Study of Scientific and Behavioral Management (SSBM) 2025-01-19T04:52:54+00:00 Rika Dwi Ayu Parmitasari [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Study of Scientific and Behavioral Management (SSBM)</strong> merupakan Jurnal ilmiah berkala yang dipublikasikan oleh Program Studi Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, UIN Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia. Jurnal SSBM merupakan jurnal mahasiswa yang ditujukan untuk menampung beragam karya ilmiah mahasiswa di bidang manajemen, maupun perilaku manajemen. Kajian khusus jurnal ini a.l. pemasaran, sdm, keuangan, operasional, kewirausahaan, inovasi, etika bisnis, strategi, dll.</p><p>Untuk mencapai visinya, maka jurnal SSBM akan terbit setiap bulan, dengan tetap menjaga kualitas tulisan yang ada. Setiap jurnal yang dianggap layak oleh editor akan menjalani double blind-peer review oleh mitra bestari yang kompeten di bidangnya. Kami mengundang para mahasiswa memublikasikan karya ilmiah terbaik mereka di jurnal ini. Jurnal SSBM juga mengenakan biaya publikasi bagi setiap artikel yang diterima, dan telah menyelesaikan proses revisinya.</p> Pengaruh Training Program dan Work Interest terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dengan HR Development sebagai Variabel Intervening pada PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIV Unit Pabrik Gula Takalar 2024-12-30T12:55:09+00:00 iqbal_mustafa Aqwan Panji [email protected] Akhmad Jafar [email protected] <p>This research aims to examine the effect of training programs and work interest on employee performance with HR development as an intervening variable at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIV Takalar Sugar Factory Unit. The data source in this research comes from primary data, where the method for collecting data is using interviews and questionnaires which are distributed to all employees of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIV Takalar Sugar Factory Unit. The samples used were 126 samples. The data analysis technique in this research is using SPSS 21 using software. The results of this research show that the training program data shows that the training program and work interest variables have a significant effect on employee performance. The higher the implementation of the training program, the higher the employee performance, the data results show that the work interest variable has a positive effect so that there is employee performance. And the relationship between training &nbsp;&nbsp;programs &nbsp;&nbsp;and &nbsp;&nbsp;performance, this &nbsp;&nbsp;means &nbsp;&nbsp;that &nbsp;&nbsp;the &nbsp;&nbsp;existence &nbsp;&nbsp;of &nbsp;&nbsp;training</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>programs can influence employee performance.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Trainning Program, Work Interest, Employee Performance and HR Development.</em></p> 2024-12-26T10:23:59+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Study of Scientific and Behavioral Management (SSBM) Peranan Government Supports dalam Memoderasi Pengaruh Orientasi Kewirausahaan dan Digital Marketing terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran (Studi Kasus UMKM Kota Soppeng) 2024-12-30T12:55:11+00:00 Annisa Ath-Thahirah Mannawang [email protected] Syaharuddin Syaharuddin [email protected] <p>This research aims to determine the role of government support in moderating the influence of entrepreneurial orientation and digital marketing on the marketing performance of MSMEs in the food and beverage industry sector in Soppeng Regency. This research uses primary data and secondary data, the sampling technique in this research is using a non-probability sampling technique using the Hair formula, so the total sample in this research is 110 respondents.This type of research is associative research using a quantitative approach, the data analysis technique in this research is using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of SmartPLS version 4.0 for Windows, which is directed at answering the mass formulation or hypothesis that has been formulated in this research and is directed to test the relationship between the Government Support variable, the Entrepreneurial Orientation variable, and the Digital Marketing variable on Marketing Performance which is directed at answering the problem formulation and hypothesis in this research.These results show that Entrepreneurial Orientation has a positive and significant influence on Marketing Performance, Digital Marketing has a positive and significant influence on Marketing Performance, Government Support moderates the influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Marketing Performance, Government Support moderates the influence of Digital Marketing on Marketing Performance.</p> <p>Keyword: Government Support, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Digital Marketing, Marketing PerformanceThis research aims to determine the role of government support in moderating the influence of entrepreneurial orientation and digital marketing on the marketing performance of MSMEs in the food and beverage industry sector in Soppeng Regency. This research uses primary data and secondary data, the sampling technique in this research is using a non-probability sampling technique using the Hair formula, so the total sample in this research is 110 respondents.This type of research is associative research using a quantitative approach, the data analysis technique in this research is using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of SmartPLS version 4.0 for Windows, which is directed at answering the mass formulation or hypothesis that has been formulated in this research and is directed to test the relationship between the Government Support variable, the Entrepreneurial Orientation variable, and the Digital Marketing variable on Marketing Performance which is directed at answering the problem formulation and hypothesis in this research.These results show that Entrepreneurial Orientation has a positive and significant influence on Marketing Performance, Digital Marketing has a positive and significant influence on Marketing Performance, Government Support moderates the influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Marketing Performance, Government Support moderates the influence of Digital Marketing on Marketing Performance.<br>Keyword: Government Support, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Digital Marketing, Marketing Performance</p> 2024-12-27T06:13:20+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Study of Scientific and Behavioral Management (SSBM) Pengaruh Jumlah Followers, Selebriti Endorsemen, dan e-Wom terhadap Minat Beli Pengguna Sosial Media Tik Tok (Studi Kasus Gen-Z Kota Makassar) 2024-12-30T12:55:12+00:00 Nur Aida [email protected] Ahmad Effendi [email protected] <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah jumlah <em>followers</em>, selebriti <em>endorsement</em>, dan <em>e-WOM</em> berpengaruh terhadap minat beli pengguna sosial media Tik Tok pada generasi Z Kota Makassar.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan asosiatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Generasi Z (Gen-Z) di Kota Makassar yang menggunakan aplikasi Tik Tok. Dalam menentukan jumlah sampel diambil dengan menggunakan Rumus Hair, jumlah sampel untuk penelitian ini adalah : n = jumlah indikator × 10. Jumlah indikator dalam penelitian ini ada 13, Berdasarkan rumus tersebut, maka sampel yang diperoleh sebagai berikut: 𝑛 = 13 × 10 = 130 responden. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kuesioner dengan metode survey, dengan pemberian skor pada kuesioner menggunakan skala likert,&nbsp; Metode analisi yang digunakan adalah <em>Statistical Product and Service Solution </em>(SPSS). Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa variabel jumlah <em>followers</em> memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap terhadap minat beli pengguna sosial media Tik Tok Generasi Z di Kota Makassar. Variabel selebriti <em>endorsement</em> memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap terhadap minat beli pengguna sosial media Tik Tok Generasi Z di Kota Makassar. Variabel <em>E-Wom</em> memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap terhadap minat beli pengguna sosial media Tik Tok&nbsp; Generasi Z di Kota Makassar.</p> <p>Kata Kunci: Jumlah <em>Followers,</em> Selebriti <em>Endorsement, E-Wom </em>dan Minat Beli</p> 2024-12-27T08:04:26+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Study of Scientific and Behavioral Management (SSBM) Peran Moderasi Religiusitas pada Pengaruh Lokasi dan Pembiayaan Syariah terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Rumah (Di Perumahan Griya Darussalam Resort) 2024-12-30T12:55:13+00:00 Febrianti Febri [email protected] Miftha Farild [email protected] <p><span class="s19"><span class="bumpedFont15">This research aims to determine the moderating role of religiosity on the influence of location and sharia financing on house purchase decisions (at </span></span><span class="s19"><span class="bumpedFont15">Griya</span></span><span class="s19"><span class="bumpedFont15">Darussalam Resort Housing). This research is quantitative research and the data source in this research is primary data where the data collection method uses questionnaires distributed to residents in the </span></span><span class="s19"><span class="bumpedFont15">Griya</span></span><span class="s19"><span class="bumpedFont15"> Darussalam Resort housing complex. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling using the </span></span><span class="s19"><span class="bumpedFont15">Slovin</span></span><span class="s19"><span class="bumpedFont15"> formula. </span></span><span class="s19"><span class="bumpedFont15">So as many as 100 respondents were obtained.</span></span> <span class="s19"><span class="bumpedFont15">By processing primary data using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using </span></span><span class="s19"><span class="bumpedFont15">SmartPLS</span></span><span class="s19"><span class="bumpedFont15"> version 4.1 for Windows.</span></span><span class="s19"><span class="bumpedFont15"> The results of this study show that the Location variable has a positive and significant effect on house purchasing decisions, Sharia Financing has a positive and significant effect on house purchasing decisions, Religiosity cannot moderates the influence of location on the decision to buy a house and religiosity is able to moderate the influence of Sharia financing on the decision to buy a house.</span></span></p> 2024-12-29T13:16:48+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Study of Scientific and Behavioral Management (SSBM) Pengaruh Total Quality Management dan Knowledge Sharing terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Sekretariat DPRD Kota Makassar 2024-12-30T12:55:15+00:00 Alaiyya Hannani [email protected] Rusnawati Rusnawati [email protected] <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">This research aims to determine the effect of Total Quality Management and Knowledge Sharing on the performance of Makassar City DPRD secretariat employees, to determine the effect of Total Quality Management on the performance of Makassar City DPRD secretariat employees, and to determine the effect of Knowledge Sharing on the performance of Makassar City DPRD secretariat employees. This research uses quantitative research methods. This research uses primary data which directly provides data for data collection. Based on statistical research results, it can be seen simultaneously that all independent variables, namely Total Quality Management and Knowledge Sharing, have a significant effect on employee performance. The results of data analysis show that Total Quality Management and Knowledge Sharing have a positive and significant influence on the performance of Makassar City DPRD secretariat employees, the results of data analysis in the second hypothesis show that Total Quality Management has a positive and significant influence on the performance of Makassar City DPRD secretariat employees and based on the results of data analysis, In hypothesis three, Knowledge Sharing has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Makassar City DPRD secretariat employees.</span></p> 2024-12-29T13:40:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Study of Scientific and Behavioral Management (SSBM) Pengaruh Work Place Well-Being dan Mental Health terhadap Kinerja Karyawan melalui Motivasi Kerja sebagai Variabel Moderating pada Karyawan Bulog Jastasma Kanwil Sulselbar 2024-12-30T12:55:16+00:00 Nita asmara [email protected] Eka Suhartini [email protected] Amir Amir [email protected] <p>This study aims to determine the effect of work place well-being and mental health on employee performance through work motivation as a moderating variable at Bulog Jastasma Kanwil Sulselbar. In this study, the variables used are work place well-being and mental health as independent variables, performance as the dependent variable, and work motivation as a moderating variable. This research is a quantitative study. The data source used in this study is primary data collected through a survey using a questionnaire. The method of calculating the number of samples using the Slovin formula and the sampling method using the probability sampling technique, so that the number of samples used is 100 people. The data is processed using the Patrial Least Squares (PLS) method and applied using Smart PLS 4. The results of this study indicate that work place well-being has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, mental health has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, work place well-being has a negative and significant effect on employee performance moderated by work motivation, and mental health has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance moderated by work motivation.</p> <p><em>Keywords: Work Place Well-Being, Mental Health, Employee Performance, Work Motivation</em></p> 2024-12-29T15:08:13+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Study of Scientific and Behavioral Management (SSBM) The Influence of Motivation and Leadership Style on Employee Performance Through Work Environment as an Intervening Variable (Study at BTN KC Syariah Makassar) 2024-12-30T12:55:17+00:00 Asniar Asniar [email protected] Nuraeni Gani [email protected] Asyraf Mustamin [email protected] <p>In Indonesia, there are still many jobs related to the quality of human resources that need to be improved, which currently as many as 55% have low education and limited skills, as evidenced by the World Bank Human Capital Index 2023 report which places Indonesia at 130th out of 199 countries, as well as the EQ ranking which is ranked sixth in ASEAN. In this case, we will assess how far the influence of motivation and leadership style on employee performance through the work environment as a benchmark for assessing the job performance of each employee. This study uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study was 35 people. The data collection technique in this study used a questionnaire. The data obtained were then processed using SPSS 21. The results of this study indicate that Motivation, Leadership Style and work environment partially do not have a significant effect on employee performance. In addition, the results of the study also show that motivation and leadership style partially have a significant effect on the work environment. As for the results of the study, motivation and leadership style do not have a significant effect on performance with the work environment as an intervening variable</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-30T08:29:47+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Study of Scientific and Behavioral Management (SSBM) Pengaruh Implementasi Just In time, Total Quality Management dan Teknologi Informasi terhadap Kinerja Operasional pada Pabrik Gula Takalar 2024-12-30T12:55:18+00:00 Andi Monika Pratiwi [email protected] Wahidah Abdullah [email protected] S Widad Ahmad [email protected] <p>This research aims to determine the partial and simultaneous influence of just in time implementation, total quality management and information technology on operational performance at the Takalar sugar factory. This research uses primary data and secondary data, the sampling technique used in this research is probability sampling using simple random sampling and using the Slovin formula with a sample size of 127 respondents in this research. The type of research used is quantitative research. In this research, it uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS version 3.0 for Windows as a data analysis technique. Based on the results of the research that has been conducted, it shows that the implementation of just in time has a positive and significant effect on operational performance, the implementation of total quality management has a positive and significant effect on operational performance, the implementation of information technology has a positive and significant effect on operational performance, and the implementation of just in time, total quality Management and information technology have a simultaneous influence on operational performance at the Takalar sugar factory.</p> 2024-12-30T12:30:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Study of Scientific and Behavioral Management (SSBM) PENGARUH E-TRUST, E-SATISFACTION, PERCEIVED EASE OF USE, PERCEIVED USEFULNESS, DAN PERCEIVED ENJOYMENT TERHADAP CONTINUANCE INTENTION E-WALLET DI KOTA MAKASSAR 2025-01-19T04:52:54+00:00 Rachmat Almu Arrif [email protected] Yeki Candra [email protected] <p>The increasing popularity of e-wallets is a great opportunity for e-wallet provider companies to continue to grow in Indonesia. Continuous use after the initial period of use determines the benefits and continuity of the use of technology in the long term. The purpose of this study is to assess the influence of E-Trust, E-Satisfaction, Perceived Ease Of Use, Perceived Usefulness, and Perceived Enjoyment on the Continuance Intention of E-Wallet in Makassar City. The data analysis in this study used Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and hypothesis tests (t-test, f-test) which were processed with the SPSS v.25 application. The results of this study show that partial E-Trust, E-Satisfaction, Perceived Ease Of Use, and Perceived Usefulness are proven to have a significant influence on the sustainability of the intention to use E-Wallet in Makassar City. Meanwhile, Perceived Enjoyment does not show a significant partial influence on the sustainability of e-wallet intentions. However, overall, all independent variables simultaneously exert a significant influence on the sustainability of e-wallet usage intentions. This study underlines that the success of e-wallet adoption depends not only on technological aspects, but also on psychological factors and user experience</p> 2024-12-30T12:54:19+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Study of Scientific and Behavioral Management (SSBM)