PABBURA : Health Service Journal 2024-03-16T21:30:02+00:00 Karlina Amir [email protected] Open Journal Systems Improving The Mental Health of Students through Helping Adolescent Thrive (HAT) Training for Teachers to Create Child-Friendly Islamic Boarding Schools 2024-03-16T21:29:58+00:00 Risnah Risnah [email protected] Rosmini Amin [email protected] Zulfahmi Alwy [email protected] Djuwairiah Ahmad [email protected] Aisyah Arsyad [email protected] <p>Education in Islamic boarding schools is the basis of adolescent social life. In the practice of social life in Islamic boarding schools, teachers and students have a high role. Santri are the largest part of society in Islamic boarding schools. The majority of students who are teenagers are mixed together in group life at the Islamic boarding school. Santri come from diverse areas, family backgrounds with different parenting styles, and different psychological conditions. In social life at Islamic boarding schools, this becomes an extraordinary dynamic, especially regarding psychological matters that require optimal mental health between one another. Maintaining their mental health is a must, considering the challenges and pressures faced in Islamic boarding school life. In order to support this, Helping Adolescent Thrive (HAT) training is a very relevant initiative. The aim of this HAT training is to create child-friendly education in Islamic boarding schools. It is hoped that the training will be able to realize good quality education in Islamic boarding school-based madrasas. The training method used is a varied lecture approach and child-friendly Islamic boarding school implementation practices. In the series of implementation activities, 17 modules were presented which were divided into 5 sessions. The results of this training showed that the participants thought that the HAT training material was presented well, clearly and systematically, the HAT training material was very in-depth and the presenters provided real examples so that it helped them more. easy to understand the material, and HAT training provides benefits in many ways, because it can increase understanding of adolescent mental health.</p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Improving The Health of Special Groups (Elderly, Women and Children) through Community Empowerment in Ulidang Village 2024-03-16T21:29:58+00:00 Muhammad Irwan [email protected] Irfan Irfan [email protected] Kurnia Harli [email protected] Risnah Risnah [email protected] <p>This article discusses efforts to improve the health of special groups, namely the elderly, women and children, through community service programs in Ulidang Village. The main aim of this activity is to empower local communities in an effort to improve the health level of these vulnerable groups. A participatory approach is used in program planning and implementation, actively involving all levels of society, including community leaders, village government and local groups. This program carries out health education activities, training in healthy living skills, and strengthening the role of families in supporting the health of members of special groups who are in transitional life situations. Apart from that, efforts are also being made to increase the accessibility of health services, including health facilities. During implementation, monitoring and evaluation is carried out to measure the positive impact of community empowerment activities on the health of special groups. It is hoped that the results of this activity will be able to increase public knowledge, focusing on special groups, namely the elderly, women and children, regarding the importance of health, increase active community involvement in efforts to prevent disease, and provide a positive impact on the health of the elderly, women and children in Ulidang Village. This article contributes to the understanding and implementation of the community empowerment model as an effective strategy for improving the health of specific groups in the village context.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Hypertension Counseling and Blood Pressure Checks in Coastal Community Groups 2024-03-16T21:29:59+00:00 Salmah Arafah [email protected] Patmawati Patmawati [email protected] Suardi Suardi [email protected] Sumarmi Sumarmi [email protected] Ernawati Ernawati [email protected] Dewiyanti Dewiyanti [email protected] Dina Oktaviana [email protected] Kamriana Kamriana [email protected] Alwi Alwi [email protected] <p>Hypertension does not yet occupy the main priority scale in health services for the community, especially in coastal areas, even though it is known that the negative impacts it will cause are quite large, such as stroke and coronary heart disease. Several residents in Topejawa Village, Takalar Regency still suffer from hypertension, even with several complications. Due to the very high incidence of hypertension and the danger of complications it causes, it is necessary to provide education about hypertension, including blood tests. The aim of this community service activity is so that residents in Topejawa Village can monitor their health conditions. The method used is in the form of education about hypertension and matters related to hypertension. Before counseling began, participants were given a pre-test, the average pre-test score was 65.7. After counseling and a question and answer session, participants were given a post-test, the average post-test score was 90.7. There was an increase in participantknowledge of around 25% about hypertension. With this outreach, participants will become more aware of matters related to hypertension and can utilize herbal plants that grow around their residence to prevent or treat hypertension.</p> 2024-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Diabetes Mellitus Screening Through Blood Sugar Checks in the Elderly 2024-03-16T21:30:00+00:00 Salmah Arafah [email protected] Kamriana Kamriana [email protected] <p>Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease characterized by blood sugar levels that exceed normal. An easy way to detect whether there is the potential for diabetes is by checking blood sugar levels. Objective: This activity aims to carry out DM screening through checking blood glucose levels and consulting blood sugar results while at the mosque, Manongkoki Village, Takalar Regency. Method: The target of this activity is the elderly, numbering 37 people. The implementation time is Monday, February 13 2023. Activities include a temporary blood sugar check (GDS) followed by a consultation on blood sugar results. Results: A total of 37 elderly people who participated in this activity were mostly women (73%), men (27%). From the results of the GDS examination, the average GDS level was 142.12 gr/dl. Elderly people who do not suffer from DM (76%). Conclusion: Most elderly people have normal GDS levels. However, early detection efforts still need to be made so that Diabetes Mellitus complications do not occur.</p> 2024-03-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) The Reduction of Blood Pressure in Mrs. R's Family Following Finger Grip Relaxation and Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy 2024-03-16T21:30:01+00:00 Alfian Alfian [email protected] Eny Sutria [email protected] Rasdiyanah Rasdiyanah [email protected] Rasmawati Rasmawati [email protected] Aidah Fitriani [email protected] <p>The prevalence of hypertension has been increasing from year to year. Findings from the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) indicate that the percentage of hypertension patients was 25% in 2013, which increased to 34.1% in 2018. Psychosocial anxiety or stress is one of the factors influencing blood pressure elevation. One method of stress management is through the utilization of finger grip relaxation and progressive muscle relaxation techniques. The aim of community service is to apply nursing care with interventions of finger grip relaxation and muscle relaxation to families experiencing hypertension. The method employed involves assisting families with hypertension issues through the implementation of nursing interventions such as finger grip relaxation therapy for three days and progressive muscle relaxation for two days, alongside health education regarding hypertension. The results demonstrate a reduction in blood pressure evaluated daily during and after therapy administration, as well as an enhancement in the ability of Mrs. R's family to independently perform therapy. The application of finger grip relaxation and progressive muscle relaxation therapy can be routinely implemented for clients experiencing hypertension.</p> 2024-03-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)