• Wahdaniah Wahdaniah UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Muh Jamal Jamil



Tujuan penelitian ini untuk: (1) mengetahui aspek kepemilikan hak cipta dalam hukum Islam, (2) mengetahui kedudukan hak ekslusif pencipta terhadap hasil karya cipta yang telah dihibahkan kepada pihak lain. Dalam menjawab permasalahan tersebut, penulis menggunakan pendekatan syar’i, pendekatan yuridis formal dan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Penelitian ini tergolong library research, yang mana penulis mengumpulkan berbagai literatur yang memiliki relevansi dengan objek yang dibahas kemudian disimpulkan. Setelah diadakan pembahasan, maka penulis menyimpulkan 1) Hak cipta bukan hanya dikenal dalam regulasi yaitu berupa peraturan perundang-undangan. Tetapi, sejak lama para ulama dalam Islam telah mengenal istilah hak cipta yang disebut sebagai hak al ibtikar. Selain itu, Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) juga membahas mengenai hak cipta dan menggolongkannya sebagai hak kekayaan dan oleh karenanya itu, hak cipta tergolong sebagai hak milik yang bersifat mutlak dan sempurna sebab hak cipta hanya dapat dikuasai dan dimiliki serta dimanfaatkan oleh pencipta yang bersangkutan. (2) Pengalihan hak cipta yang dilakukan melalui hibah yang dilakukan oleh pencipta selaku pemberi hibah dan pihak lain sebagai penerima hibah hanya dapat memanfaatkan sebahagian dari hak ekslusif suatu ciptaan yaitu berupa hak ekonomi dari suatu ciptaan. Mengenai hak moral, tidak dapat dihibahkan kepada penerima hibah dan hanya akan melekat kepada pencipta asli dan tidak dapat dialihkan walaupun hak ciptanya telah dihibahkan. Implikasinya yaitu perlu adanya penyebaran informasi terkait objek hibah yang telah diperluas, artinya bahwa objek hibah bukan hanya terkait dengan benda yang berwujud seperti rumah maupun tanah, tetapi objek hibah juga termasuk benda yang bersifat immateriil, termasuk hak cipta.

Kata kunci: Hak Cipta, Hibah, Pengalihan.




The purpose of this study are (1) find out the aspects of copyright ownership in Islamic law, (2) find out the position of the creator's exclusive rights to the copyrighted work that has been granted to another party. In answering these problems, the writer uses the syar'i approach, formal juridical approach and normative juridical approach. This research is classified as library research, in which the authors collect various kinds of literature that have relevance to the objects discussed, adapt, quote, and analyze the literature that has been obtained then concluded. After holding a discussion of some problem reviews, the authors conclude; (1) Copyright is not only known in regulations, namely in the form of laws and regulations. However, for a long time the scholars in Islam have known the term copyright which is referred to as al ibtikar rights. In addition, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) also discusses copyright and classifies it as a property right and, therefore, copyright is classified as absolute and perfect property rights because copyright can only be controlled and owned and used by the creator in question. (2) Transfer of copyright made through a grant carried out by the creator as the grantor and other parties as the recipient of the grant can only make use of a part of the exclusive right of a work that is in the form of economic rights of a work. Regarding moral rights, they cannot be granted to the recipient of the grant and will only be attached to the original creator and cannot be transferred even if the copyright has been granted. The implications are The need for dissemination of information related to the grant object has been expanded, meaning that the grant object is not only related to tangible objects such as houses or land, but the grant object also includes objects that are immaterial, including copyrights.

Keywords: Copyright, Grant, Transfer.

Author Biography

Wahdaniah Wahdaniah, UIN Alauddin Makassar
Jurnal Al Qadauna
Abstract viewed = 134 times