Khizanah al-Hikmah : Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearsipan <div class="info"> <p>Welcome to Khizanah al-Hikmah: Journal of Library, Information, and Archive Science, a distinguished publication of the Department of Library Science at Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar. Established in January 2013, our journal is dedicated to advancing scholarly discourse in the fields of library science, information science, and archival studies through high-quality English-language publications.</p> <p>We are committed to fostering an inclusive platform for academics, practitioners, and researchers to contribute their insights and findings. Through biannual issues released in June and December, we strive to curate and disseminate cutting-edge research, literature reviews, and innovative perspectives that shape the future of our disciplines.&nbsp;Join us in our mission to explore, innovate, and elevate the discourse in library, information, and archive sciences.</p> </div> Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan UIN Alauddin en-US Khizanah al-Hikmah : Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearsipan 2354-9629 <p>By submitting your manuscript to our journal, you are following <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Copyright and License</a></p> Letter from Editors <p>.</p> Taufiq Mathar Copyright (c) 2024-06-09 2024-06-09 12 1 The Role of Information Literacy in Mitigating the Spread of Hoaxes on Social Media <p>The rapid proliferation of hoaxes on social media presents a significant societal challenge due to their potentially severe impacts. It is widely accepted that information literacy protects society from hoaxes. Recognizing the protective role of information literacy against hoaxes, this study investigates the influence of information literacy on the ability to identify hoaxes and the intention to share them via social media. Employing a quantitative research methodology, the study utilized a survey through Google Forms. The questionnaire was disseminated via social media to a purposive sample of 100 active social media users in Indonesia, ensuring a diverse representation across various age groups and educational backgrounds. The findings indicate that individuals with higher levels of information literacy demonstrate a greater capacity to identify hoaxes accurately and exhibit a diminished propensity to share them. These results highlight the critical importance of information literacy in combating the spread of hoaxes on social media. The study provides valuable insights for policymakers and educators in developing strategies to enhance information literacy within the community.</p> Erni Kurniasih Ninis Agustini Damayani Feliza Zubair Copyright (c) 2024 Erni Kurniasih, Ninis Agustini Damayani, Feliza Zubair 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 12 1 1 13 10.24252/kah.v12i1a1 Comparison of Public College Librarians' Performance, Competence, and Work Design in Indonesia and Malaysia <p>Public college libraries are crucial in developing a nation's human resources. This study compares academic librarians' performance, competence, and work design in Indonesia and Malaysia. Utilizing purposive sampling, the study included 380 academic librarians from both countries. The findings indicated no significant difference in the performance of college librarians between Indonesia and Malaysia. Similarly, no significant difference was found in the competency levels of librarians in the two countries. Regarding work design, no difference was observed in task characteristics, as indicated by a p-value above 0.05. However, significant differences were identified in the knowledge characteristics of work design, with a p-value below 0.05. A significant difference was confirmed by t-test analysis, where the t-value (4.944) exceeded the critical value (1.960) at α = 0.05. These results highlight similarities and distinctions in the professional roles and capabilities of academic librarians in Indonesia and Malaysia, offering insights for potential improvements in library management and human resource development in these regions.</p> Fitri Mutia Tri Soesantri Helmy Prasetyo Ragil Tri Atmi Mohd. Faizal Hamzah Mohamad Noorman Masrek Copyright (c) 2024 Fitri Mutia 2024-05-04 2024-05-04 12 1 14 24 10.24252/kah.v12i1a2 Public Acceptance of Digital Library Services in Boyolali Regency <p>In 2017, Boyolali Regency ranked the lowest in Central Java Province regarding of E-Government development. The Boyolali Government has initiated several electronic-based service innovations, including the iBoyolali digital library service. This study aims to identify the factors influencing user acceptance of the iBoyolali application. This study employs the Unified Model of Electronic Government Adoption (UMEGA) framework and utilizes convenience sampling, collecting data through online questionnaires from 103 iBoyolali users. The data analysis used Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings reveal that the digital library services in Boyolali Regency incorporate and practice the variables outlined in the UMEGA framework. Further analysis indicates that public acceptance of the iBoyolali service is generally positive. Specifically, the study identifies four UMEGA variables—performance expectation, effort expectation, social influence, and attitudes. Conversely, facilitating conditions and perceived risk did not significantly impact the acceptance of the iBoyolali service. This study provides important insights for the Boyolali Government and other stakeholders aiming to enhance the adoption of digital library services, offering a basis for developing strategies to improve user engagement and satisfaction.</p> Rino A. Nugroho Hanijaya Intan Pratiwi Septyanto Galan Prakoso Anisa Dwi Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Rino A. Nugroho, Hanijaya Intan Pratiwi, Septyanto Galan Prakoso, Anisa Dwi Rahmawati 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 12 1 25 38 10.24252/kah.v12i1a3 The Implementation of Digital Humanities in the State Islamic University Libraries in Indonesia <p>State Islamic University libraries are striving to become research libraries. Since humanities are the core discipline in most State Islamic Universities, a new service concept—digital humanities—has been introduced to support research activities. This study explores the implementation of digital humanities in three State Islamic University libraries: UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. This research employs a qualitative methodology, utilizing data collection techniques such as interviews, observations, and documentation. The findings reveal that while the libraries have sufficient librarians, their involvement in research activities is not extensive or proactive. Additionally, the facilities and infrastructure necessary to support digital humanities are inadequate. Although policies supporting digital humanities exist, there is a lack of strategic programs to explore and fully enhance library use and involvement in research. Furthermore, internal cooperation between institutions has been established but remains limited, indicating a need for libraries to adopt a more proactive role. These insights underscore the challenges and opportunities in implementing digital humanities within State Islamic University libraries, providing a foundation for future strategic initiatives to enhance their research support capabilities.</p> Labibah Zain Ahmad Anwar Marwiyah Ida Nor’aini Hadna Komarudin Ilma Nabilla Ashfia Hannum Copyright (c) 2024 Labibah Zain 2024-05-04 2024-05-04 12 1 39 48 10.24252/kah.v12i1a4 Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Visual Impairment and Blindness: 2013-2022 <p style="text-align: justify;">This study aims to find out more details about the Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness (JVIB) published in 2013–2022, as seen from the distribution of documents per year, document type, open access type, author country, productive authors, citation analysis, article citation rate, journal cite score rate, publication trends based on keyword occurrence, and publication trends by year. The research employs bibliometric analysis, gathering data from the Scopus database on June 13, 2023. Data is then processed and analyzed using the Publish or Perish (PoP) and VOSviewer applications to visualize the results. The results concluded that JVIB is a reputable international journal with a Q3 rating managed by the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) with a frequency of publication of six times in one volume. A total of 686 documents have been published from 2013 to 2022, divided into articles, notes, editorials, letters, erratums, and reviews. America is the most dominant country, contributing a total of 490 documents. Emerson, R.W., became the most productive author with 50 documents. JVIB was cited 2710 times, with a per-article citation rate of 271.00, an h-index of 21, a g-index of 31, an hI, norm 12, HLA of 1.20, and hA-index 5. The current publication trend identified publications discussing vision rehabilitation.</p> Dwi Ridho Aulianto Cut Meutia Karolina Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Ridho Aulianto, Cut Meuita Karolina 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 12 1 100 114 10.24252/kah.v12i1a9 The Digital Behavioral Patterns and Preferences of Millennials within Indonesia's Political Digital Landscape: A Case Study <p>This study investigates the interaction dynamics between Indonesian millennials and digital media platforms, particularly within the political context. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, surveys were conducted among individuals aged 15 to 18, complemented by focus group discussions. The study examined their comprehension of digital media, content consumption preferences, and proficiency in digital literacy, with data analyzed using Excel 2021. The findings indicate that Indonesian millennials possess a profound understanding of digital media, exhibiting a strong preference for entertainment-oriented content such as movies, text messages, and digital videos. Concurrently, they continue to engage with political news via online media platforms and television broadcasts. The study also reveals a high level of awareness among millennials regarding the significance of digital literacy, reflecting their adeptness in critically evaluating and validating information sources. These outcomes provide significant insights into millennials' potential contributions to digital politics, underscoring their status as engaged citizens in the digital.</p> Reza Fauzi Ina Maryana Asep Irfan Saeful Milah Busro Fuad Hilmi Epa Paujiah Rohmat Mulyana Copyright (c) 2024 Reza Fauzi, Ina Maryana, Asep Irfan Saeful Milah, Busro, Fuad Hilmi; Epa Paujiah; Rohmat Mulyana 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 12 1 49 61 10.24252/kah.v12i1a5 An Analysis of Digital Libraries Roles in Public Sector Organizations Utilizing VOSviewer <p>Digital libraries serve as centralized repositories, significantly improving information access for employees, stakeholders, and the public. This study examines the pivotal role of digital libraries within public sector organizations, focusing on key elements such as information accessibility, efficient resource management, enhanced collaboration and knowledge sharing, and data security and integrity. The data was gathered from the Scopus database, which was then analyzed and visualized using VOSviewer. The study reveals that they enhance resource management efficiency by systematically organizing digital assets and reducing reliance on physical storage. Additionally, these digital hubs foster a collaborative work environment by facilitating seamless knowledge exchange among employees. Moreover, robust security measures are implemented to ensure the integrity of government data, safeguarding against unauthorized access and data breaches. The significance of this study lies in its potential to inform public sector policymakers and administrators about the benefits of adopting digital libraries. By highlighting their impact on efficiency, collaboration, and data security, the study provides valuable insights for enhancing operational effectiveness and fostering a more informed and connected public sector workforce.</p> Taufiq Natsir Haedar Akib Alexsander Yandra Indra Dharma Wijaya Ahmad Wahidiyat Haedar Copyright (c) 2024 Taufiq Natsir, Haedar Akib, Alexsander Yandra, Indra Dharma Wijaya , Ahmad Wahidiyat Haedar 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 12 1 62 76 10.24252/kah.v12i1a6 Comparison of Data Security and User Privacy on Instagram and Twitter: A Literature Study <p>This comprehensive literature study examines and compares data security and user privacy features on social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. The method used is a literature study of 25 journal articles from various trusted sources, such as Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science, with a qualitative approach. The study reveals that Instagram has advantages in some aspects of data security and privacy compared to Twitter. However, both platforms have weaknesses that users should be aware of, including the risk of phishing and cyberattacks. The research also highlights the importance of individual awareness and the implementation of effective data security measures, such as two-factor authentication and strict privacy settings. Although the study provides valuable insights, there are limitations in data collection methods that rely on electronic sources, which may not cover all relevant literature. Therefore, future research is expected to overcome these limitations and provide more up-to-date recommendations for improving data security and user privacy on social media.</p> Arly Maya Berlyanti Dwi Santoso Eva Alisya Febrianti Fitri Mutia Copyright (c) 2024 Arly Maya Berlyanti Dwi Santoso, Eva Alisya Febrianti, Fitri Mutia 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 12 1 77 88 10.24252/kah.v12i1a7 Analysis of Elfan Bookless Library System Innovation at the Barru Regency Library and Archives Office <p>This qualitative study explores the innovation of the Elfan Bookless Library System at the Barru Regency Library and Archives Office. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation, with validity ensured via triangulation, negative case analysis, member checking, and extended observations. The findings reveal that the Elfan Bookless Library System enhances the reading experience by providing its own Wi-Fi network, allowing online book access. While the system effectively meets visitors' needs, its Wi-Fi coverage is limited to 500 meters, posing a connectivity challenge beyond this range. Despite this, the system is accessible without special requirements; visitors only need a cellphone or Android device. User guidance is provided through tutorials on billboards and banners, and library staff offers additional support. This study highlights the Elfan Bookless Library System's potential to innovate public library services, offering valuable insights into its advantages and limitations. These findings contribute to understanding how digital library systems can be optimized to improve user experience and accessibility in public libraries.</p> Nasaruddin H. Khusnul Hatimah Risma Niswaty Herman H. Sitti Hardiyanti Arhas Copyright (c) 2024 Nasaruddin H., Khusnul Hatimah, Risma Niswaty, Herman H, Sitti Hardiyanti Arhas 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 12 1 89 99 10.24252/kah.v12i1a8 Bibliometric Analysis of Community Acceptance towards Reusable Diapers <p>This research aims to elucidate the development of studies on public acceptance of reusable diapers and their relevance. A quantitative descriptive approach and bibliometric analysis were employed to achieve this objective. Data were collected from Semantic Scholar, Crossref, and Google Scholar. The collected articles were subsequently processed and analyzed using VOSviewer. The research results reveal that four primary topics are pertinent to society's acceptance of reusable diapers: societal behavior and acceptance of disposable diapers and measures to address diaper rash; causes of diaper rash in newborns and the severity index of dermatitis; prevention of diaper rash in infants through personal hygiene practices; and the risks associated with diaper use in toddlers. The transition from disposable to reusable diapers is crucial due to its significant environmental and health benefits, particularly in reducing the incidence of diaper rash. The study implies further research on mothers' acceptance of reusable diapers in Indonesia, encompassing knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors.</p> Totok Wahyu Abadi Copyright (c) 2024 Totok Wahyu Abadi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 12 1 115 125 10.24252/kah.v12i1a10 Health Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Bibliometric Analysis <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically increased global mortality, underscoring the urgent need for effective health education. This study examines health education literature during the pandemic, focusing on articles published from 2018 to 2022, sourced from the Dimensions Database. Using bibliometrics and VOSviewer for visualization, 2,500 articles were analyzed based on publication trends, contributions by countries, institutions, and authors, journal distribution, highly cited articles, and bibliographic coupling. The findings reveal that the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Canada, and Australia are the primary contributors to health education publications. Notably, the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, the University of California, Los Angeles, and Johns Hopkins University emerged as leading institutions regarding document count and citations. The most cited article, "Consumer Attitudes Towards Environmental Concerns of Meat Consumption: A Systematic Review" by Sanchez-Sabate &amp; Sabaté, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, reached 148 citations. This analysis highlights the significant global contributions to health education research during the pandemic, identifying key institutions and influential works. These insights are vital for researchers and policymakers aiming to enhance health education strategies in response to global health crises.</p> Yunindyawati Copyright (c) 2024 Yunindyawati Yunindyawati 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 12 1 126 138 10.24252/kah.v12i1a11 Evaluating the Efficiency of Indonesian Library and Information Science Journals: A Data Envelopment and Bibliometric Analysis <p>This study evaluates the efficiency of Indonesian Library and Information Science journals indexed by SINTA by applying Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) using a Variable Return to Scale (VRS) model. The primary aim is to assess the performance of these journals to identify areas of strength and inefficiency. The study encompasses twenty-one journals, which served as decision-making units (DMUs). The input variables considered include Article Processing Charges (APC), Editorial Team, Number of Authors, and Number of Publications, while the output variables were Number of Citations and H5-Index. Data were collected from journal websites and the Sinta database covering 2018 to 2022. The analysis was conducted using MaxDEA software. An efficiency score of 1 indicated an efficient journal, whereas scores below 1 denoted inefficiency. The study reveals six journals as efficient: Jurnal Kajian Informasi &amp; Perpustakaan, Khizanah Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearsipan, IQRA': Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Bibliotech: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, PUBLIS (Publication Library and Information Science), and Imam Bonjol Journal: Kajian Ilmu Informasi dan Perpustakaan. However, most journals were found to be inefficient, with an average efficiency score of 0.809. These findings are significant as they provide valuable insights for journal editors and policymakers. The results offer guidance on optimizing resource allocation and developing strategies to enhance the quality and impact of scholarly publications within the Library and Information Science field.</p> Fadli Ansar Cecep Ibrahim Asrul Jaya Rahmat Fadhli Mohbir Umasugi Copyright (c) 2024 Cecep Ibrahim 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 12 1 139 155 10.24252/kah.v12i1a12 Exploring Research Trends in Ecotourism in Indonesia: A Bibliometric Analysis <p>This study aims to examine the evolution of research, identify trends, and visualize the landscape of ecotourism research in Indonesia using bibliometric methods. A total of 472 articles were retrieved from the Scopus database accessed on February 11, 2023. These articles were analyzed using VOSviewer and Microsoft Excel to map research trends and identify influential articles. The analysis reveals a significant increase in research on ecotourism in Indonesia over the past decade. Notably, several influential articles, including those featuring popular case studies within the Indonesian ecotourism context, were successfully identified. This study addresses a gap in the literature by providing insights into the trends and research opportunities in ecotourism in Indonesia. The findings are expected to be valuable for stakeholders, researchers, and practitioners in the tourism sector, particularly those involved in ecotourism development.</p> Elvis Salouw Yamres Pakniany Truli Nugroho Suryo Adinugroho Dokman Marulitua Situmorang Junengsi Carli Dahoklory Copyright (c) 2024 Elvis Salouw, Yamres Pakniany, Truli Nugroho, Suryo Adinugroho, Dokman Marulitua Situmorang, Junengsi Carli Dahoklory 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 12 1 156 171 10.24252/kah.v12i1a13 Meta-Analysis of Children's Moral Education in the Digital Era: A Bibliometric Analysis (1977-2021) <p>This study uses bibliometric methods to conduct a meta-analysis of research on children's moral education in the digital era, published between 1977 and 2021. The study analyzes literature to address questions related to children's moral education in a digitalized society, where digitalization affects various aspects of social life and changes ways of thinking and living. The bibliometric analysis excludes the year 2022. Data was collected to examine the contributions of various authors, research institutions, and countries in this field. The analysis identifies key authors contributing to the field, with Cooney, M., Firth, A., and Herman-Pillath, C. being the most prolific. Leading research institutions include Delft University of Technology, City University of New York, and Cornell University. The United States, the United Kingdom, and China are the top contributing countries. The study also visualizes the types of documents published, with articles being the most common (48.6%), followed by book chapters (27.6%), books (10.0%), reviews (9.0%), conference papers (2.1%), editorials (2.1%), and notes (0.7%). This study highlights the importance of moral education in the digital era, emphasizing that effective methods—such as best practices, socialization, counseling, mindfulness, humor, and supervision—are crucial for children to navigate digital media responsibly. The findings provide valuable insights for families, educators, and policymakers to enhance moral education strategies in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.</p> Marhani An Ras Try Astuti Copyright (c) 2024 Marhani, An Ras Try Astuti Nasir 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 12 1 172 182 10.24252/kah.v12i1a14 Design of Library Collection Procurement System in Bali <p>The process of library collection development encompasses several crucial tasks, including identification, selection, acquisition, processing, and distribution of collections to the public. This study endeavors to develop a library collection procurement application focusing on two primary functionalities: selection and procurement. The system accommodates stakeholders, including publishers, librarian profiles, system masters, and other users, while adhering to specific user and system requirements. The design methodology employed in this study leverages the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The development process follows the waterfall method, encompassing stages such as requirements analysis, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance. The resulting application features an intuitive interface for collection procurement, incorporating essential components such as login mechanisms, a comprehensive book collection database, catalog data management, procurement selection tools, recommendation algorithms, catalog selection options, and access to selected catalog data. Employing the CodeIgniter (CI) framework, the system facilitates data filtration and selection processes based on publication year, price, and language criteria. Rigorous system testing, conducted through black box testing methods, confirms the functionality and reliability of the application. This research contributes to addressing the needs of libraries lacking robust collection procurement systems, offering a sophisticated solution to streamline and automate traditionally manual processes.</p> I Putu Suhartika I Nengah Punia Ni Putu Premierita Haryanti A. A. Putu Oka Sujana Copyright (c) 2024 I Putu Sahartika, I Nengah Punia, Ni Putu Premierita Haryanti, A. A. Putu Oka Sujana 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 12 1 183 194 10.24252/kah.v12i1a15 Trends in Technology Integration in University Museums in Indonesia: Opportunities and Challenges <p>This research aims to explore technology integration within university museums in Indonesia, focusing on preserving original artifacts while leveraging technological advancements. Adopting a qualitative approach, the study conducted in-depth interviews and open-ended questionnaires at six university museums across Indonesia. The findings reveal that university museums in Indonesia generally possess valuable collections of original artifacts that require preservation. Technology is crucial in supporting the museums' business processes, enhancing preservation and visitor engagement. Museum managers are driven to develop their institutions by seizing various opportunities presented by technological advancements despite facing several challenges. This study underscores the importance of technology in the evolution of university museums in Indonesia, highlighting the proactive measures taken by museum managers to overcome obstacles and achieve their development targets.</p> Herman Setyawan Copyright (c) 2024 Herman Setyawan 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 12 1 195 204 10.24252/kah.v12i1a16 Evaluation of Book Collection at the Reading Community of 'Pinjam Pustaka' <p>‘Pinjam Pustaka,’ a reading community in Sorong City, Southwest Papua, has been a cornerstone for reading habits since January 2021. This study explores the essence of 'Pinjam Pustaka,' seeking to evaluate its book collection to ensure its relevance and suitability for readers of all ages and backgrounds. The study reveals that this reading community offers a diverse array of materials, including textbooks, encyclopedias, novels, and comics, catering to those who lack access to such resources. It also supports self-learning and non-formal education, adapting to the digital age. With its collection continuously growing through donations, 'Pinjam Pustaka' underscores the importance of evaluating children's books to meet the community's changing needs. In 2022, the reading community saw about 720 visitors, primarily children, underlining its significance in the community. A comprehensive book evaluation in 2023, involving four researchers, classified books across seven reading levels and found 1.365 books. This process revealed a balanced distribution between early and beginning readers (43%) and intermediate to advanced readers (57%), suggesting the potential for broader engagement activities. This evaluation ensures that every reader finds suitable material and paves the way for expanding the reading community's appeal beyond its young primary audience.</p> Dayu Rifanto Grace Jaquline Burdam Gres Titiahy Pretty Christina Arfan Amran Sulaiman Copyright (c) 2024 Dayu Rifanto, Grace Jaquline Burdam, Gres Titiahy, Pretty Christina, Arfan Amran Sulaiman 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 12 1 205 214 10.24252/kah.v12i1a17 Trends and Future Research in Corporate Governance: A Bibliometric Analysis (2014-2024) <p>This study aims to elucidate current trends in corporate governance literature through a bibliometric analysis of papers published in Scopus from 2014 to 2024, encompassing 577 selected articles. Employing VOSviewer and R Studio, the analysis provides a comprehensive overview of publication trends, thematic evolution, and key contributors across three distinct time periods. The study reveals significant keywords like audit committee, board of directors, and corporate social responsibility, emphasizing the scrutiny of corporate governance mechanisms and codes. Clusters delve into governance management systems, such as board composition and audit quality, offering insights into firm performance and new code exploration. These clusters serve as valuable resources for future research, guiding investigations, and advancing knowledge in corporate governance. Additionally, the thematic evolution of trends over the past decade underscores the dynamic nature of research interests, informing scholars' agendas and contributing to the field's advancement. This study holds significant implications for academia, practitioners, and policymakers in corporate governance.</p> Lusi Kurnia Muhammad Saifi Cacik Rut Damayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Lusi Kurnia, Muhammad Saifi, Cacik Rut Damayanti 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 12 1 215 227 10.24252/kah.v12i1a18