Review of International Relations <p align="justify;"><strong>Review of International Relations (Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hubungan Internasional) (RIR)&nbsp;</strong>is an academic journal which is published by International Relations Department of UIN Alauddin Makassar and wiil be distributed twice a year every June and December. This Journal discuss about theories and researches in International Relations studies. The scripts that could be submitted by academicians and practitioners in these areas : Islamic Studies, Regional Studies, Globalization and Development, State-Security Studies, and Transnational Issues.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US [email protected] (Miftah Farid) [email protected] (miftah farid) Fri, 26 Jul 2024 01:34:36 +0000 OJS 60 Epistemic Communities, Between Science and Power in International Domains: A Systematic Literature Review <p><em>Epistemic communities were emphasized in constructivism discourse as powerful emerging non-state actors that can drive policies in international domains. The rise of scientific consortiums in policymaking has driven policy directions by using scientific standards. Other realms in international relations also recognize the roles of scientific communities other than creating standards to fix global challenges, such as to serve states’ interests and cooperation tools. This study aims to investigate which realm of epistemic communities are more prevalent. The tools and conditions for influential epistemic communities were also not sufficiently investigated. By using a systematic literature review (SLR) that is overlooked in international relations studies, this paper organized previous databases that use primary data on epistemic communities. The result of this paper shows epistemic communities are the most prevalent in creating scientific standards to address global challenges. Some tools that used were knowledge transfers, training, research collaborations, and networking funding. However, other studies also found that scientific consortiums may be used to legitimize the status quo. In sensitive issues like transboundary pollution, more distrust was found. This study eventually draws some limitations and agenda for future studies.</em></p> Pratiwi Copyright (c) 2024 Pratiwi Mon, 22 Jul 2024 06:25:32 +0000 Interaksi antar Aktor dalam Penyelenggaraan Asian Games 2018: Bentuk Wisata Olahraga Berkelanjutan melalui Kerja Sama Multipihak <p><em>This research analyzes the multi-stakeholder collaboration that occurred during the organization of the tourism sporting event, Asian Games 2018, in Indonesia, as part of sustainable tourism implementation. The study adopts the transactional collaboration framework developed by Visseren-Hamakers et. al. (2007), emphasizing the significance of understanding dynamic interactions among government, private sector, and society in achieving goals, particularly within the context of sustainable development. Data for the study were derived from interviews with relevant stakeholders and the analysis of pertinent document studies. The findings reveal that the primary challenges in multi-stakeholder collaboration involve imbalances and hierarchies in interactions between international and national actors. The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) assumes a dominant role with greater resources, yet neglects the aspect of sustainable tourism in the execution of Asian Games 2018. Business groups prioritize profits over sustainable development. The role of civil society organizations (CSOs) in decision-making related to the Asian Games is limited, underscoring the research's implications on the necessity for more equitable engagement between international and national actors, and the reinforcement of CSOs' role in driving sustainable tourism implementation in sporting events.</em></p> Hanna Fauzie, Asra Virgianita Copyright (c) 2024 Hanna Fauzie, Asra Virgianita Mon, 22 Jul 2024 06:29:03 +0000 ASEAN Countries on Overcoming US – China Trade War <p><em><span lang="EN-GB">The trade war between the United States and China mostly has a negative impact to foreign policy in Indo-Pacific Region, included ASEAN countries.&nbsp; The US-China Trade war absolutely hamper ASEAN economicallyThe ASEAN nations are dealing with China-US relations as two great power states are taking big important role economically in ASEAN. This work is aim to question how ASEAN takes action from this situation to overcome the impact of Trade war and by using Neoliberalism, the paper would like to show the strategy ‘flexibility in interdependence’ which explains how the ASEAN economic integration could mitigate the problems and reducing the tensions using liberal interdependence. We conclude the flexibility in interdependence is based on two trade instrument including Generalized System Preference (GSP) and Regional Comprehensive Economic Forum (RCEP). </span></em></p> Muhammad Arief Zuliyan, Muhammad Faizal Alfian Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Faizal Alfian, Muhammad Arief Zuliyan Mon, 22 Jul 2024 06:18:48 +0000 Upaya Tiongkok Untuk Menjaga Hubungan Bilateral Dengan Jerman Melalui Diplomasi Panda <p><em>This research examines the borrowing of pandas by China as a diplomatic effort and the image of the country. Therefore, when pandas began to become a profitable commodity, China began lending pandas for conservation in various countries accompanied by several agreements, one of which was with Germany. The use of pandas as a diplomatic tool to Germany has been carried out by China from 1980 to 2017. During this time, the two countries have produced a crucial panda loan agreement.</em> <em>This study aims to question the extent to which pandas can maintain relations between China and Germany. To explain the implementation of China's panda diplomacy in Germany, the author uses the soft power proposed by Joseph Nye Jr. and the concept of bilateral relations. Based on the concept of soft power, the author uses three indicators, namely culture, political institutions, and foreign policy. This research is a descriptive study, where the results show that panda diplomacy is able to maintain bilateral relations between China and Germany.</em></p> Khairur Rizki, Dina Tartila , Kurnia Zulhandayani Rizki Copyright (c) 2024 Khairur Rizki, Dina Tartila , Kurnia Zulhandayani Rizki Mon, 22 Jul 2024 06:14:30 +0000 Islamisme, Melayu Muslim, dan Revivalisme Islam di Asia Tenggara <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p><em>In this article, will discuss Islam and Malays and their relationship with the current of Islamic revivalism. Next, will discuss the discourse on Malay Islamic identity, which is often a topic of discussion among intellectuals, especially Malay Muslims. In the past, it could be said that Islamic civilization was visible in the Middle East and Europe, so in the current era of globalization, many believe that the Islamic revival will emerge from Southeast Asia. Indonesia and Malaysia are the most important parts that have the potential to lead the new Islamic world. In this modern century, there is no longer any optimism that the Middle East, let alone Europe, will be able to maintain the glory of civilization that has been etched on the stage of history. The phenomenon of Islamism will increasingly emphasize the identity of the Islamic community as a political, economic, and even technological force in Southeast Asia. Islamic movements in the form of Islamic revivalism are seen as increasingly showing a much more multireligious, multicultural, moderate, and pluralistic color of Islam that which carries democratic values.</em></p> </div> </div> </div> Syahrir Karim Copyright (c) 2024 Syahrir Karim Thu, 25 Jul 2024 06:02:32 +0000 Peran Pelindo dalam Lalu Lintas Perdagangan Luar Negeri di Pelabuhan Makassar Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 <p><em>World trade traffic is very complex because it involves various actors, crosses various routes, distributes various goods and uses various means of transportation. However, international trade using sea transportation still dominates. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 Pandemic has had a broad impact, including on international trade conducted by Indonesia. For this reason, this research seeks to examine the role of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Pelindo) in international trade flows, specifically focusing on international trade flows at Soekarno Hatta Port, Makassar during the Covid-19 pandemic. Second, exploring what are Pelindo's obstacles in international trade flows at the Soekarno Hatta Port, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic? This study uses a qualitative approach to examine more deeply the two research focuses. The data used are primary data obtained from interviews and secondary data derived from literature studies. Using the concept of sea transportation and theories regarding the role of government as well as international trade theory, this research finds that PT Pelindo Makassar plays a major role in regulating the flow of container traffic entering and leaving the Port of Makassar. PT Pelindo Makassar, as the only state-owned company assigned by the state, is vital in ensuring that international trade flows can continue even during the Covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, even though international trade volume was affected by the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy and often faced delays and quarantine, PT Pelindo Makassar was able to survive because it had an integrated system with other stakeholders. So, do not face such a big obstacle. This data was obtained from direct interview data both by PT Pelindo Makassar itself and partners who use the services of the BUMN.</em></p> Nur Aliyah Zainal, Farahdiba Rahma Bachtiar, Andi Annur Aisyah, Nurul Huda Rahmadani Copyright (c) 2024 Farahdiba Bachtiar Thu, 25 Jul 2024 07:57:19 +0000