Kajian Evaluatif atas Penerapan Standar Nasional Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi

Arimurti Kriswibowo & Ananta Prathama


Academic libraries play an important role in supporting the Tridarma of Higher Education (the Three Pillars of Indonesian Higher Education: Education, Research, and Community Service). This research is aimed to measure the achievement of SNP-PT in UPNVJT. The research approach used is mixed method qualitative-quantitative descriptive. The data were gathered throughout interview, observations and indicators measurements mentioned in SNP-PT. This study uses tabulation and interactive data analysis models. The study resulted that the UPNVJT library has already applied SNP-PT. Implementation of SNP-PT in 2018 has reached 76.6%. SNP-PT management has been well implemented by the UPNVJT Library. However, it is necessary to make special improvements to the Standard Service section by adding library service hours. UPNVJT library need to improve their quality of service to have public service excellence.