Plano Madani : Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota <p>Plano Madani : Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota is a scientific journal in the Field of Regional and City Planning published by the Department of Regional and City Planning, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar. The editorial team accepts scientific writings/articles and book reviews in the field of Regional and City Planning and Development or those with an emphasis on Spatial Planning.</p> en-US <p>By Submitting your manuscript to our journal, your are following <a href="">Copyright &amp; License</a></p> [email protected] (Khairul Sani Usman) [email protected] (Tim Plano Madani) Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 ANALYSIS OF SPACE REQUIREMENT PROJECTION IN LASOANI VILLAGE, MANTIKULORE DISTRICT, PALU <p><em>Facilities and infrastructure in a region are crucial aspects of human life. With the presence of facilities and infrastructure in an area, individuals can smoothly carry out their daily activities. Mantikulore district is one of the districts that emerged from East Palu the main district, and one of its sub-districts is Lasoani sub-district. Therefore, an analysis is necessary regarding the projected space needs in Lasoani sub-district utilizing an information system encompasses data and maps of facilities and infrastructure designed for the process of collecting and storing object data.&nbsp;</em><em>Based on the description, the researchers are keen on analyzing the analysis of space requirements in the Lasoani sub-district of&nbsp; Mantikulore district. The method employed during&nbsp; the analysis stage involves interpreting field-collected data into a map illustrating the distribution of infrastructure, utilizing satellite data and drones. Additionally, an analysis of space requirements will be conducted, encompassing population projections and facility projections for the next 20 years, from 2022 to 2042, in Lasoani sub-district. The calculation of projected space requirements adheres to SNI standards 03-1733-2004: Procedures for Planning Housing Environments in Urban Areas, planning needs for Environmental Infrastructure and Facilities. </em></p> Deltri Dikwardi Eisenring, Teguh Hilmansyah, Moh Amin, Renaldi Renaldi Copyright (c) 2024 Deltri Dikwardi Eisenring Wed, 24 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 UTILIZATION OF PUBLIC OPEN SPACE AS A STREET VENDOR ACTIVITY CASE STUDY IN THE ALOON ALOON KAUMAN AREA, SEMARANG CITY <p><em>The presence of street vendors (street vendors) in urban spaces is generally a problem, as they are known as the irregularity of the city and occupy public spaces which is not recommended. PKL is growing rapidly in various areas of the city, including the Aloon Aloon Kauman area which is also a residential, trade, cultural heritage, and cultural tourism area. The existence of Johar Market in the area is very important because it encourages street vendors to trade there. However, the growth of street vendors causes them to occupy every shoulder of the road in the area without paying attention to the location that should be intended for them such as sidewalks, road bodies, and shop fronts to become street vendors without paying attention to the surrounding activities, causing conflicts in space use and reducing the optimality of public spaces. This problem arises because the determination of the PKL activity space does not understand the characteristics of its activities and there is no clear reference in determining the PKL activity space. This highlights the importance of reviewing street vendor activity spaces and developing better policies to manage street vendors in urban spaces. The purpose of this study is to determine the behavior of street vendors in utilizing urban space related to their business activities. This study used quantitative methods with frequency distribution analysis techniques and cross-tabulation. From the research, it was found that street vendors in running their business use public space (sidewalks), because they utilize spaces that have a high level of visit intensity with agglomeration patterns grouped according to the type of merchandise. </em><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Yumna Oktaviani, Bambang Hari Wibisono Copyright (c) 2024 Yumna Oktaviani Wed, 24 Apr 2024 07:46:46 +0000 MAPPING OF LANDSLIDE-PRONE AREAS BASED ON GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN DISASTER MITIGATION EFFORTS IN PALOPO CITY <p><em>Research on landslide-prone areas based on geographic information systems in disaster mitigation efforts is very important because of the mushrooming of existing development on the outskirts of cities irregularly, resulting in disaster-prone cities. The purpose of the study is to determine the extent of landslide-prone areas through landslide vulnerability mapping so as to optimize disaster mitigation measures. The location of the research study is Palopo City. The research methods used are scoring, weighting and overlay methods for 5 parameters for 5 categories of landslide vulnerability. The results of the analysis of landslide-prone areas in Palopo City show a landslide-prone map with an area that is included in the safe category (2846.71 ha), the safe enough category (4585.60 ha), the vulnerable category (5237.81 ha), the quite vulnerable category (10397.54 ha) and the very vulnerable category (4676.33 ha). The resulting map provides information about landslide-prone areas to the Palopo City government, especially the Palopo City Regional Disaster Management Agency.</em><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Wahyu Hidayat, Ridwan Sukimin Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyu Hidayat, Ridwan Sukimin Thu, 25 Apr 2024 03:28:44 +0000 IDENTIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS OF MUSI RIVERSIDE AREAS IN PALEMBANG CITY (CASE STUDY: 5 ULU AND 7 ULU SUBDISTRICTS) <p>The Musi River waterfront area in Palembang City has been a traditional residential settlement area since the era of the Sriwijaya Kingdom. The riverbank area has been chosen by the community as a place to reside due to the benefits of the river, which offers many potential resources and ease of river transportation access. This research aims to identify the characteristics of areas along the riverbanks in the 5 Ulu and 7 Ulu Subdistricts, Seberang Ulu 1 District, using a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques employed include observation, interviews, and document review, followed by analysis comprising qualitative data analysis and Spradley model analysis. The research results outline that the identification of the characteristics of the Musi River waterfront area is based on both non-physical settlement aspects and physical settlement aspects. The non-physical settlement aspects describe that the research area has a long history as a traditional settlement for the ethnic Chinese community, with the local economy being predominantly medium to low, engaged in trading, river transport services, and household industries. Additionally, there is a diverse range of community groups with high levels of social interaction. The physical settlement aspect of the research area is predominantly residential, following a linear pattern along the Musi River and roads, with moderate to high population density. The majority of buildings are raised platform houses, and infrastructure and facilities still need further development to meet the needs of the local community.</p> Arditia Larasati Utomo, Endy Agustian, Herda Sabriyah Dara Kospa Copyright (c) 2024 Arditia Larasati Utomo, Endy Agustian, Herda Sabriyah Dara Kospa Thu, 25 Apr 2024 03:59:04 +0000 GAP ANALYSIS OF SMART MOBILITY IMPLEMENTATION AROUND THE MANDALIKA AREA <p>The presence of the Mandalika Tourism Area has become one of the driving factors for the selection of Mataram City, North Lombok Regency, East Lombok Regency, West Lombok Regency, and Central Lombok Regency as cities/regencies participating in the "100 Smart City Movement" program. The arrival of tourists in the circuit needs to be seen as a potential for the surrounding areas to accelerate development in various sectors, including transportation. This research is conducted to analyze the readiness of implementing smart mobility in the 5 areas around the Mandalika Tourism Area as one aspect in realizing a smart city, as well as the challenges faced in implementing smart mobility. In this study, a deductive approach through literature surveys and questionnaire distribution, as well as a qualitative descriptive approach through Forum Group Discussion (FGD) with related government agencies (OPD), are used. The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) method is used to obtain parameters for public satisfaction with public transportation services. From the analysis results, all areas are still classified as conditionally ready, but there are still several aspects of smart mobility that need to be fulfilled and improved.</p> Rizal Aprianto, Reza Yoga Anindhita, Ramadhan Dwi Prasetyo Copyright (c) 2024 Rizal Aprianto, Reza Yoga Anindhita, Ramadhan Dwi Prasetyo Thu, 25 Apr 2024 05:20:58 +0000 ANALYSIS OF SPATIAL PLANNING ALIGNMENT AND STAKEHOLDER PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS THE COASTAL AREA RECONSTRUCTION PLAN IN PALU CITY <p><em>The Bay of Palu, a central hub for community activities, including tourism, suffered damages and a decline in activities following the 2018 disaster. As of September 2023, the progress of new development is below 10%, and the sluggish reconstruction is influenced by differing stakeholder perceptions. Identifying four stakeholder groups, including local government, the community, traders, and tourists, is the focal point of this research. The aim is to assess the alignment of stakeholder perceptions with spatial allocation guidelines in the reconstruction plan. </em><em>Using an interpretative paradigm, this study integrates qualitative and quantitative methods through a questionnaire administered to 171 respondents in Palu City. The results indicate a dominance of stakeholder preferences in development expectations, emphasizing the preservation of spatial functions with improved aesthetics. Additionally, the research identifies alignment between stakeholder expectations and spatial allocation guidelines, emphasizing conservation, tourism, and sustainable development.</em></p> Ibnul Muntaza, Isti Hidayati Copyright (c) 2024 Ibnul Muntaza, Isti Hidayati Thu, 25 Apr 2024 05:46:09 +0000 READINESS OF LEMPASING COASTAL FISHING PORT (PPP) IN SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE PORT (ECOPORT) <p>One of the potentials in supporting the fisheries sector in Lampung Province is the Lempasing Coastal Fishing Port (PPP Lempasing). The PPP Lempasing port plays a role in controlling the economy, especially in capture fisheries, for the surrounding community. In order to maintain the sustainability of the Lempasing fishing port, it is necessary to implement a concept called Ecoport. Ecoport is an idea that emphasizes environmentally conscious port management. The purpose of this research is to realize PPP Lempasing as an Ecoport by integrating fishing port activities based on sustainable principles that preserve marine ecosystems and local communities. This research uses qualitative descriptive analysis to comprehensively describe the aspects of developing an environmentally conscious fishing port. Data collection in this research is carried out through primary surveys and secondary surveys. Based on the analysis results, it is shown that in realizing the development of an environmentally friendly port (Ecoport), it can be done through the optimization of the location of coastal fishing ports, the use of renewable energy, involvement of local communities, and cooperation with external parties. Additionally, supervision of fish populations and prevention of overfishing should be conducted, and the local community can be educated about environmental pollution, technological innovations in fisheries, fishery product processing, and expanding fishery markets.</p> Mia Ermawati Copyright (c) 2024 Mia Ermawati Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:03:03 +0000 IDENTIFICATION OF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN JATI AGUNG SUB-DISTRICT (CASE STUDY: JATIMULYO VILLAGE, WAY HUWI VILLAGE, AND BANJAR AGUNG VILLAGE) <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Regional development is caused by various factors such as university areas and </em><em>Toll Gate</em><em>. Jati Agung District experienced quite rapid development after the operation of the ITERA Campus and the ITERA Kotabaru Toll Gate. Developments were identified from the increase in the number of built-up land in villages around ITERA, namely Way Huwi Village, Banjar Agung Village and Jatimulyo Village. The increase in built-up land in the form of housing is certainly correlated with an increase in population so this needs to be balanced with adequate residential infrastructure. Therefore, this research aims to identify the development of existing residential infrastructure in Jati Agung District, whether it is in line with the development of the area. The identified infrastructure includes road networks, telecommunications, waste, trade, parks and fields, worship, and health. Identification of infrastructure developments is carried out by collecting secondary data from agencies and processing Google Earth image data. The interview method with the South Lampung PUPR Service and village officials was carried out to support the results of secondary data processing. The research results show that there are several quantity of infrastructures that not develop such as garbage dumps (TPS), community health centers, shopping centers whose existing service coverage does not yet cover the study area settlements. There has been a significant development in the quantity of infrastructure such as neighborhood roads, BTS, shops, mosques and pharmacies.</em> <em>Lesson learned from this study is to show the availability of infrastructure that needs to be compared with the infrastructure needs of the region and become input for stakeholders for the provision and improvement of the quality of the infrastructure.</em></p> Adinda Sekar, Fazilet Almasa Copyright (c) 2024 Adinda Sekar, Fazilet Almasa Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:21:10 +0000 STUDY OF INEQUALITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF DISTRICTS RESULTING FROM EXPANSION CASE STUDY: EAST KALIMANTAN PROVINCE <p>East Kalimantan Province had 14 cities/regencies before being divided into two provinces, the expansion of these regions made East Kalimantan Province now only have 9 cities/regencies where 5 cities/regencies merged into North Kalimantan Province. However, in 2013 the area of West Kutai Regency which is included in East Kalimantan Province was divided into West Kutai Regency and Mahakam Ulu Regency, so that East Kalimantan Province now has 10 cities/regencies. Based on the 2020-2021 average, 6.372% are poor people and the Gini index is 0.331%, this shows that there is still economic inequality in the East Kalimantan Province. This study is intended to determine economic development and development inequality between regions in the expansion area. The study was conducted in East Kalimantan Province using secondary data from 2017-2021. Economic development is analyzed using the Klassen typology and Theil Entropy index in order to show fast-advancing and fast-growing regions, developing regions, developed but slow-growing regions and underdeveloped areas and measure inequality between regions in the districts / cities resulting from expansion in East Kalimantan Province.</p> Zitni Alma Copyright (c) 2024 Zitni Alma Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:56:00 +0000 DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR PRIVATE BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION AT UNHAS TAMALANREA CAMPUS <p>With various activities of the academic community and the community, it will certainly affect the movement of transportation in the Unhas Campus Area. Various characteristics of motorized and non-motorized vehicles located on one road section will cause congestion, noise and pollution. These transportation problems can interfere with comfort, safety, and security while on the move, For this reason, in the construction and development of infrastructure at the Unhas Campus, it is necessary to apply sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation, bicycles have many benefits, including health, economic, and environmental benefits. This study aims to determine how the effectiveness of bicycle lanes, bicycle transportation facility services, and the concept of bicycle transportation development that can be applied at the Unhas Tamalanrea Campus. The analysis method used is SWOT Analysis. Data collection was conducted through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The respondents taken were cyclists at Unhas Tamalanrea Campus using axial sampling techniques. The results showed that the condition of bicycle transportation facilities at Unhas Tamalanrea Campus was quite good but still needed to be improved in accordance with the guidelines and concepts of campus bicycle transportation.</p> Syarifah Nuzul Ahmad, Muhammad Yamin Jinca, Yashinta Kumala D.S Copyright (c) 2024 syarifah nuzul ahmad, Muhammad Yamin Jinca, Yashinta Kumala D.S Fri, 26 Apr 2024 02:16:19 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF THE JAKARTA-BOGOR COMMUTER RAIL ROUTE ON AREA DEVELOPMENT AND ITS POTENTIAL IN SUPPORTING TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT <p>This study examines the impact of the Jakarta-Bogor commuter rail line on the intensity of residential area development around the stations and its potential in supporting transit-oriented development in the future. The research highlights the crucial role of the commuter train in integrating various regions, creating networks that influence regional development, particularly in areas around the stations. Qualitative methodology is employed, including field observations and semi-structured interviews with stakeholders such as real estate developers, property agents, and government institutions. The findings indicate that the commuter train significantly affects the development of low-density housing around the stations. This underscores the need for government oversight to manage the rapid urbanization in these areas by promoting the realization of high-density residential areas supported by various spatial functions, as prerequisites for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in the Jabodetabek region. The study recommends revising spatial planning around the stations to encourage a synergistic approach between public transportation and urban area development, as well as urban redevelopment or revitalization.</p> Adam Madigliani, Nurahma Tresani, Lana Winayanti, Heri Apriyanto, Hermawan Prasetya Copyright (c) 2024 Adam Madigliani, Nurahma Tresani, Lana Winayanti, Heri Apriyanto, Hermawan Prasetya Fri, 26 Apr 2024 03:03:49 +0000 IDENTIFICATION OF SITE SUITABILITY FOR PUBLIC CEMETERY LOCATIONS IN SINGKAWANG BARAT DISTRICT <p><em>The distribution of locations for public cemeteries in West Singkawang Sub-District largely ignores the location suitability provisions based on Government Regulation Number 9 of 1987. One of them is the Al-Firdaus Islamic TPU in Tengah Kelurahan because it is close to settlements. The purpose of this study was to identify the suitability of the location of the distribution of public cemeteries in West Singkawang District and provide recommendations for locations for the provision of new public cemeteries. This study used a quantitative approach with overlay and scoring analysis techniques. The results of this study were obtained from six public cemeteries, only one of which had a "fairly appropriate" classification, namely Baitul Huda Islamic Public Cemetery and five other public cemeteries had a "less appropriate" classification. The recommendations for new locations for the provision of public cemeteries are outside Singkawang Barat District, namely in Central Singkawang District, North Singkawang District, and South Singkawang District.</em></p> Dewi Ratna Juwita, Agustiah Wulandari, Gusti Zulkifli Mulky, Mira Sophia Lubis Copyright (c) 2024 Agustiah Wulandari, Dewi Ratna Juwita, Gusti Zulkifli Mulki, Mira Sophia Lubis Fri, 26 Apr 2024 03:38:49 +0000 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL MITIGATION MEASURES AGAINST TSUNAMI THREATS (CASE STUDY: PALU CITY <p>The development of various countries in disaster awareness should serve as a reference for Indonesia, a region located at the convergence of four tectonic plates that is prone to tsunami disasters. While tsunamis cannot be prevented, they can be minimized through both structural and non-structural disaster mitigation measures. This literature review aims to examine case studies of regions that have successfully implemented structural mitigation measures and to propose several recommendations for structural mitigation based on spatial analysis and experimental testing of structural mitigation forms. From the compilation of literature studies, appropriate disaster mitigation forms can then be adopted for implementation in each region as a step to confront the threat of tsunami disasters. The case study in this research is Palu City, to implement the recommended structural mitigation measures that have been studied. The results of this research present five recommended forms of structural tsunami disaster mitigation that can be implemented in Palu City: construction of tsunami gates at river mouths, planting mangroves as green belts, construction of seawalls, breakwaters, and enforcement of appropriate coastal setback distances.</p> Andi Tenri Khalik Jabbar Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Tenri Khalik Jabbar Fri, 26 Apr 2024 03:55:51 +0000 EVACUATION STRATEGY IN BUILDING TSUNAMI DISASTER RESILIENCE FOR INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES IN THE CITY OF CILEGON <p>The city of Cilegon is located in the province of Banten, situated at the western tip of Java Island and serving as a connecting area between Java and Sumatra. It plays a crucial role in the development of national strategic industries. Additionally, Cilegon faces a high level of disaster risk, particularly from the threat of tsunamis along its coastal areas bordering the Sunda Strait, as well as high vulnerability to industrial disasters. Therefore, an effective evacuation strategy is being implemented as part of efforts to build resilience against disasters.&nbsp;This research adopts a quantitative approach, utilizing scoring methods to determine the final outcomes. The technical approach involves using ArcGIS software to aid in scoring processes through Attribute Tables, resulting in spatial maps such as tsunami hazard maps, collateral hazard maps, and evacuation plan maps. Subsequently, disaster risk reduction strategies will be formulated. Four districts in Cilegon are affected by tsunamis: Ciwandan, Citangkil, Grogol, and Pulomerak. Ciwandan and Citangkil districts have a high tsunami hazard index, while Grogol and Pulomerak districts have a moderate hazard index, with Pulomerak district having the highest inundation area. The largest submerged industrial facilities include parking lots and warehouses, with a total submerged industrial area of approximately 329 hectares.&nbsp;The Estimated Time of Evacuation (ETE) exceeds the Estimated Time of Arrival of the Tsunami Evacuation Wave (ETA-TEW) in several districts, namely Ciwandan, Grogol, and Pulomerak. Citangkil, Grogol, and Pulomerak districts still lack evacuation places, so six new evacuation locations are planned in Cilegon city.</p> Mohammad Firzat Shindi, Fardhi Fadilah Ramadhan, Zahra Annisa Fitri Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Firzat Shindi, Fardhi Fadilah Ramadhan Fri, 26 Apr 2024 05:15:06 +0000 KRAPYAK CEMETERY AS A SOURCE OF LIVELIHOOD FOR LOCAL CITIZENS <p><em>The Krapyak Cemetery has become the oldest public cemetery nearly reaching 100 years old in the city of Yogyakarta. Unlike typical public cemeteries, which hold spiritual value and are used solely as burial grounds, the Krapyak Cemetery also holds other values that benefit the local residents of the Krapyak area. One of these values is its economic significance, which has contributed to the local economy of the Krapyak area. This research aims to examine how the Krapyak Cemetery serves as a source of livelihood for its residents. The research method employed is qualitative, using an inductive approach where data is gathered through in-depth interviews. The findings of this research indicate that the cemetery is not merely a burial ground but also holds economic value that benefits various activities. The economic benefits of the Krapyak Cemetery include gravesites as assets for caretakers, gravesites providing job opportunities for graveyard workers and local vendors. The diversity of economic activities occurring in the cemetery ultimately demonstrates that the Krapyak Cemetery is indeed a source of income for the local residents of the Krapyak area.</em></p> Sekar Djatmikojati Copyright (c) 2024 Sekar Djatmikojati Tue, 30 Apr 2024 06:44:25 +0000