• Rian Faisal Asqhor Department Architecture Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
  • Yandi Andri Yatmo Department Architecture Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
  • Kristanti Dewi Paramita Department Architecture Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia


Abstrak_ Artikel ini menginvestigasi mengenai arsitektur yang tidak terkondisi, yakni desain dengan ruang dan elemen arsitektur yang hadir tanpa keteraturan dan tanpa perencanaan sebelumnya.  Pelibatan masyarakat menciptakan potensi variasi dalam membangun ruang dan elemen arsitektur yang bersifat non-conformity (ketidaksesuaian), dan dengan demikian berfungsi memperkaya ruang urban yang terbentuk. Arsitektur tidak lagi berfokus hanya pada estetika sebagai bentuk akhir desain, namun menjadi bagian dari upaya untuk memberikan masyarakat ruang untuk bermanuver dalam merancang ruang urban yang adaptif. Artikel ini membahas lebih lanjut akan metode desain arsitektur yang tidak terkondisi melalui riset kajian (desk research) studi kasus arsitektur berbasis partisipasi pada restorasi Amiriya Complex, pengembangan Kali Code, dan rumah bagi komunitas tradisional di Puebla, Mexico. Analisis studi kasus ini memperlihatkan bagaimana partisipasi masyarakat mengubah fungsi ruang dan menekankan lokalitas material yang tidak terkondisi sehingga menciptakan identitas baru sebagai ruang urban. Pemahaman akan mekanisme terbentuknya desain arsitektur yang tidak terkondisi diharapkan mampu menginisiasi cabang ilmu arsitektur yang melihat arsitektur di luar keteraturan serta melihat kemungkinan masyarakat sebagai aktor utama dalam produksi ruang keseharian pada konteks urban.

Kata Kunci :  Arsitektur  yang Tidak Terkondisi; Non-Conformity; Partisipasi; Urban.


Abstract_ This article investigates unconditional architecture, which is a form of design with space and architectural elements with disordered characters that arise in an unplanned way. Engagement with the community provides potential variation in developing space and architectural elements that value non-conformity, enriching the urban space. Architecture no longer focuses on aesthetics within the final form of the design but provides maneuvering opportunities for the community to develop an adaptive urban space. This article focuses on the design method of unconditional architecture through case studies of participatory architecture in Amiriya Complex restoration, Code river development, and Puebla traditional dwellings for the community in Mexico. The analysis of these case studies demonstrates how community participation changes function and emphasize material localities that are unconditioned that generate new urban identity. Understanding the mechanism of unconditioned architecture aims to expand architectural knowledge that values architecture beyond its orderliness, and highlights possibilities of the community as the main actor in the production of everyday urban space. 

Keyword: Uncoditional Architecture; Non- Conformity; Paritipatoru; Urban.


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Author Biographies

Rian Faisal Asqhor, Department Architecture Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia

Yandi Andri Yatmo is a professor of architecture at Universitas Indonesia. He obtained his PhD degree from the School of Architecture at the University of Sheffield, where he previously studied for Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture (with RIBA part 1 and 2) and Master of Architecture. Yandi was awarded Kenneth H. Murta Prize in Architecture from University of Sheffield in 2001, Holcim Award Asia Pacific in 2011, National Lecturer Award in 2012, IAI Jakarta Award in 2012, FuturArc Green Leadership Award 2019, and a number of design competition prizes at national and international levels. His professional experiences include working for Singapore Housing and Development Board (HDB), Encona Engineering and during the recent years he has been engaged with various research-based design works. His current works are primarily on design theories and methods and their relevance to design practice. He is particularly interested in developing research-based design, evidence-based design, as well as various design approaches that are rooted on the society everyday life and community participation. He became the head of Indonesian Architecture Higher Education Association (APTARI) 2017-2020, and is currently an editorial board member for International Journal of Technology and Interiority, the member of Advisory Team for Universitas Indonesia Campus, and the leader of architectural design research cluster at the Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia.

Yandi Andri Yatmo, Department Architecture Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
Yandi Andri Yatmo is a professor of architecture at Universitas Indonesia. He obtained his PhD degree from the School of Architecture at the University of Sheffield, where he previously studied for Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture (with RIBA part 1 and 2) and Master of Architecture.
Kristanti Dewi Paramita, Department Architecture Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
Kristanti teaches architecture in Universitas Indonesia since 2010 before appointed full time lecturer in 2012. She obtained her MA in Architectural Design in 2009, and currently continuing her study at PhD by Design, with both programs taken in School of Architecture at University of Sheffield, UK. Her current research takes particular interest in spatial connectivity based on knowledge of practices, and how such knowledge shape architectural design methods that emphasises emergent spaces and resource network.


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How to Cite
Asqhor, R. F., Yatmo, Y. A., & Paramita, K. D. (2021). INVESTIGASI DESAIN ARSITEKTUR YANG TIDAK TERKONDISI BERBASIS METODE PARTISIPATIF. Nature: National Academic Journal of Architecture, 8(2), 197-210.
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