• Marwati Marwati Teknik Arsitektur, UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Sutriani Sutriani Teknik Arsitektur, UIN Alauddin Makassar


Abstrak_Tipologi ruang masjid secara umum terdiri dari area bersih/ suci dan area kotor . Fungsi batas suci pada bangunan masjid merupakan area penghubung antara  tempat wudhu dan ruang sholat. Sifat ruang batas suci adalah area bersih.  Penelitian ini akan mengetahui tipologi ruang dan menganalisis hubungan batas suci pada tata ruang  masjid modern  di  Makassar . Integrasi pada tata ruang masjid modern dilihat dari indikator tata ruang, letak, bentuk dan sirkulasi pada ruang batas suci. Metode survey, wawancara,  dan pengamatan area batas suci pada  empat masjid modern yaitu Masjid Raya, Masjid Al-Markas, Masjid Amirul Mukminin dan Masjid H.M. Asyik. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan penyajian skema gambar  dan tabulasi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan metode reduksi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh pertama, tipologi ruang bangunan masjid modern di Makasar terdiri dari area bersih/suci (ruang sholat dan ruang wudhu), area transisi (ruang batas suci, ruang serambi, dan ruang kantor pengelola) dan area kotor (toilet, ruang  penitipan alas kaki, dan dapur). Terdapat perubahan fungsi ruang batas suci sebagai penghubung antara ruang wudhu ke ruang sholat menjadi penghubung antara ruang wudhu/toilet (area bersih/suci dan kotor) ke serambi/ruang sholat (area transisi bersih). Kedua, batas suci ditinjau dari aspek letak, bentuk, sirkulasi, aktivitas pengguna berdampak terhadap tata ruang  bangunan masjid. Aspek yang paling berkaitan terhadap batas suci adalah letak dan sistem sirkulasi pengguna pada tata ruang masjid. Konsep desain letak batas suci pada tata ruang bangunan masjid harus menjaga fungsi batas suci sebagai zona clean.

Kata kunci:  Batas Suci; Tata Ruang Masjid; Masjid Modern.


Abstract_Typology of mosque space in general consists of clean zone and non clean. The function of the holy boundary in the mosque building is connecting of area between the place of ablution and the prayer room. The nature of the holy boundary space is a clean area. This study will know the space typology and analyze the relationship of the sacred boundaries in the layout of modern mosques in Makassar. Integration in the modern mosque layout is seen from the indicators of spatial layout, location, shape and circulation in the sacred boundary space. Methods of surveying, interviewing and observing sacred boundary areas in four modern mosques at  Raya Mosque, Al-Markas Mosque, Amirul Mukminin Mosque and H.M Asyik Mosque. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively with drawing and tabulation schemes. The results of the study were obtained first, the typology of the space of modern mosque buildings in Makassar consisted of  clean zone (prayer rooms, ablution rooms), transitional zone (sacred boundaries, foyer spaces and manager's office spaces) and non-clean zone (toilets, basement storage rooms feet, kitchen). There is a change in the function of the sacred boundary space as a liaison between the ablution room to the prayer room to be a liaison between the ablution room/toilet (clean zone and non -clean zone) to the porch/ prayer room (transition / clean zone). Second, the sacred boundary is viewed from the aspect of location, shape, circulation, user activity which has an impact on the layout of the mosque building. The most related aspect to the sacred boundary is the location and circulation system of the user in the layout of the mosque. The design concept of the location of the holy boundary in the layout of the mosque building must maintain the function of the holy boundary as a clean zone.

Keywords: Clean Zone; Typology; Modern Mosque.


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How to Cite
Marwati, M., & Sutriani, S. (2019). INTEGRASI BATAS SUCI TERHADAP TIPOLOGI RUANG BANGUNAN MASJID MODERN DI MAKASSAR. Nature: National Academic Journal of Architecture, 6(1), 83-96.
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