests and goals of China and Russia in Serbia, exploring their respective methods and tools. It also delves into Serbia's foreign policy aspirations for sustainable security trying to balance the presence of superpowers within, and around its territory. The paper evaluates Serbia's try of strategic navigation of its geostrategic position between East and West, questioning if Serbia is actually naive or aware of its circumstances. The study elucidates on how China and Russia's strategic maneuvers in the region, often subconsciously, shape Serbia and its neighboring countries. Within this intricate landscape, the concept of “Strategic symmetry” emerges as a crucial element, highlighting the delicate balance of influence that both powers exert in Serbia while it strives to maintain its entry into the European Union</em><em>.</em></p> Mirela Imširović Adnan Kapo Georges Olemanu Lohalo Eliza Farahdiba Saleh Copyright (c) 2024 Mirela Imširović, Adnan Kapo, Georges Olemanu Lohalo, Eliza Farahdiba Saleh https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 12 2 170 201 10.24252/profetik.v12i2a5