Inisiasi Masyarakat Informasi di Indonesia Melalui Implementasi Keterbukaan Informasi Publik: Satu Dekade Undang-Undang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik

Muhammad Usman Noor


The information society grows along with the advancement of information technology, especially the internet. The use of information in almost all aspects of life and information needs as basic needs are characteristics of the information society. Public information is one of the community's information needs. They want the government to be more transparent and open; this condition raises the Public Information Openness Act (UU KIP). Indonesia has implemented the UU KIP for almost a decade; this study aims to look at the relationship between the implementation of the UU KIP and the growth of an information society in Indonesia. This study uses a literature study approach by using research data on the application of the UU KIP in Indonesia with the condition of the information society in Indonesia. Data analysis using organised data analysis. The results of data analysis show that in general public bodies in Indonesia have implemented the UU KIP. The Information Society in Indonesia currently in the stage of transitioning from an industrial society to an information society. The Information Society in Indonesia was formed due to heavy exposure to information technology, and still dependent on information technology produced by well developed countries. In general, the conclusions of this study are high of information gaps, lack of active participation in public policy by society, and the lack of competency of public information service providers, and the low level of understand by society related to public information disclosure are still obstacles in the formation of information societies in Indonesia.