Dakwah Laboratory is an integral part in the implementation of teaching and learning process in the Faculty of Da'wah or Da'wah Department and is an institution that serves as the spearhead of the development of majors and courses in the Faculty of Da'wah. Dakwah Laboratory as a center of professional competence improvement of students in da'wah. Dakwah Laboratory as the center of gathering information of da'wah, both in relation to nature, character and problem faced by object of da'wah and potency which owned by ummah in supporting da'wah duty. To make themselves as the center of da'wah information, the Da'wah Laboratory should conduct da'wah research activities, so the information that is owned and developed in the training and practicum of dakwah is really based on accurate and realistic information.
A. Muis, Komunikasi Islam (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2001)
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Ahmad Syafii Maarif, Membumikan Islam (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 1995)
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Danah Zohar dan Ian Marshall, SQ: Memanfaatkan Kecerdasan Spiritual dalam Berpikir Integralistik dan Holistik untuk Memaknai Kehidupan, (Bandung: Mizan, 2001)
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Majid Tehranian, Global Communication and World Politics (London: Lynne Rienner Publisher Inc, 1999)
Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic Spirit of Capitalism diterjemahkan oleh TW Utomo dan Yusup Priya Sudiarja dengan judul Etika Protestan dan Spirit Kapitalisme (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2006)
Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic Spirit of Capitalism diterjemahkan oleh TW Utomo dan Yusup Priya Sudiarja dengan judul Etika Protestan dan Spirit Kapitalisme (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2006)
Muhammad Tolhah Hasan, Prospek Islam dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Zaman (Jakarta: Lantabora Press, 2003)
Nourouzzaman Shiddiqi, Dakwah dan Kaderisasi Pembangunan (Yogyakarta: DPD Golkar DI Yogyakarta, 1992)
Paul Daries, God and The New Physics (New York: Simon and Schester, 1983)
Sayid Mujtaba Musawi Lari, Ethics and Spritual Growth diterjemahkan oleh Muhammad Hasyim dengan judul Etika dan Pertumbuhan Spritual (Jakarta: Lentera, 2001)
St. Sularto, Niccolo Machiavelli Penguasa Arsitek Masyarakat (Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas, 2003)
Syamsul Munir Amin, Rekonstruksi Pemikiran Dakwah Islam (Jakarta: Amzah, 2008)
Tim Peneliti PSIK, Negara Kesejahteraan dan Globalisasi Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Perbandingan Pengalaman (Jakarta: Pusat Studi Islam dan Kenegaraan Universitas Paramadina, 2008)
Zamakhsyari Dhofier, Dakwah Pembangunan (Yogyakarta: DPD Golkar DI Yogyakarta, 1992)
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