Khizanah al-Hikmah : Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearsipan: (Analisis Bibliometrika pada Terbitan Tahun 2013-2018)

Rochani Nani Rahayu & Dukariana Idhani


A bibliometrical method used for analyzing publications of Khizanah al-Hikmah : Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearspian, a journal in a Library and Information Science field from 2013-2018. The study is aimed to know the distribution of articles by year; distribution of articles by issue number; collaboration pattern and level of collaboration; length of published articles. The data were taken from the site The study found that the journal has published of 101 articles since 2013-2018. It was 150 authors have contributed, and individual authors were higher than a collaborative one, it indicated by the collaboration level was 0.34. In addition, books mostly used as references (65,15%), with the average page length between 6-10 pages (41,13%). Academic institutions were the most active as a contributor, in which authors from Universitas Islam Negeri Alaudin Makassar was the first (36 times). Generally, male authors were more in numbers of authors than female, and Yunus Winoto was the prolific author.