Jurnal Jurnalisa
<p>Journalisa Journal is a scientific publication for research topics and studies on journalism and mass media. <br>The form of publiation that we receive will be reviewed by reviewers who have a concentration in the field of journalism, specifically mass media and Communication.</p> <p>As for studies, that are part of our study, namely:<br>- journalism<br>- photography<br>- film<br>- mass media<br>- social media and media literacy</p> <p>and others concerning communication.<br><br>We publish this journal twice a year, in Mei and November. <br>The Jurnalisa Journal first appeared in the printed version in 2015. <br>This journal is managed by the Jurnalisa journal team under the journalistic Department of Alauddin Islamic University in Makassar.</p>Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasien-USJurnal Jurnalisa2460-6766<p>Once an article was published in the journal, the author(s) are:</p><p>granted to the journal right licensed under Creative Commons License Attribution that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship. permitted to publish their work online in third parties as it can lead to wider dissemination of the work. continue to be the copyright owner and allow the journal to publish the article with the CC BY license receiving a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the work.</p>Analisis Wacana dan Representasi Perempuan Dalam Media Merdeka.com
<p><strong>RAHMAT SULO.</strong> 2023. <em>Discourse Strategy and Representation of Women's Reporting in News Headlines on Media.com: Critical Discourse Analysis Study</em> (Supervised by Lukman and Ery Iswary)</p> <p> This research is a qualitative research that analyzes how the discourse strategy of the AWK Van Leewen model (inclusion and exclusion) is used in women's reporting on the merdeka.com news headline and how the representation of women's news on the Merdeka.com news headline uses the AWK Sara Mills model (subjects-objects). and reader-writer position).</p> <p> The data source for this research was found in news headlines on the Merdeka.com media. The population of this study amounted to 100 data. The data sample was selected purposively. The data collection technique used in this study was library research in the form of observation techniques, note-taking techniques and screenshot techniques. The data analysis technique used in this study is to analyze Van Leewen's discourse strategy (inclusion and exclusion) in women's news headlines on Merdeka.com and to analyze the representation of women's news in Merdeka.com news headlines using the AWK Sara Mills model. the method used in this research is descriptive method.</p> <p> The results of this study indicate that there are three types of exclusionary discourse strategies used by Merdeka.com media in reporting on women, namely a) passivation, b) nominalization, and c) substitution of clauses. In addition, the results of this study also show that there are 7 types of inclusion discourse strategies used by Merdeka.com media, namely a) differentiation-indifference, b) objectivation-abstraction, c)nomination-categorization, d)nomination-identification, e)assimilation-individualization, and f) associations-disassociations. In this case Merdeka.com media tends to protect the suspect (male) by eliminating the perpetrator in the news text title. On the other hand, representation according to Sara Mills' AWK model is divided into two parts, namely: a) based on the point of view of the subject-object and b) based on the point of view of the writer (media) - the point of view of the reader (researcher). In this case the representation of women's news in the Merdeka.com news headlines tends to make women the object of the news, causing women to consume the text in Merdeka.com's news titles.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Discourse Strategy, Representation, </em>and<em> News Titles</em>.</p>Rahmat Sulo
Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Jurnalisa
2023-11-302023-11-309210.24252/jurnalisa.v9i2.38886Pengaruh Iklan Politik Partai Dan Citra Kandidat Terhadap Sikap Memilih
<p><em>In every general election, various party political advertisements appear to persuade voters to give their support. In addition, the candidate's image is made as good as possible to meet the tastes of voters so that voters provide support to the candidate. This research was conducted to determine the effect of party political advertising and candidate image on voting attitudes of people in the city of Gorontalo. This study used a quantitative approach with explanatory survey methods. Data was collected using a questionnaire. The sample in this study were 383 residents of the city of Gorontalo and were taken using the Proportional Stratified Random Sampling technique. Data analysis in this study used Partial Least Square (PLS) with the help of the SmartPLS version 4 software program. The findings of this study indicate that there is no effect of party political advertising on voting attitudes of the people of Gorontalo city, candidate image has a significant effect on the voting attitude of the people of Gorontalo city and there is a difference in the effect of party political advertising and candidate image on voting attitudes of the people of Gorontalo city.</em></p>Abdul Rajak Babuntai
Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Jurnalisa
2023-11-302023-11-309210.24252/jurnalisa.v9i2.40376Prinsip-Prinsip Komunikasi Dakwah Berbasis Media Online
<p>This research examines the principles of online media-based da'wah communication through a rhetorical study conducted by KH. Buya Syakur Yasin on the YouTube channel KH Buya Syakur Yasin MA. The aim of this research is to identify the da'wah communication messages and rhetorical styles employed by Buya Syakur Yasin on the YouTube channel KH Buya Syakur Yasin MA. The research methodology utilized a qualitative approach with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data was collected through observation and documentation and then analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The findings reveal that (1) there are three forms of da'wah communication messages delivered by Buya Syakur: religious messages, moral and ethical messages, and an understanding of Islam. (2) The rhetorical style employed includes simplicity, the use of real-life examples, empathy, and the maintenance of consistency and authenticity in da'wah efforts. This research is expected to make a significant contribution to the development of da'wah strategies.</p>Siti Hudayana Husri
Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Jurnalisa
2023-11-302023-11-309210.24252/jurnalisa.v9i2.41544Analisis Interaktivitas Akun @Awaskbgo Dalam Mengadvokasi Isu Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online Di Instagram
<p><em>With the development of the internet, social media is present as a space for exchanging information online, nowadays social media not only be used as a personal account, but also can be used as an advocacy media account. The @awaskbgo account is an account that advocates for the issue of online gender-based violence in Indonesia. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to describe and explain the interactivity on social media to activities against online gender-based violence on the @awaskbgo Instagram account and to see how social media becomes a forum for advocacy. This type of research is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. With a focus on writing, draws from three elements of interactivity, namely, user to system, user to user & user to document. The results of this study found the use of the Instagram algorithm in increasing user-to-system interactivity, but user-to-user and user-to-document interactivity has not been maximized in increasing the interactivity of the @awaskbgo account.</em></p>Amadhea Putri NamiraNurliah
Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Jurnalisa
2023-11-302023-11-309210.24252/jurnalisa.v9i2.41677Representasi Kaum Difabel dalam Piala Dunia Qatar 2022
<p>The Qatar 2022 World Cup presents a different view than the previous one. The presence of one of the World Cup ambassadors, Ghanim Al Muftah, at the opening of this prestigious football event brought a different atmosphere. This article attempts to explore the representation of disabled people at the 2022 Qatar World Cup to Show Islam Rahmatan Lil'alamin. The research approach used is qualitative with descriptive content analysis methods. The content analysis examines the content in the sample video from the Sport News YouTube account on 21 November 2022. In Ghanim Al Muftah's appearance on the principles of depicting people with disabilities in 'Disabling Imagery and The Media' by Collin Barnes, namely: 'disability language and terminology ', 'how disability is portrayed', and 'portrayal of disabled people in advertising'. The research results show that (1) The use of language and terms in the opening of the 2022 Qatar World Cup reflects the equal rights of people in a social context to appear in public; (2) People with disabilities in this broadcast have been depicted accurately and are 'multifaceted' using progressive framing. (3) In the advertising context, the show has used people with disabilities in product placement and brand integration by depicting the involvement of people with disabilities in major events like the World Cup. The appearance of people with disabilities plays a role in showing that Islam is Rahmatan lil'alamin.</p>Devina MelinawatiNadhirohTutut Nur Trias Wijayanti
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2023-12-312023-12-319210.24252/jurnalisa.v9i2.44194Adaptasi Model Ellis Dalam Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Fact Checker Mafindo
<p>Mafindo merupakan organisasi non profit anti <em>hoax</em>. Mafindo dalam aktivitasnya kerap melakukan <em>debunking</em> <em>hoax</em> dengan melakukan cek fakta untuk mengklarifikasi <em>hoax</em> yang beredar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perilaku pencarian informasi para <em>fact checker</em> Mafindo dalam pencarian informasi cek fakta. Metode riset menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan informan penelitian adalah 2 orang <em>fact checker</em> dan 2 orang relawan Mafindo wilayah Kendari. Pengumpulan data dengan obeservasi, wawancara mendalam serta studi Pustaka. Metode analisis dengan model Miles and Hubberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pencarian informasi <em>fact checker</em> Mafindo memiliki kesesuaian dengan model Ellis yang memuat 7 dimensi yaitu <em>starting, chaining, browsing, differentiating, monitoring, extracting dan ending. </em>Model Ellis, yang awalnya dikembangkan untuk perilaku pencarian informasi akademik, ternyata juga relevan dan dapat diadaptasi untuk proses pemeriksaan fakta dalam konteks media sosial dan informasi digital. Sebagai saran, Mafindo sebaiknya terus mengintegrasikan teknologi terbaru dalam proses pemeriksaan fakta.</p>Fera Tri SusilawatyHera FebriantyMoh. Ricky Ramadhan RasyidAprilia Suci Sanjaya
Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Jurnalisa
2023-12-312023-12-319210.24252/jurnalisa.v9i2.44196Framing Media Dalam Kontroversi Video Syur Rebecca Klopper
<p><em>In May, September and October 2023, the Indonesian people were shocked by the circulation of an exciting video allegedly by Rebecca Klopper. Within three months, this scandal became trending and was widely searched for, causing online media to compete to report on this case. By using sensational narratives, journalists try to attract readers' interest without considering the impact on the victims. The depiction of news is called framing, in this case the researcher will look at how news writers create their news using the framing model of Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with Sara Mills discourse analysis. The online media that is quite intensively highlighting this case is Suara.com, where this media tends to use Rebecca Klopper to attract readers' attention. This certainly shows that the media tends to blame the women in the video while the men are less highlighted. By taking advantage of Rebecca's position as an artist, journalists are able to create narratives that influence netizens' views of Klopper. It cannot be denied that this happened because of the demands of each online media editor to create sensational titles in order to attract clicks from the public.</em></p>Mawi Sari RajagukgukDwi Aji Budiman
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2023-12-312023-12-319210.24252/jurnalisa.v9i2.43227Peran Jaringan Media Siber Dalam Mitigasi Berita Hoaks Di Media Online Bengkulu Jelang Pemilu 2024
<p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Internet telah menjadi media utama penyebaran informasi, namun perkembangan teknologi dan kemudahan akses internet juga membawa tantangan yang serius, terutama dalam konteks penyebaran berita bohong atau hoax. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Penyebaran berita hoax menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang sering ditemui di media online, apalagi menjelang pemilu 2024 dimana potensi penyebaran hoax sangat tinggi. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Dalam memitigasi dan mengantisipasi bergabungnya media online ke JMSI agar tidak membuat dan menyebarkan hoax, diperlukan jurnalis dan media yang berkualitas dan kredibel. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Pelatihan Kompetensi Jurnalis (UKW) merupakan salah satu cara yang dilakukan JMSI agar anggotanya tidak membuat hoax dan benar-benar memahami Kode Etik Jurnalistik. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa JMSI sebagai organisasi perusahaan pers telah melakukan upaya pencegahan hoax seperti melakukan verifikasi ketat terhadap media online yang ingin bergabung dengan JMSI serta memberikan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kualitas media dan jurnalis. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Di sisi lain, JMSI juga harus berkolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak untuk memastikan berita-berita hoax, khususnya menjelang Pemilu 2024, dapat ditangani dengan baik dan masyarakat juga harus lebih kritis dalam mencerna informasi yang terdapat di media online.</span></span></em></p>Ina Julyartha SinagaGushevinalti Verani Indiarma
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2023-12-312023-12-319210.24252/jurnalisa.v9i2.43231Fenomena Hoaks dalam Kegiatan Dakwah di Ruang Digital
<p>Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, khususnya media sosial, telah mengubah cara manusia berinteraksi. Media sosial memberikan akses yang luas dan cepat bagi penggunanya untuk menyebarkan informasi, termasuk hoaks. Dalam konteks kegiatan dakwah, hoaks yang berkaitan dengan agama dan kegiatan keagamaan dapat dengan mudah tersebar melalui platform-platform media sosial. Artikel ini merupakan hasil riset deskriptif kualitatif atas fenomena hoaks dalam kegiatan dakwah yang mencakup pola penyebarannya, dampaknya terhadap kegiatan dakwah, serta strategi yang dapat diterapkan untuk menghadapi fenomena hoaks tersebut. Kolaborasi antara pemerintah, lembaga keagamaan, media massa, masyarakat, khususnya pendakwah, menjadi hal yang amat penting untuk mengatasi masalah hoaks dalam kegiatan dakwah. Salah satu orientasi dari kerja sama tersebut adalah terbangunnya sikap kritis masyarakat dalam menerima konten dakwah sehingga terhindar dari dampak merugikan hoaks.</p>Andries KangoNirwan Wahyudi AR
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2023-12-312023-12-319210.24252/jurnalisa.v9i2.44197Dinamika Media Massa Dalam Era Digital: Analisis Terhadap Evolusi Praktik Jurnalistik Kontemporer
<p>This article examines the evolution of contemporary journalistic practices in the context of the mass media transformation in the digital era. Employing a qualitative approach, through document analysis and in-depth interviews with media practitioners, the study reveals how digitalization affects news processes and journalistic dynamics. Focusing on the period from 2015 to 2023, the research finds that the digital revolution has brought about significant changes in news production, distribution, and consumption. Notably, there has been an increased integration of digital technology in news gathering and presentation, as well as a shift in media-audience interaction. The article also highlights the challenges faced by journalists in adapting to new technologies and changing audience preferences, including issues of speed versus accuracy and the struggle against the spread of misinformation. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of how contemporary journalistic practices adapt and evolve in an increasingly digital society, as well as its implications for the future of the news industry.</p>Tika MutiaAjani RestiantyMoehammad Iqbal SultanAndi Subhan Amir
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